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Teacher PDP for the 2012-13 School Year. Donna Albaugh, Joyce Gardner & DeLea Payne. NCDPI Educator Recruitment & Development . Donna Albaugh, PD Lead, Region 4 Donna.albaugh@dpi.nc.gov. Joyce Gardner PD Lead, Region 8 Joyce.gardner@dpi.nc.gov. DeLea Payne, Online Module Development
Teacher PDP for the 2012-13 School Year Donna Albaugh, Joyce Gardner & DeLea Payne
NCDPI Educator Recruitment & Development Donna Albaugh, PD Lead, Region 4 Donna.albaugh@dpi.nc.gov Joyce Gardner PD Lead, Region 8 Joyce.gardner@dpi.nc.gov DeLea Payne, Online Module Development Delea.payne@dpi.nc.gov
Reminders About Webinar Protocol We are recording today’s webinar. Your mikes are muted, but remember you can communicate with us through the questions bar on your dashboard. The questions bar is also where you may ask questions throughout the session. If you lose your connection, just log back in with your original webinar link.
Important Reminder The online tool will lockdown on June 30, 2012 for all teacher and administrator evaluations. All data needs to be in the tool by this deadline.
NC Educator Evaluation System (NCEES) Wiki http://ncees.ncdpi.wikispaces.net
State Board of Education Policy on Evaluation http://sbepolicy.dpi.state.nc.us/policies
Teacher Self-Assessment In each evaluation cycle, the teacher begins by completing:Teacher Self-Assessmentin the online tools, (p.21 Online Tool Manual).
Data is used to determine levels of performance for Self-Assessment
The teacher self-assesses and checks the appropriate indicators using the evaluation rubric.
The teacher should reflect upon and review any data relevant to performance on the standards.
SMART S • pecific and Strategic goals are clearly stated, long-term and aligned • easurable goals: • ttainable or achievable: • esults-oriented: • ime-bound: M A R T
Data for Setting Goals • Determine greatest area of need • Determine the range of improvement • Review hard and soft data over time
Range of Improvement 58% of Ms. Gardner’s Third graders scored proficient or above on the End of Grade Mathematics test. What would be a reasonable target percentage for one year for Ms. Gardner? 65%? 95%?
Without exiting the webinar, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome and visit the URL on the screen to respond. http://tinyurl.com/targetapril20
After submitting your response, click on the link to see a summary of the responses submitted by other webinar participants. You may need to refresh your web browser to see additional responses. If you are having problems, please put your question in the questions bar.
Goal Setting Process • Use SMART Goals template • To: ________________so that___________________ will __________________by__(completion date)___as measured by_____________.
SMART Goals Focus on results-oriented goals rather than process-oriented goals.
Specific and Strategic • Goals are clearly stated, long-term and aligned with data.
Measurable • Results can be determined with quantitative or qualitative measures.
Attainable & Achievable • The result can be reached, even if it is a stretch goal. • The goal is worthy of educator commitment of time and effort.
Reasonable? Standard I, Teachers Lead in the Profession could be: • Ms. Albaugh will assume the lead of 3 PLCs (Writing, Differentiating instruction, Revised Bloom’s), and and facilitate unit development for the 8th grade ELA team by mid-year (even though she has never been in a school leadership role). • Ms. Payne will attend a 4-session regional Lesson Study seminar during September and October and lead one PLC in lesson study beginning in January 2013 (even though she has never led a PLC).
Results-oriented • Goals are data driven. • Benchmarks are established for monitoring progress through the year. • High expectations are set for teacher and student growth.
Realistic • Constraints on time, people, materials and other resources have been identified. • There is belief that this goal in important and can be accomplished.
Time Bound • Constraints on time, people, materials and other resources have been identified. • There is belief that this goal in important and can be accomplished .
Are these goals SMART? • By June 2013, 85% of students will achieve proficient in mathematics as measured by the fifth grade EOG. • I (Teacher) will provide 2 choices for science learning tasks for each student as noted in lesson plans by the beginning of 2nd quarter.
Can you improve this SMART goal? By the end of first semester, student office referrals will decrease.
Without exiting the webinar, open a web browser such as Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome and visit the URL on the screen to respond. http://tinyurl.com/smartgoalapril20
After submitting your response, click on the link to see a summary of the responses submitted by other webinar participants. You may need to refresh your web browser to see additional responses. If you are having problems, please put your question in the questions bar.
Let’s Practice • To: ________________so that___________________ will __________________by__(completion date)___as measured by_____________.
https://mxweb3.media-x.com/home/ncval/demo/ Username: principaldemo12 Password: 123456
Solo Practicehttps://mxweb3.media-x.com/home/ncval/demo/Username: principaldemo12Password: 123456
https://mxweb3.media-x.com/home/ncval/demo/ Username: teacherdemo12 Password: 123456
Preliminary Professional Development Plan Scenarios 6/5/2014 • page 47
What must the principal do to move the teacher to a Monitored Professional Development Plan?