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As per evidence presented by the, it is said that around 1.9 million people in the UK, aged between 16 u2013 59 years, experience domestic abuse. Between men and women, women are more prone to experience domestic abuse. The rate of prevalence of domestic abuse has been estimated as 6 out of every 100 adults, at the rate of 4.3% men and 7.5% women, thus leading to 713000 men and 1.2 million women <br>https://bit.ly/3Beleku<br> For #Enquiry<br> ud83cudf10: https://www.tutorsindia.com/ <br>ud83dudce7: info@tutorsindia.com<br>ud83dudcac(WA): 91-8754446690 <br>
HealthcareWorkers;Their RoleinHelpingVictimsof AbuseandDomestic Violence AnAcademicpresentationby Dr.NancyAgnes,Head,TechnicalOperations,TutorsIndia Group:www.tutorsindia.com Email:info@tutorsindia.com
TODAY'SDISCUSSION Outline Introduction RoleofSocialWorkers Conclusion
INTRODUCTION The issue of abuse and domestic violence which is commonly termed as domestic abuse, is considered as a problem thatimpacts women as wellas men. Thiswouldbeirrespectiveoftheir caste,financial status,ethnicorigin,educationalqualificationsor sexualorientations. Domesticabusehasbeendefinedinseveralways and many terms have beenutilized to describe it. Contd...
Across several developed nations there are terms such as; spousal violence, intimate partner violence or family abuse that have been usedcommonly. Such terms are extensively used to widely elucidate the kind of violenceorabusewhich mightoccurwithinpeopleintheage groupof18oraboveandisgenerallydistinctfromsexualabuse andviolence or child abuse. The impact from domestic abuse is known to affect all facets in the life ofthe victim such as; social, mental,economicandfinancial. Contd...
In addition, individuals who are exposed to domestic violence have more scopetoexperienceissuesinhealth,havethepropensitytomisswork and thus suffer loss of incomewhich impactsthe nation aswell. As per evidence presented by the, it is said that around 1.9 million people in theUK, agedbetween 16 – 59 years, experiencedomesticabuse. Between menandwomen,womenare morepronetoexperience domesticabuse. The rate of prevalence of domestic abuse has been estimated as 6 out of every100adults,attherateof4.3%menand7.5%women,thusleading to713000 men and 1.2 million women. Contd...
It has been clearly stated by Public health guideline that professionals from the domain of healthcare have a responsibility to extend support to individuals who havebeen impacted by domestic abuse. Asperevidencepresentedbythe,itissaidthataround1.9millionpeopleinthe UK, aged between 16 – 59 years, experience domestic abuse. Between men andwomen,womenaremore pronetoexperiencedomesticabuse. Nonetheless, prevalent evidence has indicated that the focus of social workers is mostly on issues pertaining to child protection and children, while tending to ignore adultvictims of abuse. Contd...
Evidence presented by Robbins and Cook, also indicated that those individuals who have experienced domestic abuse and have interacted with social workers’ state that social workers werenot veryhelpfulintermsoffacilitatingtherequired support. Therefore,thispaperwouldexploretheroleofsocialworkers in providing care to victims of domestic abuse. The roleswould mainlybe; victimidentification, referringto specialistdomestic violenceservicesandextendinglegal assistance.
ROLEOFSOCIALWORKERS VICTIMIDENTIFICATION As far as healthcare professionals are concerned, victim identificationis quite significant. Though the evidence in this context is mixed in terms of the need for routine screening for identifying domestic abuse victims,ithasbeenempiricallyproventhat healthcareprofessionalsare requiredtodo morefor victimidentification. Contd...
Appropriate response is a major aspect of victim identification in situations where individuals mightreveal the abuse they are experiencing. Considering that concerns have risen about distrust of social workers in extending to adult victims of domestic abuse, social workers are expected to be rather empathetic while responding to victims andtheirfamiliesininstancesofabuse. This would go a long wayin developing trust. [Looking towrite a master dissertation on Healthcare? Get in touch with us info@tutorsindia.com] Contd...
REFERRINGTOSPECIALISTSERVICES A significant role that social workers are supposed to play wouldbeto referdomesticabuse victimsto specialist services. Though socialworkersarenotexpectedtohavethe expertisetoprovidethe requiredspecialistsupport,they should be in a position to refervictims to the rightspecialist. Mostvictimsfailtoapproach specialistserviceproviding agencies owing to several agencies but when victims are referred to specialist services by social workers, it becomes easyfor the victims to consider the referral. Contd...
Some commonbarriersfacedby victims include; fear of repercussion, stigma, shame, disbeliefand fear of being blamed. Therefore,dueacademicassistancefrom socialworkerswouldenablevictimstoget therequired help. Contd...
LEGALASSISTANCE Modificationseffected recentlywithinlegislationhas indicated that social workers play a major role in extending supporttoindividualswhohavebeenexposedtoviolence orvictims of domestic abuse. AspertheLegalAid,SentencingandPunishmentof Offenders Act, the level of evidence which can be permitted toprovide support for matterrelating to domestic abuse. ThoughithasbeenspecifiedintheActthatdocumentary evidencecouldbeprovided facilitate legal assistance, byhealthcareworkersto therewasnoclarityon documentaryevidence that social workers could provide Contd...
Nonetheless,changeseffectedinthelawinthe UK [law academic writinghelp] has revealed that socialworkershavebeenacknowledgedas individuals who can clearly identify as well as refer victimsofdomesticabusethereby,extending documentary proof thus allowing victims to gain legalassistance.
CONCLUSION The issue of domestic abuse is no doubt a private problem which tends to have huge impact onpublic healthas well as well-being ofindividuals and the nation. It leads to the creation of major problems in health which makes an impact on the economy of the nation, the ability of the abused individual to study and work and also to the healthcare system on thewhole. Thisessayexploredthe roleof socialworkersandhealthcare professionals inextending support to victims of domesticabuse.
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