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R.Travaglini (INFN and Phys. Dept. Bologna)

Evaluation of trigger configuration in muon chamber setup with incident angles, data collection, and trigger synchronization for high-quality track recovery and performance analysis.

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R.Travaglini (INFN and Phys. Dept. Bologna)

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  1. Test beam Report • Outline • Setup • Trigger configuration • Data • Analysis status R.Travaglini (INFN and Phys. Dept. Bologna) Electronics System Review

  2. Setup Test at Cern SPS with a 120 GeV muon beam Beam structure: bunches spacedin time by 25 ns Setup : one DT muon chamber equipped with a minicrate (pictures by M.Bontenackels) Electronics System Review

  3. Chamber setup Samples were acquired with different incident angles (-45° / +30 ° ) of the muons with respect to the perpendicular direction in the Phi plane m Phi Superlayer SL 2 Phi Superlayer SL 1 Scintillators A dedicated sample of di-muon events has been acquired! Electronics System Review

  4. Minicrate setup Read-out : 3 ROB for the Phi SLs 2 ROB for Theta SL Phi 32 TRB Trigger devices layout: Link Board Theta TRB Phi TRB SB CCB (under SB) Minicrate output was collected in the control room (after cables long 40 m) with 1 ROS and 1 Sector Collector Prototype Board (deserializer module + transmitter to a Pattern Unit) Electronics System Review

  5. Trigger Configurations (1) Default: all trigger devices in default configuration (i.e. like in CMS TDR) • 13 configuration were tested by varying one selected parameter • of the default. In detail: • Low quality trigger suppression • Theta trigger validation for Phi trigger • BTI tolerance parameters (for hits alignment) • TRACO tolerance parameters (for segment correlation) • Trigger Server Ghost suppression • Trigger Server mechanism for recovering high quality second track Electronics System Review

  6. Trigger Configurations (2) Debug configuration (dedicated for studying TRACO performances): the Trigger Server was configured the most “transparent” as possible; only one TRACO was unmasked. 10 different BTI and TRACO setups were tested in this condition Dedicated runs with Trigger Server running in TSM backup mode (to be used in condition of partial system failure): 8 different configurations for ghost suppression and track sorting (relevant mainly for dimuons) Electronics System Review

  7. The data collected  9 million events acquired in total • 100k events for each angle and trigger configuration All data have been processed by using the standard CMS software (ORCA 7), for track reconstruction and trigger emulation (trigger performance is simulated using the recorded hits) Ntuples are produced for analysis Results are preliminary and the analysis is on going Electronics System Review

  8. Trigger synchronization Preliminary synchronization: clock phase tuning on the Sector Collector by using triggering tracks injected in the TRBs => sampling window of 15 ns ( BTI synchronization High quality correlated triggers are very sensitive to the right choice of the Vdrift used for BTI configuration and to the clock phase on the BTI. Selected (green point) V drift = 54.2 um/ns 2 ns Electronics System Review

  9. BX tagging efficiency Efficiency = events with at least 1 trigger (correct BX) / events with one muon Good agreement with the emulation (P.Ronchese,S.Vanini.P.Zotto) Electronics System Review

  10. Trigger Quality Trigger quality vs angle Fraction of correlated Trigger > 80% (2 segments in both Phi SL) (R.Travaglini)   Electronics System Review

  11. Trigger quality vs emulator General good agreement between data and emulation (P.Ronchese,S.Vanini.P.Zotto) Electronics System Review

  12. Time Slot distribution All quality triggers High quality correlated triggers Time Slot The agreement between data (red line) and the emulator (blue line) is very good Time Slot Out of time triggers are < 0.1% (S.Marcellini) Electronics System Review

  13. Reminder Radial angle (i.e. muon hit position, like Phi in CMS ) Bending angleb ( angle of the reconstructed muon segment w.r.t radial direction) Incident angle (angle of the reconstructed muon segment w.r.t direction normal to the chamber) Electronics System Review

  14. Trigger vs Reconstructed Track (1) Radial angle Fitted track vs Trigger track General good agreement. Trigger for all kind of quality are strongly correlated to the reconstructed track. Low quality triggers are not shown but they show a similar behavior. (P.Ronchese,S.Vanini.P.Zotto) Electronics System Review

  15. Trigger vs Reconstructed Track (2) Radial angle Sample with rejection of muon pairs event Full sample containing a fraction of muon pairs event (P.Ronchese,S.Vanini.P.Zotto) Electronics System Review

  16. Trigger vs Reconstructed Track (3) Incident angle Full sample containing a fraction of muon pairs event Sample with rejection of muon pairs event (P.Ronchese,S.Vanini.P.Zotto) Electronics System Review

  17. Trigger resolution (1) TRACO resolution in position similar for all angles: ~0.5-0.6 mm (Corresponding to ~ 200 rad resolution in radial angle) (Mary-Cruz Fouz)   Electronics System Review

  18. Traco–Chamber angle • = 1 mrad • =-4 mrad • =-1 mrad • = 3 mrad • = 7 mrad D= 3 mrad Trigger resolution (2) Incident Angle resolution (independent on angle) ~0.3-0.4 deg (~ 5-7 mrad) (Mary-Cruz Fouz)   Electronics System Review

  19. Ghost suppression – a first glance Mean Ghost rate of 8~9% in agreement with CMS TDR simulations More detailed studies are going on. Ghost reduction mechanisms behave as we expected. Quality of second track with (left) and without (right)ghost suppression (R.Travaglini) Electronics System Review

  20. Muon pair events (1) - preliminary Results are very preliminary; selections of muon pairs events are under study.. but… the trend of data distribution looks very similar to the simulation expectations Data ORCA 6 (S.Marcellini) Electronics System Review

  21. Muon pair events (2) - preliminary Both trigger segments shows good quality Purity of dimuon looks very satisfactory (S.Marcellini) Electronics System Review

  22. Summary and conclusions System integration allowed us to make very good use of the test-beam time available at the CERN H6 40MHz bunched beam. The whole DT local trigger system, including transmission to the Sector Collector, performed well. We collected ~ 9 million triggers in 7 angular orientations (-30deg to +45deg) and several different BTI-TRACO-TSS-TSM configurations. The present status of analysis shows many results which confirm the expectations on the good performances of the system. The analysis is still going on and the amount and the quality of data collected will allow us to study the system perfromances very thoroughly. Electronics System Review

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