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The City of Linz. The goals of Linz 2009 ECOC. There are different goals by this project : European Union Offical financiers ( of the company ) - City of Linz - Province of Upper Austria - Federal Republic of Austria Linz09. The goals of Linz09.
The goals of Linz 2009 ECOC Thereare different goalsbythisproject: European Union Officalfinanciers (ofthecompany) - City of Linz - ProvinceofUpper Austria - Federal Republicof Austria Linz09
The goals of Linz09 • Positioning Linz as a modern and dynamic city of industry and technology featuring an attractive cultural programme that enabled it to compete on its own terms with Austria’s traditional bastions of culture tourism, Salzburg and Vienna; strengthening its identity as Culture Capital; • Developing and promoting a programme that takes into consideration both the characteristics of Linz and its region and European and/or global dimensions; • Persuading Linz’s artistic scene to focus on competition, quality and international perspectives;
The goals of Linz09 • Creating the necessary preconditions for Linz to acquit itself well of its role as host of the European Capital of Culture; encouraging enthusiasm and a sense of motivation in all parts of the service industry, most notably but by no means exclusively in all branches of the hospitality, tourist and leisure industries; • Boosting the recognition factor and the public image of Linz both across and outside of Austria; • Boosting the pride that Linzers take in their city;
The goals of Linz09 • Boosting the numbers of day visits and overnight stays by offering a varied programme of outstanding quality on 365 out of 365 days; • Creating networks and alliances on a number of different levels (artists; cultural institutions; town and country; culture, tourism, business community, administration and politics)
The preconditions for the success • Solid financial basis • Autonomy of the artistic director • No political intervention • 365 days programme
The preconditions for the success • A special marketing conception • Strong cooperation with tourism organisations • Hospitality City project (host of europe) • Networking
The financialbasis The totallybudget was 69,866.000 euro (2005 -2010). The Linz09 companyhad a basicfundingof 61.5 milloneuro - 60 millioneurobytheofficialfinanciers (eachofwhom 20 millioneuro) - 1.5 millioneurobythe European Union - 10.6 millioneuro Sponsoring ( 4 millioneuro cash) - 2.0 millioneuroTicketing & Merchandising
The financial basis - expenditure Total expenditure: 69,866.000 EURO • Programme 60.9 % • Programme 2010 0.6 % • Marketing 19.0 % • Personnel 12.2 % • Material expenditure, operating expensesandinvestment 5.4 % • Capital reserve (forprojects) 2.0 %
The financialbasis – revenue Total revenue : 69,866.000 EURO • Republic of Austria 28.6 % • Province of Upper Austria 28.6 % • City of Linz 28.6 % • European Union 2.1 % • Sponsoring 5.9 % • Ticketing 2.1 % • Merchandising 0.8 % • Other 3.3 %
365 daysprogramme– „Schaurausch 2007“art in 50 shopingwindows
365 days programme - „Tiefenrausch 2008“a project in subterranean spaces und tunnels of Linz • Cellar of a brewery • Gallery of WWII
365 days programme – „ Höhenrausch 2009“ on of the highlights of the programme Linz09
365 daysprogramme – Linz Europa Tour 2007-2008Linz Europa harbourfestival 2009
Marketing conception – the communication targets • Confronting the traditional image of Linz as a dull industrial city with the city’s new reality to establish the triad “Industry + Culture + Nature” as the signature feature unique to Linz; • Positioning Linz on the tourist map as a city located between Salzburg and Vienna, which competes with these two representatives of Austria’s cliché identity on the strength of its unjaded virtues; • Spreading the word on Linz as Culture Capital and the programme of Linz09; • Making Linzers feel proud of their city: part of Linz09’s mission was to make Linzers rediscover their own cultural identity.
Marketing conception – the Communication dramaturgy Big Bang (late- 2008 to end-2008): a short but intenseperiodofpublicitybuildingup tot he launchofthe title year; itinvolved extensive advertisingin theprintedmediaand via socialnetworkingsites. Programme Campaign (end-2008 to end-2009), whichinvolvedcommunicationofthe eventual culturalprogrammefor 2009 through, amongstotherthings, thepublication oft he thirdand final edition oft he „Programme Book“ andtheintroductionofNeuner, a fortnightlynewsletter.
The „NEUNER“ Linz09‘s programmeguide • 2008 (Nov.) - 2009(Dec.) • Fortnightly • Supplement of a regional Newspaper • Distribution on highly frequented places • Total print run 170.00 • per readout
Facts & Figures – programme Visitors: 2009 2,903.000 2006 - 2008 580.000 2006 - 2009 3,483.000 Events: 7.700 Projects: 220 Artist (particpating): 5.000 from 66 countries
Facts & Figures - mediaecho • Articles (print, online) 25.000 • Features (TV, radio, etc) 2.600 • Presentations (2005-2009) 500 Press releases 300 Pressconferences (national) 230 • Pressconferences (international) 15 Journalists 300
Facts & Figures – ticketing Linz09 Insider seasonticket • 7.000 Insider passes were sold • 22.000 Linz09 cards were sold Linz09 Cards 1 or 3 days
Facts & Figures – tourism Overnight stays in linz 2009 738.555 • increase in % + 9.5 Visitors (Linz09 Infocenter 2009) 167.600 • increase in % + 88.0 Guided Tours by Austria Guides (participants) 5.100 Booked weekend packages 5.000 Delegations - more than 100hundred from 30 different countries
The result • The project Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture has achieved all the goals it had set itself. • In the same way the offical financiers of Linz09 have drawn a positive balance regarding the Culture Capital and the activities of Linz09 company.
The result • At the end of the Year 2009 there was a consolitated financial situation. • In fact there was a capital reserve of approximatly 1.700,000 euro for new cultural projects in the following years .
The sustainability • New cultural and city infrastructure (buildings etc) • Benefits in terms of improved public image and self confidence • Internationalisation, improved quality and more competition • Newly forged alliances
The sustainability 24 follow on projects in the year 2010 and 2011 such as Triennale 1.0, Crossing Europe, Next comic , Kepler Salon, Pixelhotel, Hermit in the tower, „Höhenrausch. 2“,…