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Center for String & Particle Theory

Center for String & Particle Theory. Mission Statement. The purpose of the research to be carried out by the Center for String and Particle Theory (CSPT) is to make seminal and unique advances in the application of mathematical and theoretical physics at the frontiers

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Center for String & Particle Theory

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  1. Center for String & Particle Theory Theme Group 2

  2. Mission Statement • The purpose of the research to be carried out by the Center for String and Particle Theory (CSPT) is to make seminal and unique advances in the application of mathematical and theoretical physics at the frontiers of the human insight of Nature's most fundamental laws. Theme Group 2

  3. CSPT (2002 - 2005) • Faculty • Melanie Becker– Asst. Professor • S. James Gates, Jr. – Professor, J. S. Toll Chair (Supersymmetry, Supergravity, Superstring/M-theory) • Post-Docs • Annamaria Kiss (Supergravity Eff. Actions, 2003-2004) • Axel Krause (String theory, 2003-2005) • Graduate Students (2002-2005) • 6 Students in String Theory • C.Dragos, A. Knauf, W. Linch, W. Merrell, J. Phillips and R. Sriharsha Theme Group 2

  4. CSPT (2005 & Beyond) • Faculty • New Asst. Professor • S. James Gates, Jr. – Professor, J. S. Toll Chair (Supersymmetry, Supergravity, Superstring/M-theory) • M. Luty – (Assoc.) Professor, (Supersymmetric Field Theories and SUSY Breaking, Extra Dimensions, Gravity, Cosmology) • R. N. Mohapatra– Professor(Neutrino mass, Grand unification, Supersymmetry, CP violation, Extra dimensions, Cosmology) • Post-Docs • Axel Krause (String theory, 2003-2005) Theme Group 2

  5. Research Topics • Physics Beyond the Standard Model • Origin of Supersymmetry Breaking • Understanding Neutrino Masses and Mixings • Grand Unification, Proton Decay, N-N-bar Oscillation • Origin of CP Violation, Strong CP problem and Flavor Mixing -- Cosmological Constraints on New Physics • Superstring Theory and Supergravity • Manifestly Supersymmetric Effective Actions: Superstring & SUSY QCD • Flux Compactification • Higher Spin Supersymmetric Dynamical Systems • Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics • Supersymmetry & the Quantum Hall Effect • Heterotic Superstring & Cosmic Baryon Asymmetry • 4D Superfields on 3-Branes Theme Group 2

  6. Research Topics • Issues in Cosmology • Nature of Dark Matter • Cosmological Constant • Origin of Matter Theme Group 2

  7. More Details on Future Plans • Future Research • Understanding neutrino masses and its connection to grand unification. • Origin and nature of supersymmetry breaking and Higgs physics. • Connecting superstring ideas to unify forces and matter and a better understanding of the nature of gravity. • LHC physics e.g. Higgs bosons, SUSY and extra dimensions. • Experimental efforts that complement these activities: e.g. (i) Babar and future B-physics activity, (ii) HE experimental group part of LHC collaboration, (iii)Astro-particle involvement in Ice Cube can elucidate the nature of neutrinos, (iv) Search for new long range forces in Nature, (iv) Nucl. Expt. Search for neutrino people for junior faculty. • Continue to explore fundamental formal questions on the foundations of supersymmetry, supergravity and superstring/M-theory with special emphasis on mathematical topics such as K-theory and representation theory. Theme Group 2

  8. More Details on Future Plans • Hiring Plans • Search is on for one junior faculty hire in unified theories and phenomenology, • two in string theory (one as a replacement for Becker plus a new one jointly with gravity group). Theme Group 2

  9. CSPT • Center For Particle and String Theory • Co-Directors: Gates and Mohapatra • Phenomenology Funding $90 K/yr (State) • String Theory Funding ~$120K/yr (State) • Provides student support (50% for 5 students) plus post-doc and visitors jointly with Hopkins Theme Group 2

  10. CSPT • Awards and Recognition • Becker • Sloan • Gates • APS Fellow, AAAS Fellow, 2003 AAPT Klopsteg Award Recipient, Inaugural APS Bouchet Award Recipient, John S. Toll Professor of Physics, Fellow of the National Society of Black Physicists, Fellow of the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study • Mohapatra • APS Fellow, Member, Indian National Acad, DST-UM Theme Group 2

  11. Other Highlights • International Exposure of Research by Group • Invited talks at International conferences: About 50 talks during the past five years. • Community Activities: • Gates: Undergraduate Research,Talks and Outreach • Summer Student Theoretical Physics • Research Session (SSTPRS, since 1999) • http://www-hep.physics.uiowa.edu/~vincent/SSTPRS/sstprs%202004.htm • Member of the U.S. N.L.C. Steering Comm. • Member of the AAPT SPIN-UP Comm. Theme Group 2

  12. Other Highlights Member of the South African ``International Panel’’ S.A. National Physics Advisor Group Advisor the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study Patron of the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences Organizing committee for the SUSY series at Dubna Lecture series at TASI, PiTP (Princeton) Two NOVA/PBS appearances Over 45 popular level talks • Mohapatra: Led APS Neutrino Study –Theory group • Organizing committee of SUSY series and ICTP workshops. Theme Group 2

  13. CSPT Publication Portfolio BECKER 01) M-THEORY INFLATION FROM MULTI M5-BRANE DYNAMICS By Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Axel Krause e-Print Archive: hep-th/0501130 02) GEOMETRIC TRANSITIONS, NON-KAHLER GEOMETRIES AND STRING VACUA By Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Keshav Dasgupta, Radu Tatar e-Print Archive: hep-th/0411039 03) IN THE REALM OF THE GEOMETRIC TRANSITIONS By Stephon Alexander, Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Keshav Dasgupta, Anke Knauf, Radu Tata e-print Archive: hep-th/0408192 04) GEOMETRIC TRANSITIONS, FLOPS AND NONKAHLER MANIFOLDS. I By Melanie Becker, Keshav Dasgupta, Anke Knauf, Radu Tatar e-Print Archive: hep-th/0403288 05) DE SITTER VACUA FROM HETEROTIC M THEORY By Melanie Becker, Gottfried Curio, Axel Krause e-Print Archive: hep-th/0403027 Theme Group 2

  14. CSPT Publication Portfolio 06) KAHLER VERSUS NONKAHLER COMPACTIFICATIONS By Melanie Becker, Keshav Dasgupta e-Print Archive: hep-th/0312221 07) M THEORY ON SPIN(7) MANIFOLDS, FLUXES AND 3-D, N=1 SUPERGRAVITY By Melanie Becker, Dragos Constantin, S.James Gates, Jr., William D. Linch, III, Willie Merrell, J. Phillips e-Print Archive: hep-th/0312040 08) COMPACTIFICATIONS OF HETEROTIC STRINGS ON NONKAHLER COMPLEX MANIFOLDS. 2 By Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Paul S. Green, Keshav Dasgupta, Eric Sharpe e-Print Archive: hep-th/0310058 09) PP WAVES, M THEORY AND FLUXES By Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Ram Sriharsha, e-Print Archive: hep-th/0308014 10) PROPERTIES OF HETEROTIC VACUA FROM SUPERPOTENTIALS By Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Keshav Dasgupta, Sergey Prokushkin e-Print Archive: hep-th/0304001 Theme Group 2

  15. CSPT Publication Portfolio 11) COMPACTIFICATIONS OF HETEROTIC THEORY ON NONKAHLER COMPLEX MANIFOLDS. 1 By Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Keshav Dasgupta e-Print Archive: hep-th/0301161 12) A NOTE ON FLUX INDUCED SUPERPOTENTIALS IN STRING THEORY By Melanie Becker, Dragos Constantin e-Print Archive: hep-th/0210131 13) SUPERSYMMETRY BREAKING AND ALPHA-PRIME CORRECTIONS TO FLUX INDUCED POTENTIALS By Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, Michael Haack, Jan Louis Archive: hep-th/0204254 Theme Group 2

  16. CSPT Publication Portfolio • GATES 01) MASSIVE 4D, N=1 SUPERSPIN 1 & 3/2 MULTIPLETS AND DUALITIES By I.L. Buchbinder, S.James Gates Jr., S.M. Kuzenko e-Print Archive: hep-th/0501199 02) SUPERSYMMETRIC EMBEDDING OF THE QUANTUM HALL MATRIX MODEL By S.James Gates, Jr., Ahmed Jellal, EL Hassan Saidi, Michael Schreiber e-Print Archive: hep-th/0410070 03) DYNAMICAL EQUATIONS FROM A FIRST-ORDER PERTURBATIVE SUPERSPACE FORMULATION OF 10D, N=1 STRING-CORRECTED SUPERGRAVITY. (I) By S.James Gates, Jr., Annamaria Kiss, Willie Merrell e-Print Archive: hep-th/0409104 04) CAN THE STRING SCALE BE RELATED TO THE COSMIC BARYON ASYMMETRY? By Stephon H.S. Alexander, S.James Gates, Jr., e-Print Archive: hep-th/0409014 Theme Group 2

  17. CSPT Publication Portfolio 05) ADINKRAS: A GRAPHICAL TECHNOLOGY FOR SUPERSYMMETRIC REPRESENTATION THEORY By Michael Faux, S.James Gates, Jr. e-Print Archive: hep-th/0408004 06) M-THEORY ON SPIN(7) MANIFOLDS, FLUXES AND 3-D, N=1 SUPERGRAVITY By Melanie Becker, Dragos Constantin, S.James Gates, Jr., William D. Linch, III, Willie Merrell, J. Phillips e-Print Archive: hep-th/0312040 07) FIELD STRENGTHS OF LINEARIZED 5-D, N=1 SUPERFIELD SUPER- GRAVITY ON A THREE-BRANE By S. James Gates, Jr., William D. Linch, III, J. Phillips e-Print Archive: hep-th/0311153 08) THE OFF-SHELL (3/2, 2) SUPERMULTIPLETS REVISITED By S.James Gates, Jr., Sergei M. Kuzenko, J. Phillips e-Print Archive: hep-th/0306288 Theme Group 2

  18. CSPT Publication Portfolio 09) SUPERGRAVITY LOOP CONTRIBUTIONS TO BRANE WORLD SUPERSYMMETRY BREAKING By I.L. Buchbinder, S. James Gates, Jr., Hock-Seng Goh, W.D. Linch, III, Markus A. Luty, Siew-Phang Ng, J. Phillips, e-Print Archive: hep-th/0305169 10) WHEN SUPERSPACE IS NOT ENOUGH By S. James Gates, Jr., W.D. Linch, III, J. Phillips, e-Print Archive: hep-th/0211034 11) SHORT DISTANCE EXPANSION FROM THE DUAL REPRESENTATION OF INFINITE DIMENSIONAL LIE ALGEBRAS By S. James Gates, Jr., W.D. Linch,III, J. Phillips , V.G.J. Rodgers e-Print Archive: hep-th/0211021 12) MINIMAL SUPERSPACE VECTOR FIELDS FOR 5-D MINIMAL SUPERSYMMETRY By S. James Gates, Jr., Lubna Rana, e-Print Archive: hep-th/0208105 Theme Group 2

  19. CSPT Publication Portfolio 13) DYNAMICAL SUPERFIELD THEORY OF FREE MASSIVE SUPERSPIN-1 MULTIPLET By I.L. Buchbinder, S. James Gates, Jr., W.D. Linch, III, J. Phillips e-Print Archive: hep-th/0207243 14) IS STRINGY SUPERSYMMETRY QUINTESSENTIALLY CHALLENGED? By S. James Gates, Jr. e-Print Archive: hep-th/0202112 15) NEW 4-D, N=1 SUPERFIELD THEORY: MODEL OF FREE MASSIVE SUPERSPIN 3/2 MULTIPLET By I.L. Buchbinder, S.James Gates, Jr., W.D. Linch, J. Phillips e-Print Archive: hep-th/0201096 16) CHIRAL SUPERGRAVITONS INTERACTING WITH A 0 BRANE N EXTENDED NSR SUPERVIRASORO GROUP By A. Boveia, Bjorg A. Larson, V.G.J. Rodgers, S. James Gates, Jr., W.D. Linch, III, J.A. Phillips, Dagny M. Kimberly e-Print Archive: hep-th/0201094 Theme Group 2

  20. CSPT Publication Portfolio Publication Total = 29 Theme Group 2

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