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PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD. If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located at the table on the side of the Council room.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located at the table on the side of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker.

  2. Certificates, Awards and Presentations • Certificates of Appreciation presented to Paul Yockus and Rosalyn Buchanan for their many years of service to the Shade Tree Commission

  3. Certificates, Awards and Presentations • Update from Councilman Kauffman on the City's efforts to attract post-secondary institutes to the city.

  4. Certificates, Awards and Presentations • Presentation from Whitman Requardt and Associates regarding their review and assessment of the City's industrial surcharges. • H:\USERS\JDR\Local Limits Introduction.pptx • H:\USERS\JDR\Local Limits Presentation.ppt

  5. Certificates, Awards and Presentations • Presentations from community / non-profit groups regarding their requests for an allotment from the City's hotel/motel funds.

  6. Director’s Report • Police Department monthly report for May, 2012 • Fire Department monthly report for May, 2012 • Administrative Services monthly report for May, 2012

  7. Director’s Report • Engineering Department monthly report for May, 2012 • Maintenance Division monthly report for May, 2012 • Utilities Department monthly report for May, 2012

  8. Minutes • Approval of the Traffic Group minutes from the meeting of May 17, 2012

  9. Unfinished Business • Ordinance (2nd and 3rd readings) - repealing and reenacting with amendments Chapter 19 of the City Code to comply with State requirements pertaining to local ethics laws for local officials.

  10. Unfinished Business • Ordinance (1st reading) - providing for increased rates for the use of the City sewerage system effective August 1, 2012.

  11. Proposed Sewer Rate Ordinance

  12. Proposed Sewer Rate Ordinance • Recommended 7.5% • Effective Date of 8/1/12 if Approved • Total Revenue $494,645 • IR $306,151 • OR and PSD’s $188,494

  13. Proposed Sewer Rate Ordinance MonthlyBeforeAfter Difference 305 Reynolds (min) $6.68 $7.18 $0.50 61 Maple (100) $12.00 $12.90 $0.90 Average (464) $31.41 $33.77 $2.36 612 Montgomery (638) $40.73 $43.78 $3.05

  14. New Business

  15. Ordinances • Ordinance (1st reading) - to repeal and reenact with amendments Section 24-176 of the Code to address the proper application of interceptors to decrease the frequency of sewer line blockages.

  16. Resolutions • Resolution approving an amendment to the City's Deferred Compensation Plan to allow for multiple payments to be made on a monthly basis.

  17. Orders • Order approving the purchase of a previously owned 2010 Ford Escape in the amount of $20,000 from First Peoples Credit Union for use by the Economic Development Department.

  18. Orders • Order authorizing the execution of an Easement and Right of Way Agreement with Columbia Gas of Maryland, Inc. to provide a permanent easement for the regulator station on Oldtown Road for the sum of $2,500.

  19. Columbia Gas Easement

  20. Orders • Order adopting Economic Strategic Initiatives for the City of Cumberland.

  21. Orders • Order authorizing the execution of an Encroachment Agreement with the Allegany County Board of Education to allow encroachment into the right of way for the purpose of a parking lot at the corner of Greenway Avenue and Cecil Street.

  22. BOE Encroachment Agreement

  23. BOE Encroachment Agreement

  24. Orders • Order accepting the proposals for various liability, fleet, and property insurances from CBIZ Insurance Services - $46,033 / Erie Insurance Group - $128,137/ and Local Government Insurance Trust (LGIT) - $128,137 for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013

  25. Orders • Order appointing Terry Michels as the Downtown Development Commission representative to the Bicycle Advisory Commission for a 3-year term, and Keith Mikula as the Upper West Side representative to the Neighborhood Advisory Commission for a 3-year term.

  26. Orders • Order approving the execution of a MOU with the MD Department of Housing and Community Development regarding the administration of the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program for the period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2015.

  27. Orders • Order declaring a 2004 Ford Explorer XLT to be surplus equipment and authorizing its disposal.

  28. Orders • Order declaring $7,160.07 in returned checks to be uncollectible debt and authorizing the City Comptroller to write-off said debt.

  29. Letters, Petitions • Letter from Christian Johansson, Secretary of the MD Department of Business and Economic Development, advising that redesignation of the Cumberland Arts & Entertainment District was approved and becomes effective July 1, 2012 for a period of ten years.

  30. Letters, Petitions • Letter from David A. Treber requesting permission to hold the 2012 Great Allegany Run (GAR) on Saturday, October 6, 2012.

  31. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD If you would like to address the Mayor and City Council during the Public Comment section on Tonight’s Agenda, please record your name and address on the sign-up sheet located on the speaker’s podium in the front of the Council room. Please note that public comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker. http://tools.arantius.com/stopwatch

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