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The Customized Employment Plan Design

The Customized Employment Plan Design. “a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both.” This Presentation Developed Through the Texas Customized Self-Employment Project.

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The Customized Employment Plan Design

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Customized Employment Plan Design “a flexible process designed to personalize the employment relationship between a job candidate and an employer in a way that meets the needs of both.” This Presentation Developed Through the Texas Customized Self-Employment Project Financial Support for The Texas Customized Self-Employment Project is provided by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities, with Federal funds* made by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities. *($112,704) (78%) DD funds; ($32,019) (22%) non-federal resources

  2. Discovering Personal Genius* • Home & neighborhood observation • Interviewing others • Skills & ecological “fit” • Review • Vocational themes* • Descriptive narrative • Career development * Courtesy of Griffin-Hammis Associates, LLC

  3. Discovery Methodology • Gather a team of people • Explain customized employment • Schedule the first meeting • Tour the neighborhood • Meet with the person and their family for 1 to 2 hours • Interview others who know the person well & begin identifying “themes”*

  4. Discovery Methodology • Identify activities that the person may perform • Identify activities outside the home • Identify and visit a couple unfamiliar places and activities • Go to possible places of employment & perform informational interviews

  5. Discovery Methodology • Return to the person’s home to collect any additional information • Review files, memorabilia and records of past and current activities and services • Develop a list of places, specifically 20 places of business where people do jobs related to each of the three themes identified for a total of 60.

  6. Discovery Methodology • Review the notes taken throughout DPG* • Complete the draft vocational profile using the information gathered • Review the draft vocational profile to the employment seeker, family, and others involved on the DPG team • Meet with the individual and/or family and others as needed to discuss the profile, for comments and for approval. Develop a customized employment plan.

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