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Covering WTO. Gokarna Awasthi. International Trade. International trade – the free flow of goods, services and capital across the border- affects the lives of the people around the world. cGt/fli6«o Jofkf/ kqsf/ x?sf nflu ;'Vvf laifo /xg] u/]s]f lyof] . - ;g !((% eGbf cufl8 _
Covering WTO Gokarna Awasthi
International Trade • International trade – the free flow of goods, services and capital across the border- affects the lives of the people around the world. • cGt/fli6«o Jofkf/ kqsf/ x?sf nflu ;'Vvf laifo /xg] u/]s]f lyof] . - ;g\ !((% eGbf cufl8 _ • ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7gsf] l;of6n / sfgs'g dGqL:tl/o a}7s kl5 of] laifon] klg k|fyldstf kfof] . • g]kfndf ;g\ @))@ b]lv ltj|tf .
World Trade Organization • ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7g lgodx?df cfwfl/t ;+:yf . cGt/fli6«o :t/df :jR5 Jofkfl/s ultljlwnfO{ k|f]T;fxg . • ;g\ !((% df :yflkt ;+u7g eG;f/ / Jofkf/ ;DalGw ;fdfGo ;Demf}tf Uof6sf] kl/lis[t ?k xf] . • clxn] ;+u7gdf !%@ d'n's ;b:o 5g\ .
Principles of WTO • Most favored nations. • National Treatment. • Market Access. • Transparency.
Functions of WTO • Administering WTO trade agreements • Forum for trade negotiations • Handling trade disputes • Monitoring national trade policies • Technical assistance and training for developing countries • Cooperation with other international organizations
Nepal in WTO • !(*( df Uof6sf] ;b:otfsf nflu k|of; • !((% df ;+u7gsf] :yfkgf ePb]lv g} ko{j]Ifs . • !((* df Jofkf/ ;DalGw lj:t[t b:tfj]h ;+u7gdf k]z u/]s]f • sl/a ^ r/0fsf] cf}krfl/s jftf{ kl5 ;g\ @))# sf] ;]K6]Da/df sfgs'gdf cfof]lht dGqL:tl/o a}7sdf ;b:otf k|fKt • ;g\ @))$ clk|n @# tfl/sdf g]kfn ljlwjt ?kdf ;b:o jGof] .
Nepal's commitment • g]kfnn] s[lif IF]qdf cf};t $@ k|ltzt / u}/ s[lif IF]qdf cf};t @$ k|ltzt eG;f/ b/jGbL l;dfÍg u/]sf] 5 . • ;]jf Jofkf/ tk{m ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7gsf !@ If]q / Ps ;o %% pkIf]q dWo] !! If]q / &) pkIf]q ljb]zL nufgLstf{x?sf nflu zt{ ;lxt v'nf ul/g] k|ltj4tf g]kfnn] hgfPsf] 5 . • l6«K; ;DalGw sfg'g @)!# ;Dd agfpg'kg]{5 .
Nepal's Commitment • !) j6f gof sfg'g lgdf{0f ug]{, @% j6f ljBdfg sfg'gx?sf] ;+;f]wg ug]{, tLgj6f cGt/fli6o ;lGwsf] cg'df]bg ug]{ / b'Oj6f ;"rgf s]Gb|sf] :yfkgf ug]{ k|ltj4tf klg hgfPsf] 5 . • clxn];Dd $ gof sfg'g / * j6f sfg'gx?df ;+;f]wg ePsf] ;"rgf s]Gb| :yfkgf ePsf]
Four years of WTO Membership • g]kfnn] ;+u7gsf] ;b:otf lnPsf] aif{ cyf{t cfly{s aif{ @)^).^! df *@ ca{ ?kof /x]s]f Jofkf/ 3f6f cfly{s aif{ @)^#.^$ df Ps ;o #) ca{ ?kof k'u]s]f 5 . cfly{s aif{ @)^).^! df s'n Jofkf/sf] %& k|ltzt Jofkf/ ef/t;+u x'g] u/]s]fdf clxn] of] c+z ^* k|ltzt k'u]s]f 5 . o;n] Jofkf/ lj:tf/ / Jofkf/ ljljlws/0f b'j} ck]Iff ul/P x'g g;s]s]f ;+s]t ub{5 .
Doha Development AgendaDDA • ;g\ @))! df bf]xfdf ;DkGg ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7gsf] dGqL:tl/o a}7sdf lasf;f]Gd'v d'n'sx?nfO{ ;x'lnot lbg] laifodf ePsf] ;xdlt • kl5 ;g\ @))$ h'nfOdf ePsf] yk 5nkmnn] o;nfO{ yk rrf{df Nofof] . h;nfO{ h'nfO Kofs]h klg elgG5 . • s[lif If]q(AOA)M lasl;t d'n'sx?n] cg'bfg 36fpg] / lasf;f]Gd'v d'n'nsx?n] eG;f/ b/jGbL 36fpg] • s[lif If]qM clxn] s'g kmd'{nfaf6 cg'bfg / eG;f/ b/jGbL 36fpg] df]8flnl6 tof/ x'g ;s]s]f 5}g\ . • clxn] k|ToIf rf;f]sf] laifo 5}g\ . t/ u}/ eG;f/ cj/f]w x6fpg
DDA…… • ;]jf If]q(GATS)M ljZj Jokf/ ;+u7g cGtu{t ;]jfsf] cGt/fli6«o Jofkf/nfO{ rf/ k|sf/n] kl/eflift ul/Psf] 5 . h;dWo] rf}yf] k|sf/df Ps b]zsf] JolQm csf]{ b]zdf sfdsf nflu hfg;Sg] pNn]v 5 . of] sfof{Gjog x'g;s] g]kfnsf nflu Psftk{m ;|f]t d'n'sx? a9g hfg]5g eg] csf]{tk{m sfdbf/x?sf] JolQmut / sfdsf] ;'/Iff ;'lglZrt x'g]5 . • xfd|f] ;/f]sf/M cGt/fli6«o :t/df eO/x]sf] jftf{sf] lgu/fgL, j}b]lzs /f]huf/ g]kfnLsf nflu slt ;'/lIft 5 . of] ;Demf}tf sfof{Gjog ug{ ul/g'kg]{ kxn .
DDA • Jofkf/ ;xhLs/0f(Trade facilitation)M clxn] h]g]efdf 5nkmn rln/x]s]f 5 . g]kfn clt sd lasl;t d'n'sx?sf] g]t[Tj ul//x]s]f 5 . • xfd|f] ;/f]sf/M cGt/fli6«o :t/df eO/x]sf] jftf{sf] lgu/fgL, k'jf{wf/ lasf;sf nflu kfpg ;lsg] ;xof]u / o;sf] sfof{Gjogn] xfdLnfO{ k'Ug] kmfObf • u}/s[lifhGo j:t'sf] ahf/ kx'r(NAMA)M eG;f/ b/jGbL s'g ;'qaf6 ug]{ laifodf 5nkmn • xfd|f] ;/f]sf/M k|ToIf ;/f]sf/ 5}g\ . Preference erosion
HongKong Ministerial • a}7sdf to ePsf] clt sd lasl;t ;b:ox?sf] s[lif tyf u}/ s[lifhGo j:t'x?sf] nflu lasl;t /fi6«x?sf] ahf/df sDtLdf 6\ofl/km nfOgsf] (& k|ltzt eG;f/ Pj+ sf]6f /lxt ahf/ kx'rsf] lbOg] . • ;/n / nlrnf] pTklQsf] lgod nfu' ug{ klg ;xdlt ePsf] 5 . • xfd|f] ;/f]sf/M (& k|ltztleq g]kfnsf] nfe ePsf j:t'x? ;dfj]z ug{ kxn, h:t} ufd]{G6
Aid for trade • Aid for Trade comprises aid that finances trade-related technical assistance, trade-related infrastructure and aid to develop productive capacity. • Nepal has formed high level committee to manage foreign assistance
IF and EIF • The Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical assistance to Least Developed Countries, established in October 1997, when it was officially inaugurated by six multilateral institutions (IMF, ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, World Bank and the WTO). • Diagnostic trade integration study - 2003
Issues for Journalists • ljZj Jofkf/ ;+u7gsf] ;b:otfsf] c;/ b]lvof] ls b]lvPg < b]lvPdf s'g If]qn] sdfof] s;n] u'dfof] < • /f]huf/L u'Dof] ls a9\of] < • s'g j:t' lgof{tof]Uo 5 . o;sf] lgof{tdf b]lvPsf] jfwf jf c8rg • pkef]Qmfn] s] kfP < • PlG6 8lDkË sfg'gsf af/]df s] eO/x]s]f 5 < • cGo sfg'gx?sf] lgdf{0f / ;+;f]wg k|lqmof sxf k'Uof] . sfg'g gx'bf kg]{ k|efj
Issues for Journalists • clxn] eO/x]s]f 5nkmndf g]kfnsf tk{maf6 s;n] efu lnO/x]s]f 5 . pgLx?sf] Ifdtf s] 5 < • ljleGg dGqfnox?df WTO Focal Point /fVg] elgPsf] 5 . tL Point x?sf] Ifdtf . • P; lk P; / l6lal6 ;"rgf s]Gb|x?sf] cj:yf • g]kfnsf] k|ltikwf{Tds wf/ ePsf j:t'x?sf] lgof{tdf jfwf 5 eg] s] slt sf/0fn] 5 < o;sf] pkfo s] x'g;S5 <
Issues for Journalists • WTO vs. BTA and FTA • WTO and Indo Nepal Trade treaty • Aid for trade, how much we have received so far, what are the needs and what is happening around. • Trade related infrastructure, both legal and physical. • Situation of information centers.
Issues for Journalists • Banking sector after 2010, Bassel 2 • Farmer's Right, Registration of Biodiversity and traditional knowledge. • Anti-Dumping Duty and other safeguard measures. • Food Security.
News Sources • MOICS and other ministry's WTO focal point. • INGO' and NGO's • Nepal Rastra Bank. • Experts • Research Reports • Web sites
Web sites • www.wto.org ( for journalists) trade report. • www.unctad.org • www.moics.gov.np • www.mof.gov.np • www.nrb.org.np • www.cgdev.org ( center for global dev.) • www.google.com