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Università di Milano-Bicocca Laurea Magistrale in Informatica. Corso di APPRENDIMENTO E APPROSSIMAZIONE Lezione 8 - Instance based learning Prof. Giancarlo Mauri. Instance-based Learning. Key idea: Just store all training examples <x i , f(x i )>
Università di Milano-BicoccaLaurea Magistrale in Informatica Corso di APPRENDIMENTO E APPROSSIMAZIONE Lezione 8 - Instance based learning Prof. Giancarlo Mauri
Instance-based Learning • Key idea: • Just store all training examples <xi, f(xi)> • Classify a query instance by retrieving a set of “similar” instances • Advantages • Training is very fast - just storing examples • Learn complex target functions • Don’t lose information • Disadvantages • Slow at query time - need for efficient indexing of training examples • Easily fooled by irrelevant attributes
Instance-based Learning • Main approaches: • k-Nearest Neighbor • Locally weighted regression • Radial basis functions • Case-based reasoning • Lazy and eager learning
K-Nearest Neighbor Learning • Instances: points in Rn • Euclidean distance to measure similarity • Target function f: Rn V • The algorithm: • Given query instance xq • first locate nearest training example xn, then estimate f(xq) = f(xn) (for k=1) or • take vote among its k nearest nbrs (k≠1 and f discrete-valued) • take mean of f values of k nearest nbrs (k≠1 and f real-valued)
K-Nearest Neighbor Learning • When to Consider Nearest Neighbor • Instances map to points in Rn • Less than 20 attributes per instance • Lots of training data
- - - - + x + + - + An example • Boolean target function in 2D • x classified + for k=1 and - for k=5 (left diagram) • Right diagram (Voronoi diagram) shows the decision surface induced by 1-nbr for a given set of training examples (black dots)
Voronoi Diagram query point qf nearest neighbor qi
3-Nearest Neighbors query point qf 3 nearest neighbors 2x,1o
7-Nearest Neighbors query point qf 7 nearest neighbors 3x,4o
Nearest Neighbor (continuous) 1-nearest neighbor
Nearest Neighbor (continuous) 3-nearest neighbor
Nearest Neighbor (continuous) 5-nearest neighbor
Behavior in the Limit • Let p(x) be the probability that instance x will be labeled 1 (positive) versus 0 (negative) • Nearest neighbor • As number of training examples ∞ , approaches Gibbs algorithm: with probability p(x) predict 1, else 0 • K-Nearest neighbor • As number of training examples ∞ and k gets large, approaches Bayes optimal: if p(x)>.5 then predict 1, else 0 • Note: Gibbs has at most twice the expected error of Bayes optimal
Distance-Weighted k-NN • Might want weight nearer neighbors more heavily… where with d(xq,xi) distance between xq and xi (if xq= xi, i.e. d(xq,xi) = 0, then f(xq) = f(xi)) • Note: • now it makes sense to use all training examples instead of just k (Shepard’s method, global, slow)
Curse of Dimensionality • Imagine instances described by 20 attributes, but only 2 are relevant to target function nearest nbr is easily misled when high-dimensional X • One approach: • Stretch jth axis by weight zj, where z1,…, zn chosen to minimize prediction error • Use cross-validation to automatically choose weights z1,…, zn • Note setting zj to zero eliminates this dimension altogether
Locally weighted Regression • Note that kNN forms local approximation to f for each query point xq : why not form an explicit approximation f’(x) for region surrounding xq ? • Fit linear function to k nearest neighbors • Fit quadratic… • Produces “piecewise approximation” to f • Several choices of error to minimize: • Squared error over k nearest neighbors E1(xq) = (∑xNNs of xq(f(x)-f’(x))2)/2 • Distance-weighted squared error over all nbrs E1(xq) = (∑xD(f(x)-f’(x))2K(d(xq,x))/2
Radial Basis Function Networks • Global approximation to target function, in terms of linear combination of local approximations • Used, e.g., for image classification • A different kind of neural network • Closely related to distance-weighted regression, but “eager” instead of “lazy”
Radial Basis Function Networks • Where ai(x) are the attributes describing instance x, and One common choice for is
Training RBF Networks Q1: what xu to use for each kernel function Ku(d(xu, x)) • Scatter uniformly throughout instance space • Or use training instances (reflects instance distribution) Q2: how to train weights (assume here Gaussian Ku) • First choose variance (and perhaps mean) for each Ku - e.g., use EM • Then hold Ku fixed, and train linear output layer - efficient methods to fit linear function
Radial Basis Function Network • Global approximation to target function in terms of linear combination of local approximations • Used, e.g. for image classification • Similar to back-propagation neural network but activation function is Gaussian rather than sigmoid • Closely related to distance-weighted regression but ”eager” instead of ”lazy”
Radial Basis Function Network output f(x) wn linear parameters Kernel functions Kn(d(xn,x))= exp(-1/2 d(xn,x)2/2) input layer xi f(x)=w0+n=1k wn Kn(d(xn,x))
Training Radial Basis Function Networks • How to choose the center xn for each Kernel function Kn? • scatter uniformly across instance space • use distribution of training instances (clustering) • How to train the weights? • Choose mean xn and variance n for each Kn nonlinear optimization or EM • Hold Kn fixed and use local linear regression to compute the optimal weights wn
Radial Basis Network Example K1(d(x1,x))= exp(-1/2 d(x1,x)2/2) w1 x+ w0 f^(x) = K1 (w1 x+ w0) + K2 (w3 x + w2)
Case-based reasoning Can apply instance-based learning even when X ≠ need different “distance” metric Case-based reasoning is instance-based learning applied to instances with symbolic logic descriptions ((user-complaint error53-on-shutdown) (cpu-model PowerPC) (operating-system Windows) (network-connection PCIA) (memory 48meg) (installed-applications Excel Netscape VirusScan) (disk 1gig) (likely-cause???))
Case-based reasoning in CADET CADET: 75 stored examples of mechanical devices • each training example: < qualitative function, mechanical structure> • new query: desired function • target value: mechanical structure for this function Distance metric: match qualitative function descriptions
Case-based Reasoning in CADET Case-based Reasoning in CADET
Case-based Reasoning in CADET • Instances represented by rich structural descriptions • Multiple cases retrieved (and combined) to form solution to new problem • Tight coupling between case retrieval and problem solving Bottom line: • Simple matching of cases useful for tasks such as answering help-desk queries • Area of ongoing research
Lazy and Eager learning Lazy: wait for query before generalizing • k-NEAREST NEIGHBOR, Case-based reasoning Eager: generalize before seein query • Radial basis function networks, ID3, Backpropagation, NaiveBayes,… Does it matter? • Eager learner must create global approximation • Lazy learner can create many local approximations • If they use same H, lazy can represent more complex fns (e.g., consider H = linear functions)
Machine Learning 2D5362 Instance Based Learning
Distance Weighted k-NN Give more weight to neighbors closer to the query point f^(xq) = i=1k wi f(xi) / i=1k wi where wi=K(d(xq,xi)) and d(xq,xi) is the distance between xq and xi Instead of only k-nearest neighbors use all training examples (Shepard’s method)
Distance Weighted Average • Weighting the data: f^(xq) = i f(xi) K(d(xi,xq))/ i K(d(xi,xq)) Relevance of a data point (xi,f(xi)) is measured by calculating the distance d(xi,xq) between the query xq and the input vector xi • Weighting the error criterion: E(xq) = i (f^(xq)-f(xi))2 K(d(xi,xq)) the best estimate f^(xq) will minimize the cost E(q), therefore E(q)/f^(xq)=0
Distance Weighted NN K(d(xq,xi)) = 1/ d(xq,xi)2
Distance Weighted NN K(d(xq,xi)) = 1/(d0+d(xq,xi))2
Distance Weighted NN K(d(xq,xi)) = exp(-(d(xq,xi)/0)2)
Linear Global Models • The model is linear in the parameters wk, which can be estimated using a least squares algorithm • f^(xi) = k=1Dk xki or F(x) = X Where xi=(x1,…,xD)i, i=1..N, with D the input dimension and N the number of data points. Estimate the wk by minimizing the error criterion • E= i=1N (f^(xi) – yi)2 • (XTX) = XTF(X) • = (XT X)-1 XT F(X) • k= m=1Dn=1N (l=1DxTkl xlm)-1 xTmn f(xn)
Linear Local Models • Estimate the parameters k such that they locally (near the query point xq) match the training data either by • weighting the data: wi=K(d(xi,xq))1/2 and transforming zi=wi xi vi=wi yi • or by weighting the error criterion: E= i=1N (xiT – yi)2 K(d(xi,xq)) still linear in with LSQsolution = ((WX)T WX)-1 (WX)T WF(X)
Kernel K(x,xq) Local linear model: f^(x)=b1x+b0 f^(xq)=0.266 query point Xq=0.35 Linear Local Model Example
Design Issues in Local Regression • Local model order (constant, linear, quadratic) • Distance function d feature scaling: d(x,q)=(j=1d mj(xj-qj)2)1/2 irrelevant dimensions mj=0 • kernel function K • smoothing parameter bandwidth h in K(d(x,q)/h) • h=|m| global bandwidth • h= distance to k-th nearest neighbor point • h=h(q) depending on query point • h=hi depending on stored data points See paper by Atkeson [1996] ”Locally Weighted Learning”
Local Linear Model Tree (LOLIMOT) • incremental tree construction algorithm • partitions input space by axis-orthogonal splits • adds one local linear model per iteration • start with an initial model (e.g. single LLM) • identify LLM with worst model error Ei • check all divisions : split worst LLM hyper-rectangle • in halves along each possible dimension • find best (smallest error) out of possible divisions • add new validity function and LLM • repeat from step 2. until termination criteria is met
LOLIMOT Initial global linear model Split along x1 or x2 Pick split that minimizes model error (residual)
Lazy and Eager Learning • Lazy: wait for query before generalizing • k-nearest neighbors, weighted linear regression • Eager: generalize before seeing query • Radial basis function networks, decision trees, back-propagation, LOLIMOT • Eager learner must create global approximation • Lazy learner can create local approximations • If they use the same hypothesis space, lazy can represent more complex functions (H=linear functions)