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CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary

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    1. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential PRESENTATION TEMPLATE March 2010

    2. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential The Goal is… To communicate the company’s story as clearly as possible To create excitement for the company to attract further resources To get a second meeting!

    3. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Presentation Musts: Less Is More 13-15 Minutes only Graphics; Keep It Simple, Standard Logo 12-14 slides with key sound-bites (3-4 per slide…the rest is your story!) Utilize back-up slides to pull out during the Q&A session (anticipate questions and prepare)

    4. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Best Practices for Slide Layouts Appearance matters: The visual impact of your slides is often perceived by the viewer as just as important as the content Try to use larger fonts: 32pt – 36pt for titles, 24pt – 28pt for text (smaller will be hard to read in the back of the room). Use only one style of font if possible in the entire presentation Be consistent with font size and color from slide to slide – use this presentation as a guide. After you finish making your slides, carefully review them for consistency Don’t use slide animation effects unless they really add value (especially the “Fly In” effect)

    5. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 1 – Introduction Presenter and company introduction must cover: Who you are? What is your title? What business you are in? What markets do you compete in? Significant company milestones to date Two to three Questions for the panel to focus on Business Model, Go-to-Market Plan, Funding, etc.

    6. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 2 – Pain What is the pain? Who has it? Will they pay for the solution? Who is your ideal customer Is your solution “the pain killer/must have” or “the vitamin/nice to have”? Quantify the problem concisely! ($) How much does the problem cost to its owner?

    7. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 3 – Your Solution Compelling presentation of your solution Graphics, illustrations or pictures are highly recommended (Remember: Keep It Simple) Relate to the problem slide List the key points that will help the audience understand Don’t explain the technology in detail What is it? What it does? NOT how it does. What will happen if it is implemented? How much will it save? What will it allow your customer to do that couldn’t be done before? Why are they going to pay for a solution? Cost savings? Increased market share? Elimination of a bottleneck?

    8. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 4 – Value Proposition If appropriate! Articulate the exceptional value to your customers If there are more members in the value chain, articulate value propositions for each; i.e. when selling through a partner, strategic alliance to reach the end-user

    9. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 5 – Business Model

    10. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 6 – Technology (Solution Description) If appropriate! If the value is in cost savings focus on that aspect, always relate to benefits Layman’s terms Graphs, pictures work Assume that the audience does not know the technological field you are in Yet, give a compelling description without using abbreviations or techy terms

    11. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 7 – Market (How big is the problem?) Demonstrate a significant market opportunity Size, growth, maturity (graphs) Show how your solution is positioned in the market Demonstrate how uniquely your product fits into the market Focus on the smallest segment for credible penetration Ex, If you are selling wheat bread to the restaurant industry, the segmentation order should be: Restaurant industry size: $5555 (Total Available Market-TAM) Restaurants that buy the bread instead of cooking: $444 Restaurants that buys wheat bread: $33 Restaurants that you can reach (your target):$2 (Served Available Market – SAM)

    12. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 8 - Competition Competitive Landscape: list direct (same/similar solution providers) and indirect (current other methods, but can move into your space) competition Southwest Airline’s direct competitors are other airlines but they declared that they are indirectly competing with all other available travel choices Large and small companies How you are different? Comparison of solutions based on customers’ decision making criteria Customer feedback, why you versus others?

    13. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 9 – Competitive Advantage What is your unfair advantage? What are the differentiated features that will hook the decision makers? How long does your solution last? How often it will be replaced? Why the customer should pay? What is the value proposition?

    14. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 10 – Go to Market Strategy Marketing plan and Distribution plan (address market risk) The sustained initiatives and processes to acquire your target customers PR, Media, Search Engine Optimization, Advertisement, etc. How you are going to tackle the market? Direct versus Indirect distribution channels, alliance partners Identify customer acquisition cost and other business metrics; benchmark against competitors Highlight third party validation Graphs work

    15. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 11 – Company Traction Team (could be your greatest strength) Short summary of the members key strength and achievements, particularly as it relates to the business (address management risk) Possibly board of advisors (if recognized) Barriers to entry: Your existing IP/ IP strategy (address technology risk) Depending on the company stage, important milestones achieved Short personal experience to hook the audience and to have a smooth transition to the “Problem” slide!

    16. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 12 – Financials Financial Plan – Pro-Forma - includes Revenue, Gross Margin, Total Operating Expenses, EBITDA, Cashflow Everyone knows that this is an estimate, but still they want to know how realistic are the financials and if you are capable of predicting the market 5 Year realistic estimates – graph is a must Highlight critical assumptions/milestones, and mention if there is an important issue for the realization of revenue projections Don’t provide details or show a spreadsheet, but be prepared to present and discuss them

    17. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 13 – Funding (if seeking investment) How much $ are you seeking? Where will the money be put to use? (i.e. 45% R&D, 20% Marketing, %10...etc) Pie Graphs work nicely How long will the money last? How long until you need another cash infusion or will this be all the financing you need?

    18. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential

    19. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 15 – Assumptions and Risks

    20. Slide 16 – Exit Strategy CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential

    21. CONNECT Springboard - Proprietary & Confidential Slide 17 - Summary List your strengths unique to your company Three to five points that you want from your audience to remember when they leave the room Repeat the two to three questions you want the panel to focus on

    22. INPUT PRESENTATION DATE PROGRAM NAME - Proprietary & Confidential Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) – Expectations & Requirements Benefits Mentor entrepreneurs and innovators Upon invitation only from the client, join the client’s leadership team Network with entrepreneurs, service providers and domain experts Activities Initial “Intake Session” Assess and identify the appropriate SB category Business audit and gap analysis Coach accepted companies on business model, marketing strategies and financial modeling Assist in identifying panelists and attend panel presentations Assist in providing post-panel action plans and milestones for future development

    23. INPUT PRESENTATION DATE PROGRAM NAME - Proprietary & Confidential Requirements Serve based upon experience as a CEO, in raising venture capital and growing successful companies Commit appropriate time to coach the clients Approximately 10 hrs/week for up to 6 months Maintain the highest standards of integrity with regard to confidential client information Inform PROGRAM NAME program management of any changes or issues in the Client – EIR relationship An invitation from the client to join the leadership team Client does not respond to coaching Entrepreneur-in-Residence (EIR) – Expectations & Requirements (cont’d)

    24. Serve based upon specific expertise in a particular industry or profession Serve on dry-run panels Support EIRs in coaching process Maintain the highest standards of integrity with regard to confidential client information Domain Experts Expectations & Requirements

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