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Prevention and control of communicable disease. Over the last century, infectious diseases have lost a lot of their threat to individuals’ health as well as to the health of populations living in industrialized countries.
Over the last century, infectious diseases have lost a lot of their threat to individuals’health as well as to the health of populations living in industrialized countries. The continuous reduction and effective control of both mortality and morbidityfrom infectious diseases marks an impressive story of success in the history ofpublic health in the developed world and has been linked to a wide range ofimprovements.
hygienicwatersupply, • improved sanitation(Sanitation is the hygienicmeans ofpromotinghealththrough preventionof human contact with the hazards of wastes as well as the treatment and proper disposal ofsewagewastewater. • development of antibioticsand vaccines, • improved livingconditions, • food quality/availability, • improved health care and surveillance systems • havebeenmajorimprovementsthatcontributedsignificantlytothissuccess.
About 2 million people die every year due to diarrhoeal diseases, most of them are children less than 5 years of age. The most affected are the populations in developing countries, living in extreme conditions of poverty, normally peri-urban dwellers or rural inhabitants.
Around 1.1 billion people globally do not have access to improved water supply sources 2.4 billion people do not have access to any type of improved sanitation facility.
Transmissioncontrolstrategiesandcontrolmeasures: • Reducecontactbetweensusceptiblesandpotentialinfectives: • a) Behaviorchange (hostand/orsource), b) Caseisolation, c) Casefindingforintervention(e.g. isolation), d) Contacttracingforintervention (e.g. quarantine), e)Quarantine of exposed (individual, communityorgeographicboundary (cordonsanitaire), f) Sheltering ( isolation of nonexposed), g) Reduction in thenumber of infectioussources, h) Socialdistancing (schoolclosures, travelrestrictions)
Transmissioncontrolstrategiesandcontrolmeasures: 2. Reduceprobabilitypotentialsourcesareinfectious: a) Casefindingforintervention (e.g. isolation, treatment, etc), b) Identificationandcontrol of infectioussources, c) Vaccination
Transmissioncontrolstrategiesandcontrolmeasures: 3. Reducedbiologicsusceptibility of susceptibles: a) vaccination (Preand post exposure), b) Immuneglobulin (Preand post exposure), c)Antimicrobialdrug (preand post exposure), treatment of co-factor ( e.g. Ulcerative STD
Transmissioncontrolstrategiesandcontrolmeasures: 4. Reducebiologicalinfectiousness of infectives: a) Treatment of cases, b) vaccination (Preand post exposure)
Transmissioncontrolstrategiesandcontrolmeasures: 5. Interrupttransmissionbetweeninfectioussourceandsusceptiblehostgivencontact: a)Physicalandchemicalmethods (e.g. barriers: masks, goggles, condoms, respirators; handsanitizers, etc. b) Engineeringcontrols (e.g. HEPA filters, negativepressurerooms), c) Environmentalcontrols (e.g. disinfection)
Transmissioncontrolstrategiesandcontrolmeasures: 6. Increaseherdimmunity: a) Naturally-acquiredimmunity, b) Vaccinecoverage c) Vaccineefficacy
A case of the followingdiseases is unusualorunexpectedandmay haveseriouspublichealthimpact, andthusshall be notifiedto WHO undertheInternationalHealthRegulations. Smallpox,Poliomyelitisdueto wild-typepoliovirus, Humaninfluenzacausedby a new Subtype, Severe acute Respiratorysyndrome (SARS)
An event involving the followingdiseases shall always lead to utilization of thealgorithm, becausetheyhavedemonstratedthe ability to cause seriouspublic health impact and to spread rapidlyinternationally : Cholera, Pneumonicplague, Yellowfever, Viralhaemorrhagicfevers (Ebola, Lassa, Marburg), West Nilefever, Other diseases that are ofspecialnationalorregionalconcern, e.g. denguefever, RiftValleyfever, and meningococcaldisease.
Anyevent of potentialinternationalpublichealthconcern, includingthose of unknowncausesor sourcesandthoseinvolvingothereventsordiseasesthanthose listed in the lasttwoslidesshallleadtoutilization of thealgorithm.
Thealgorithm 1- Is thepublichealthimpact of theserious? 2-Is theeventunusualorunexpected? Ifbothquestionsanswered as yeseventshall be notifiedto WHO undertheIHRs. Ifthefirstquestionanswered as yes, thesecondquestionanswered no; thenthethirdquestion is asked “Is there a significant of international spread”. Iftheanswer is yestheneventshall be notifiedto WHO.
Ifthefirstquestionanswered no, then a newquestion is asked “ Is thiseventunusualorunexpected”. Iftheanswer is yesanotherquestion is asked “is there a significant risk of international spread”. Iftheanswer is yestheeventshall be notifiedundertheIHRsto WHO. Ifthelastquestion is answere as not, a n additionalquestioan is asked: Is there a significant risk of internationaltravelortraderestrictions?. İfthisanswere is yestheeventshall be notifiedounderIHRsto WHO