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Understanding Your GPA. Presented By: Dawn K. Miles, M.Ed. Grade Point Average.
Understanding Your GPA Presented By: Dawn K. Miles, M.Ed.
Grade Point Average In Spring 2010 the University changed their Academic Standards. Be aware that some academic programs, for example, Education and Social Work, require a higher GPA to be a 2.50 to remain in good standing within the specific program. The negative consequences of not maintaining the minimum GPA standard includes being placed on academic probation or dismissal from an academic program or the university. Furthermore, failure to maintain a minimum GPA standard may effect your financial aid, on-campus housing options, extra-curricular activities, and athletic eligibility.
Academic Policies GPA: Grade point average, or GPA, is a numerical representation of your academic performance that is based on the letter grades that you earn each semester. Grading System: • The professor must be fully accountable for the grading of students. Each professor has the responsibility of maintaining class records to a reasonable level of detail on each student enrolled in class.
Grading Chart It should be noted that “plus” or “minus” letter grades (B+, C-, etc.) are not part of the grading system. http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/Academic_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual.pdf
Course Syllabi • The course syllabus and/or course outline along with the catalog description upon which it is based constitutes the basis for instructional accountability, course evaluation, and quality assurance. The document will include as a minimum, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: Standard course description; Course procedures and/or requirements Performance standards; Grading system and criteria to be used in calculating the final grade for the course Instructor’s office hours, location, etc. Textbooks and /or required readings. http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/Academic_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual.pdf
Examination Policy Progress Examinations: During the semester, faculty are required to conduct periodic assessments in order to determine student progress. A midterm assessment is required. These assessments will be given during the class period and will not exceed the time frame for the class. Students should be informed of the results of such assessments upon their completion. Final Examinations: Unless prior written approval is attained, the University requires each faculty member to conduct a final assessment of each student. The final assessment may be in the form of an examination, project, etc. This assessment is to be administered at the time specified on the Academic Calendar that is distributed to each faculty member at the beginning of each academic year. No change by the instructor in the final assessment schedule may be made unless it is approved, in writing, by the dean of the school or director of the division. http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/Academic_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual.pdf
Students Right to Know • Students have the right to review with faculty members their final assessments. • For this reason: • Final assessments should be kept on file for one calendar year. • In addition to the final assessment, other assessments are to be administered and out-of-class work assigned in a manner deemed appropriate by the instructor and detailed in the course syllabus. • Sufficient work should be assigned and evaluated prior to midterm so that the student can clearly assess progress in the course. • http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/Academic_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual.pdf
Academic Progress Spring 2010 all undergraduate students enrolled at Alabama A&M University will be subject to the conditions set forth in this regulation: http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/components/11_19_09_MINUTES_ASCC.pdf The minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) standard for all undergraduate students is outlined below:
Class Attendance Policy A student is permitted one (1) unexcused absence for each credit hour generated by the class. For example, two (2) absences are allowed in a two-hour class. Class attendance is expected as well as a privilege and students are required to be punctual and prepared. Learning experiences proceed at such a rapid pace that attendance is necessary if students are to acquire the knowledge and develop the competence, skills and strategies that students need to be successful in their endeavors. Students are required to carry out all assigned work and to take examinations and quizzes at the class period designated. Failure to take examinations and quizzes, and/or carry out assignments at the designated times may result in an appropriate reduction in the final grade, except as provided under #6. Arrangements for make-up work, due to excused absences, must be initiated by the student. http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/Academic_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual.pdf
Attendance Policy Cont.… Excused absences can be obtained, upon presenting documentation to Student Affairs, for the following reasons indicated below: Personal Illness or Illness of a Family Member. Documentation bearing the signature of Doctors, Dormitory Counselors, Infirmary and/or Hospital Officials, Athletic Trainers, etc. shall constitute proof. Death in the Family. Funeral programs, newspaper obituaries, statements from funeral directors shall constitute proof. Subpoena for Court Appearance. The student’s copy of the document shall constitute proof. Emergencies or Circumstances over which the Student has no Immediate Control. Appropriate corroboration, documentation and/or explanation shall constitute proof. Trips and/or activities by members of student organizations sponsored by academic units, and activities officially authorized by the appropriate university. Authorized excuses, dispatched from the appropriate offices, instructors, coaches or sponsors over the signature of the Department Chairperson and Dean or Director, shall constitute proof. http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/Academic_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual.pdf
Grading Policies Changing of Grades All course grades (except “I” grades) are intended to be final and permanent. It is expected that faculty will arrive at and report final grades as accurately and precisely as the nature of the evaluation of student achievement and the grading system will permit. It is considered the faculty’s direct and personal responsibility to insure that grades are fair and reported correctly the first time. Final grades cannot be improved by “make-up” work, after the end of the term.
Grading Policies Cont.… Incomplete Grades An “I” grade is intended to be only an interim course mark. It is to be used only if a student has satisfactorily (hereby defined as a C average or better) completed at least 75% of the course requirements, and there is an excusable and acceptable reason for his/her not having completed all requirements prior to grade reporting time. Students may obtain credit for courses in which their marks are “Incomplete” only by completing the work of the course in a satisfactory manner. The incomplete grade must be removed within one year of the date the “I” is awarded or the end of the next term that course is offered. If this is not done, the grade in the course automatically and permanently becomes a failure (“F”). The grade of “I” - Incomplete - shall be neutral in the calculation of the grade point average. A student “DOES NOT” need to re-register for a course in order to remove an I grade. http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/Academic_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual.pdf
Grading Policies Cont.… Repeating Courses Any student who registers for credit for any course and who satisfies the requirement shall receive credit for that course; however, no student shall receive credit for the same course twice. Students may repeat courses to improve their grade point averages. Only the highest grade will be included in his/her grade point average. Credit will be allowed only once. This policy applies only to courses repeated at AAMU. A student who fails a required course should repeat the course at the next time offered. A student should be encouraged to repeat an elective course in which he/she receives a grade of “F” by his/her advisor, major department chairperson or school dean. http://www.aamu.edu/acadaffairs/Academic_Policies_and_Procedures_Manual.pdf
Advantages of a Good GPA Professional programs such as Social Work, 2.50 cumulative GPA is required for admission to candidacy in their program. Eligible for membership in honor societies. Eligible for memberships in fraternities and sororities. Semester Dean’s List recognition. Graduating with honors. Great Internship opportunities. Better job offers and salary upon graduation.
Consequences of Low GPA Loss of Scholarship Loss of Financial Aid Placed on Academic Warning and Academic Probation Being Suspended from the University Being Dismissed from your Academic Program Unable to get good recommendations for jobs and/or internships Loss of NCAA Eligibility to participate in sports Unable to graduate
Academic Status Grade point calculation for academic status shall be made at the end of each term. (Fall, Spring, Summer) All students enrolled for three (3) or more hours are subject to academic warning, probation and/or suspension. Students who are on academic warning and probation may take a maximum of twelve (12) semester hours for Fall and Spring semesters and nine (9) semester hours for Summer. If students do not remove probationary status, after four (4) consecutive semesters (AW, AP, CP, 2CP), they will be suspended from the University for poor scholarship.
Academic Status Cont.… Academic Warning: A new student who does not meet minimum requirements for remaining at the University will be placed on Academic Warning (AW) after the first (1st )semester the student enrolls at the University or the 1st semester student falls below academic standards after becoming in good academic standing. • Academic Probation:A student is placed on Academic Probation (AP) the following semester (2nd Semester registered) after Warning if the cumulative grade point average fails to reach: • 1.50 for students with 0-30 semester hours earned • 1.75 for students with 31-63 semester hours earned • 2.00 for students with 64 hours or more
Academic Status Cont.… Continued Probation:A student is placed on Continued Probation (CW) the following semester (3nd Semester registered) after Academic Probation if the cumulative grade point average is still below academic standards. 2nd Continued Probation: A student is placed on 2nd Continued Probation(2CP) the following semester (4th Semester registered) after Continued Probation if the cumulative grade point average fails to reach academic standards. Temporary Suspension: A student is Temporarily Suspended (TS) from the University and unable to continue matriculation for one (1) semester without being approved to register by the Academic Appeals Committee. Probation After Suspension: A student is placed on Probation After Suspension (PAS)the following semester (5th Semester registered) after Temporary Suspension or if approved to register for current semester without completing Temporary Suspension and their cumulative grade point average is still below academic standards.
Academic Status Cont.… 2nd Probation After Suspension: A student is placed on 2ndProbation After Suspension (2PAS) the following semester (6th Semester registered) after Probation After Suspension if the cumulative grade point average fails to reach academic standards. Indefinite Suspension: A student is Indefinitely Suspended (IS) from the University and unable to continue matriculation for a minimum of one (1) full academic year (Fall, Spring, Summer) without being approved to register by the Academic Appeals Committee. Academic Status Example: 1st Semester: AW (Fall 2010) 2nd Semester: AP (Spring 2011) 3rd Semester: CP (Summer 2011) 4th Semester: 2CP (Fall 2011) 5th Semester: TS (Spring 2012) 6th Semester: PAS (Summer 2012) 7th Semester: 2PAS (Fall 2012) 8th Semester: IS (Spring 2013) Students who are Suspended from the University are unable to enroll at other institutions while serving academic suspension.
Just how important is your GPA? - Heather Huhman, Examiner.c January 6th, 2009 9:56 am ET The short answer to the question is, “it depends.” It depends on your industry, whether you’re applying for an internship or entry-level position and sometimes just even on the organization. “For example, consulting and major public accounting firms seek candidates with strong GPAs – 3.6 and above – whereas other business-related roles may not be as particular, like some sales professions,” said Dale Austin, director of career services at Hope College. You will likely find there are internships with a minimum GPA requirement. However, if yours is below the requirement, it doesn’t mean you’re not a worthy candidate. Organizations, particularly larger ones, simply need (legal) ways to weed out the hundreds, if not thousands, of applications they receive for any one position. At the internship level, GPA is an easy way to accomplish this. “Employers want to see that a student has applied themselves well in the classroom, before that student takes on responsibilities inherent in the workplace,” said Mike True, director of the Internship Center at Messiah College. “Oftentimes, when students do an internship, they straddle two worlds – taking some academic classes while also testing the waters of the workplace. That can be stressful. If students have not done well academically, employers are wary of them doing well in the workplace with an internship.” Kristen Campbell, national director of College Prep Programs at Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions, adds, “Without a long résumé of professional accomplishments, employers have few criteria on which to judge potential new hires. For students fresh out of college with little or no work experience, the GPA may be one of the most important factors potential employers look at when evaluating their candidacy. But, GPA is “not the be-all end-all” says Karen Nethersole, Esq., CEO and founder of Full Circle NY. “It is important for a student to show that he or she takes courses seriously enough to do whatever it takes to achieve the highest grade possible. This shows the ability to work consistently and persistently to achieve excellent results,” said Nethersole. “An employer also needs to look for well-rounded candidates who can demonstrate what they are doing beyond school that shows some kind of leadership. It's not just about GPA or the courses taken. It's about what you are bringing to the table.”
Just how important is your GPA? - Heather Huhman, Examiner.c Continued… Steven Rothberg, president and founder of CollegeRecruiter.com, adds, “The vast majority of employers use GPA as merely one of many factors when considering candidates. So, if your GPA is low but your other qualifications are exemplary, then you still stand a good chance of landing an interview and being hired.” What general guideline should you follow when deciding whether or not to include your GPA on your résumé? “As a rule of thumb, I regularly counsel entry-level and internship candidates that they should definitely include a GPA on the résumé within the education section when they have been on the Dean’s List or have a GPA of at least 3.0,” said Todd Nilson, director of Talent Acquisition Partners. “Sometimes, it is appropriate to also include the GPA within one’s major course of study, again if the GPA is high enough.” Ken Wisnefski, president of WebiMax.com, adds, “If a candidate’s GPA is not very high, then they should leave it off but be prepared to place a positive spin on the reason for leaving it off if asked.” http://www.examiner.com/entry-level-careers-in-national/just-how-important-is-your-gpa
Does Your GPA Really Matter? Laura Morsch, CareerBuilder.com writerStudies have shown college graduates earn up to 75 percent more than people with just a high school diploma. So students earn good grades, study for the SATs and rack up an impressive list of extracurriculars in their quest for that oh-so-important acceptance letter.But now that you're in, can you relax? Just how important are your college grades to future employers? Are those long hours at the library and those all-night study sessions really worth it? Where it really countsKeeping your grade point average (GPA) up can be vital to your academic success. Slacking off could land you on academic probation, or the university could yank your scholarship. Plus, according to the U.S. News and World Report, maintaining a high GPA is crucial to those who dream of attending top graduate schools like Harvard medical school (3.8 average GPA), Yale law (3.9) or Stanford business school (3.6).The realities of the job marketThankfully, most employers don't enforce these same academic standards on their applicants. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers' "Job Outlook 2005" survey, 70 percent of hiring managers do report screening applicants based on their GPA, but the largest group say they use a 3.0 as their cutoff. All other factors being equal, an employer is more likely to choose the candidate with stellar grades, but that doesn't mean a so-so student can't land a competitive job with a prestigious company. Employers understand that students have different circumstances. Employers do take a university's reputation into consideration, but they also understand working to pay your way through school, extracurricular involvement and extenuating circumstances can lower your academic marks.Having relevant experience like internships is key to getting ahead in today's cutthroat job market. Luckily, a superior GPA from a top-ranked university isn't required to get an internship, according to the Princeton Review. Internship coordinators look for candidates with a go-getter attitude, something that can be expressed in a cover letter and interview not a resume or transcript.
Does Your GPA Really Matter? Continued…Don't be deceptiveAlthough employers may not automatically cut you for your low grades, leaving your GPA off of your resume completely may do you more harm than good. If you're a new grad and omit your GPA from your resume, you might find employers warily wondering how terrible your grades really are. One career adviser even said if there's no GPA on a resume, he automatically assumes it's under a 3.0. And it should go without saying that you should never lie and tell an employer you have better grades than you really do.Resume remedies for mediocre studentsIf your GPA falls below your dream employer's minimum standards, you do have options. Again, leaving the figure out isn't wise, but you should emphasize your academic strengths as much as possible.Luckily, some business schools and other graduate programs pay closer attention to the grades you earned during your junior and senior years than to your overall transcript. This can really help out people who are struggling to raise their averages after a rough transition into college life. Another option is to list your major GPA, or your average grades for only the classes taken in your major.Collegegrad.com offers these tips for choosing which GPA to include: If your major GPA is higher than a 3.0, and your overall grades fall below that cutoff, only list your major average. If both averages are higher than a 3.0 and your major GPA is at least three-tenths of a point higher than your overall average, feel free to list both. Always round to the nearest tenth of point.And remember what President George W. Bush told a group of graduates in 2001: "To all the C-students, I say, you too can be president of the United States." Laura Morsch is a writer for CareerBuilder.com