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Generic VVER 1000 MWe

Generic VVER 1000 MWe. Large Break LOCA at Full Power Accumulators – disabled HPIS to CL 1, CL3, CL4 – disabled Make-up – all disabled Enabled : 1 HPSI to CL2 LPSI to HL1 CL1 HL3 CL3. Initial conditins (steady-state). Reactor thermal power 3119 MW

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Generic VVER 1000 MWe

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Generic VVER 1000 MWe Large Break LOCAatFull Power Accumulators – disabled HPIS to CL 1, CL3, CL4 – disabled Make-up – alldisabled Enabled: 1 HPSI to CL2 LPSI to HL1 CL1 HL3 CL3

  2. Initial conditins (steady-state) • Reactor thermal power 3119 MW • RPVpressure 15.39 MPa • RPV coolant in/out temp. 291.6 / 324.6 degC • MCP flow 4147 kg/sec / loop • Feedwater flow 424.5 kg/sec / SG • Feedwater temp. 220 degC • Steam press. (sg dome) 6.145 MPa • SG water level 2.12 m • Pressurizer water level 8.88 m

  3. Nodalization diagram - RPV

  4. Nodalization diagram – Loop 1 (Broken)

  5. Nodalization diagram – Loop 2 (Intact)

  6. Nodalization diagram – Loop 3 (Intact)

  7. Nodalization diagram – Secondary System

  8. Initial state (before the break)

  9. Initial state (before the break)

  10. Break description

  11. 2 sec after the break

  12. 2 sec after the break

  13. 2 sec after the break

  14. Sequence of Events and Systems Operations

  15. Plots for the short time range0 – 1000 secTime of the break: 100 sec

  16. Plots for the long time range0 – 3600 secTime of the break: 100 sec

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