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The workshop 6-7 November 2008 COPENHAGEN. Nataša Vučković Senior adviser for environmental statistics natasavuc@monstat.cg.yu. The presentation will be covered with following three items : * Gaps to fulfill in order to comply with the WSR
The workshop 6-7 November 2008COPENHAGEN Nataša Vučković Senior adviser for environmental statistics natasavuc@monstat.cg.yu
The presentation will be covered with following three items : * Gaps to fulfill in order to comply with the WSR * Division of responsibilities/tasks between the Statistical Offices and the Eionet * Current and planned donor projects within waste and especially waste data ITEMS
Enviroment issues are defined in the Agreement on stabilisation and association between EC and Montenegro For implementation of jobs related to environment state and local authorities are in charged. In the previous period it was intesified process of harmonization of domestic environmental laws with relevant EU directions and it was issued a set of new laws in further areas : * estimation of influence and strategic estimation of the influence on environment, * quality of air, * waste management, * water management * industrial pollution, * chemicals and noisiness Environment - NPI
Further harmonization in this areas will be done by issuing bylaws and special care will be paid to the areas where stage of harmonization is low. It is intesified process of ratification of multilateral environmental agreements . It was adopted or nearly finished row of strategic documents ,plans and programes for certain environmental areas including strategic master plan for solid waste management (2005). Environment - legislation
Law on waste management (“Official Gazette of Montenegro”, No 80/05 from wich the requests of WSR regualtion is not clearly stated. * Article 43 – Waste records In the case of municipal waste such records shall be kept by municipalities.Competent goverment authority by the way of a regulation, shall lay down the formats of waste documentation about waste from paragraph 5 of this Article. * Article 44 – Database Cometent municipal authority shall operate database on waste production and management together with permits registry and shall prepare summary report and submit it to the competent goverment authority. Law on waste management
MONSTAT – is the official body for production of statistics. * MONSTAT – performs specific tasks in regards with preparation and implementation of many statistical researches. * MONSTAT – collects, processes, analyzes and publishes statistical data. Statistical data serves for monitoring of situation and trends in different areas, enabling in this way appropriate decision making. MONSTAT – Statistical Office of Montenegro
In the last couple of years official statistics of Montenegro faces complex professional, methodological, organizational and human changes within European integration of Montenegro. According the Law on Statistics (adoption in November 2005), MONSTAT – Statistical Office of Montenegro is unique official statistics provider in the country. This year is done five year statistical Programmes 2008-2012 with accent on : waste statistics, water statistics and environmenatal expenditure. MONSTAT – Statistical Office of Montenegro
In Montenegro has not signed Agreement for cooperation between State Statistical Office and Ministry of Tourism and Environment Protection yet. Currently this Ministry have insufficient knowledge and experiance to develop and imlement all relevant and standards and instruments as required by teh waste legislation. In front of Montenegro, from one side there are many obligations and from he another big limits regarding institution, personnel and finance ,in all levels (in state institutions, local authorities units and specially in municipal communal enterprises). Montenegrin institutions
In Montenegro the general problem is unclear responsibility for communictions with EEA and also future maintains of National Environmental Portal. Namely, on 11 August 2008 the Montenegrin goverment has adopted the text of a new Environmental Protection Law. This Law includes the legal basis for the establishment of the Montenegrin Environmental Pretection Agency (MEPA). This agency will be an executive agency and will have 5 departments : Montenegrin institutions
1. Permitting 2. Inspection 3. Communication 4. Corporate Affairs and 5. Monitoring, analisys and reporting. The monitoring department will not carry out the monitoring activities itself.It will outsource them, analyze received information and take care of the reorting.We expect that Agency will be in function (not with full capacity) very soon, at the end of this year. After establishment of MEPA, we expect better intra-institutional cooperation between institutions engaged in environment in Montenegro froim different points of view. Statistical Office of mOntenegro – MONSTAT has still no obligation for international reporting.
Support in the implementation European values within environment statistics in MONSTAT was offered first by SIDA(Swedish International Development Agency) within implementation of the regional project “Environment Statistics Development in Balcans”where is as a first priority provided waste statistics. For MONSTAT this project is ending on 4th December 2008 when the final conference is organized in Podgorica. The main objectives refer on waste statistics are : To meet WStatR and national requirements on : generated, treated, received and delivered waste International reporting Current and planned donor projects within waste and especially waste data
Main purpose of statistics production is development and establishing of official, regular system for reporting and data collection on waste. Pilot survey – is conducted about municipal waste data of 2006 follow SCB experts recommendations and cooperation with SORS and SEPA. Reporting units are public utility enterprises whose basic activity is performing cleaning in municipalities.In Montenegro there are 21 municipalities . This questionnaire is collecting data on: -Public utility enterprices (basic data:name,code,address,number of emloyees etc.) : - Quantity and content of collected data - Coverage of collectedwaste data - Waste treatment - Equipment and mechanisation. MUNICIPAL WASTE DATA
FUTURE PLANS In September 2008 MONSTAT conducted Pilot survey about industrial waste. Method for collecting data – survey method Frame of survey – Business register of MONSTAT Reporting units – Industrial enterprises with more than 49 employees (class 3 i 4) Pilot survey was covered 3 sectors: * NACE C – Mining and quarrying * NACE D – Manufacturing * NACE E – Electricity,gas and water supply The methodological approach for the Pilot survey is based on recommendation European Commission for field waste statistics (Waste statistics Regulation 2150/2002/EC). BUDUĆI PLANOVI
Industrial waste data It was agreed to have specific questionnaire on generated amounts of waste from specific areas for 6 chosen subdivision which have the biggest participation in total industrial production of Montenegro( aiming to have less burden with pilot project on responding units). Chosen subdivision are: * NACE 14 – Mining and quarring industry * NACE 27-28 – Basic metal production and metal products * NACE 24 – Chemical products and fibre roduction * NACE 20 – Wood and wood product industry * NACE 15-16 – Food, beverage and tobacco production * NACE 40 – Electricity, gas and water supply production. Returning of filled in questionnaires is ongoing. Industrial waste data
Regarding the Waste statistics, in future period MONSTAT is expected to do next steps : Issuing bylaws needed Taking effect of the Law on waste management, adoption of catalogue of waste etc. Development of administrative capacities for implementation of adopted laws Creation of the base for transposition WStatR in national legislature Beginning of work and founding of cooperation with future MEPA Need for better understanding and implementation of WStatR Development of methodology for waste statistics Education for professional independence in work And finally as precondition for promotion of ES needed increase of number of employed in this area of work.
Purposes for conducting Pilot survey : The main goal of the Pilot survey is to test the questionnaire and the rate response from reporting units. Get results on quantity generated waste (depending on response) Get information about waste treatment at the enterprises Get experiences before the full scale survey