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This evaluation examines the Partnership Agreement for the 2014-2020 period, focusing on strategic documents, indicators, financial aspects, and governance. Lessons learned and recommendations are provided.
The ex ante evaluation of thePartnershipAgreementforthe 2014-2020 period Milagros Paniagua Oct 9th, 2014
Mucho que comentar sobre evaluación… SIN EMBARGO: El objetivo de la presentación es LA EVALUACIÓN EX ANTE DEL ACUERDO DE ASOCIACIÓN
Index Chapter I: Introduction Chapter II: The Strategy in the Partnership Agreement Chapter III: Indicators, monitoring and evaluation Chapter IV: Financial aspects Chapter V: Governance and structure of the programming Chapter VI: Conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation team
1.- Introduction The Partnership Agreement Lessons learned Regulatory Framework Ex ante evaluation methodology The schedule performance of the evaluation team
1.1- ThePartnershipAgreement • Strategic document to be developed by Spain with the participation of key actors (multilevel governance) • Should include the Spanish strategy and priorities and measures for the use of EIE Funds efficiently in line with the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth • Subject to approval by the Commission after an assessment process and dialogue with the Member State
1.1- ThePartnershipAgreement • According to Article 15 of CPR the content of the Partnership Agreement should have the following elements: Measures to ensure alignment with the Union strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and specific missions of the Funds in accordance with their objectives based on the Treaties, including economic, social and territorial cohesion Measures to ensure effective implementation of the EIE Funds Measures for the partnership principle referred to in Article 5 of CPR
1.1- ThePartnershipAgreement An indicative list of the partners referred to in Article 5 CPR and a summary of the steps taken to involve the partners in accordance with Article 5 and its role in preparing the partnership and the progress report under Article 52 of the CPR An integrated approach to territorial development supported by the EIE Funds or a summary of the integrated approaches to territorial development based on program content
1.2- Lessonslearned Since joining in 1986 until 2013, Spain received € 150,000 million Since 1988, Spain has been the main recipient of Funds in absolute terms During the period 2007-2013 Spain has been the second recipient after Poland (35,217 M € compared to a total budget of 347,410 M € 2014-2020 period? Source: D.G. REGIO
1.2- Lessonslearned Between 2000 and 2006, 850 km of railway lines were created The average annual GDP growth in Spain was 0.5% higher between 1995 and 2006 Between 2000 and 2006 more than 377,000 people received assistance related to self-employment and social economy Between 1995 and 2004, more than 1,200 km of roads and motorways were co-financed Between 2000 and 2006 more than 21,000 R & D and innovation projects were suppported, among others, with about 10,000 researchers integrated Many outputs and littleoutcomes
1.2- Lessonslearned • Delay in approval of 2007-2013 OPs • Existence of budget constraints • Outdated action strategies of different OP
1.3- Regulatory Framework • It consists of a wide range of texts from different normative sources: Codes of Conduct CommonStrategic Framework OwnMemberStatedocuments Regulations Communications Guides fromthe COM
1.4- Methodology • Different methodological approaches • Mainly qualitative approach although there have been numerical approximations • Some known and others more innovative • Main goal: to ensure the intervention logic in all its aspects
March 2013 – October 2013 October 2013 – December 2013 December 2013 – March 2014 1.5- Schedule STAGE 2 STAGE 3 STAGE 1
Publicpolicyprogramming Recommendations taken into account within programming tasks Evaluator contributions Evaluation and recommendations to thepolicymaker 1.5- Schedule
2.- Strategy The intervention logic Analysis of relevance The external consistency The internal consistency The territorial approach in the Agreement Evaluation of EAC Horizontal principles compliance Complementarities and synergies between the Structural Funds between themselves and with EAFRD and EMFF
2.- Strategy Strengthening research, technological development and innovation Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, ICT Enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs, of the agricultural sector (for the EAFRD) and of the fishery and aquaculture sector (for the EMFF) Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility Promoting social inclusion, combating poverty and any discrimination Investing in education, training and vocational training for skills and lifelong learning 10 TOs + InvestmentPriorities
2.1- Theinterventionlogic OUTCOME (long-term) INPUT ACTIVITIES OUPUT OUTCOME (short-term) • Relevance • External coherence • Internal consistency • Territorial approach • Ex ante conditionalities • Horizontal principles • Complementarities and synergies
2.2- Relevance (parcial) • Identify weaknesses (strengths) most pressing within the sector/region • Prioritize the weaknesses (cooperation programmer - evaluator) • Calculate the potential impact of the strategy • Using a statistical measure that relates the ability to "pull" strategy (potential impact) on the importance of the weaknesses (strengths) = degree of partial relevance
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Prioritizing the weaknesses (same for strenghts) W1 W2 W1 W5 HIGH = 9 W7 W8 W3 W4 W5 W2 W3 MEDIUM = 6 W6 W6 W7 W8 LOW = 3 W4 …
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identify weaknesses (strengths) most pressing and calculate the potential impact of the strategy
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Using a statistical measure that relates the ability to "pull" strategy (potential impact) on the importance of the weaknesses (strengths) = degree of partial relevance RHO - SPEARMAN
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 1 W1: The low intensity of effort in R & D in relation to GDP and strong regional disparities. W2: Business expenditure on R & D and occupancy rates in R & D in companies lower then the European average. W3: The rigidity of governance models of R & D & i - Universities and PRIs. W4: Tendency to fragmentation of research groups. W5: The lack of flexible funding instruments for technology companies, providing funding for the business life cycle as a whole project. W6: The small number of companies involved in R & D & i and the size of them. W7: Deficit technology transfer by the public sector on R & D compared to its level of scientific production; and low absorption capacity by SMEs. W8: Shortage of skilled human resources for the R & D & I management in the public sector - Universities and PRIs- and in the private sector.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 1 (cont) W9: The barriers to mobility of R & D & i between public sector and business. W10: Lack of consideration of research activity by Spanish businessmen as a key issue for competitiveness. W11: Low levels of internationalization on R + D + i and especially by SMEs. W12: Lack of cooperation between SMEs to promote projects and actions in favor of innovation. W13: Greater difficulties in the more rural areas to the development of entrepreneurial initiatives and communication with technology transfer centers. W14: Deficit of qualified and skilled personnel in rural areas slowing down the development of innovation there. W15: Need to improve technology transfer between research organizations and producers.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) TO 1: LARGE
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 2 W1: Regional disparities in broadband coverage. Insufficient development of ultra-fast broadband networks in regions with lower population density. W2: Barriers to deployment of access to superfast networks. W3: Lower levels of infrastructure and equipment in the Spanish microenterprises than the European average. W4: Lack of ICT training among employees/employers that enables entrepreneurs achieve greater performance (more severe in SMEs). W5: Reduced demand and procurement of goods and services digitally in Spain. W6: Lack of a unified market in the content of digital sector. W7: Lack of financial capacity to invest due to the small number of major companies in digital content. W8: Spain inferior position compared to other European countries in the ICT development , which doesn’t contribute to the “digital gap“ reduction. W9: Existence of accessibility barriers for adoption ICT. W10: Lack of confidence in ICT which hinders the development and penetration of new services. W11: Digital gap differs between areas - more population density and less populated (degree of urbanization).
2.2- Relevance (parcial) TO 2: MEDIUM
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 3 W1: Excessive weight micro-firms (95% of the total and 47% of total employment) and weak employment growth into large companies. W2: Lack of entrepreneurship, although a change has been observed as a result of the crisis. W3: Specialization in activities of medium to low added value. Insufficient level of productivity. W4: Insufficient activity in R & D and technological innovation and no technological SME. W5: Difficulties to take advantage of the existing ways of technology transfer, scientific and technological infrastructure, and financial instruments of innovation. W7: Low export tendency and little direct presence in international markets (but growing after the crisis). W8: Limited diversification of aquaculture products, high production costs and low commercial margins. W9: Dependence on foreign (external) supply . W10: Oversized fleet .
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 3 W11: Reduced access to domestic stocks. W12: Volatility of prices received by farmers or ranchers W13: Family labor or temporary work in agriculture. W14: Need investment for young people who want start farming in crisis and to farms who want to improve their results. W15: Atomization of the feeding industry. Lower presence of these industries in predominantly rural areas than in the intermediate or urban. W16: Existence of holdings with an economic dimension below € 2,000. W17: Low integration of agricultural producers in the production chains and food distribution. W18: Weight of investments in agriculture declining compared to GAV, perhaps as a result of the crisis. W19: Seasonality in tourism, wear of traditional models and dependence on foreign wholesalers. W20: Difficulty of SMEs to channel and process activities related to the tourism, adapt and manage that change. Absence of channels using innovation and entrepreneurship.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 3 W21: Need to optimize resources across clusters and tourism associations. W22: Low degree of collaboration between the trade sector and other sectors related such as tourism and craft. W23: Scarce information between traders on norms, standards and best practices. W24: Low sensitivity in the trade sector for improvements in local product presentation. W25: Slight usage of e-commerce and ICT innovation among traders.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) TO 3: MEDIUM
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 4 RELATED TO IMPROVING ENERGY EFFICIENCY TECHNOLOGIES AND EXCHANGE PROCESSES IN DIFFERENT FINAL CONSUMERS ENERGY SECTOR: W1: Lack of training and information on the business of energy services W2: Reduced capacity of the public sector to encourage adoption of efficient technologies by the private sector. W3: Regarding people, mobility based on the private vehicle, and in relation to goods, on road transports, with little involvement of the electric vehicle and biofuels. W4: Lack of trained citizens in terms of energy consumption that could help to demand adequately . W6: Contribution of agriculture to almost 11% of gross GHG emissions, with a high contribution of soil or manure management.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 4 RELATED TO RENEWABLE ENERGY SECTOR IN SPAIN : W8: The framework supporting renewable energies has led an extra cost for the electrical system that has increased the tariff deficit. W9: Difficulties in access to credit for projects on renewable energy in part because of changes in the regulations. W10: Complexity of administrative procedures for electric generation facilities. W11: Insufficient capacity of SMEs to enter the development of international renewable energy projects. W12: Limited development of energy from biomass or residual forest products or waste from agriculture and agricultural industries aimed at farms, industries or small local communities. W13: Little use of renewable energies in farms (with exception of solar thermal).
2.2- Relevance (parcial) TO 4: MEDIUM
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 5 W1: Low rainfall in Spain , which limits the available water resources. W2: High rate of urbanization in certain vulnerable areas. In particular, high level of building on the coast which increases their risks by rising sea level. W3: Budget shortfall in the current situation to undertake the necessary measures. W4: Foreseeable problems for aquatic ecosystems either continental or other (those limited by water, high mountain, certain formations in arid, ... ) . W5: Forecast changes in animal migration, reproduction imbalance between predators and their prey, ..) and floristic loss. W6: Ignorance of the state of the number of habitats and species in the Natura 2000 network and the small number in a favorable position. W7: Few Natura 2000 management plans approved. W8: Negative effects on agricultural crops in some areas (associated with strength in others). W9: Increased water demand of crops in South and West . W10: Foreseeable effect of climate change on pests, diseases in plants and animals.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 5 W11: Palpable effects of climate change in the areas of mountain. W12: Desertification, especially as result of forest fires and loss fertility in soils irrigated by salinization and erosion. W13: Low content of organic agricultural land, especially in the Spanish Southwest. W14: Natural and induced salinity in agricultural soils. W15: High ammonia emissions.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) TO 5: MEDIUM
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 6 Treatment and Purification W1: Great climate variability in Spain: areas suffer floods and desert areas. W2: High concentrations of organic matter, ammonium and nitrate in water bodies. W3: Diffuse pollution from fertilizers and pesticides. W4: High pressures on water bodies surface and groundwater that may cause breach of the Water Framework Directive. W5: Failure of water quality to ensure fish life, from pre-potable water and water for bath. W6: Overexploitation and pollution of aquifers. Saline intrusion . W7: Biota sensitive to water pollution . W8: Agglomerations not connected to drainage and treatment systems. W9: Overload and outdated purifying plants in tourism areas W10: Unavailability of water in agriculture. W11: Insufficient use of treated muds for agriculture. W12: Industries located in areas of high demand water . W13: Increase of the effect of the floating population (due to tourism) in consumption and waste W14: Urban drainage and sanitation unit involving large spills and investments in debugging.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 6 Irrigation W15:Some irrigated areas cause adverse effects on the status of surface of water bodies or ground mainly by the effect of extractions or diffuse agricultural pollution. Water: Tariff Policy W16: Water stress many systems operating in Spain are subject to. W17: Complex distribution of competences and management. W18: Many agents intervening at different stages of the entire water cycle: difficulty of gathering and homogenization of information, and therefore the performing of a full cost analysis. Water: Other Aspects W19: Concentration of agricultural productivity in irrigated areas (and also drylands with characteristics that make them very productive), which implies the concentration of a high input consumption (fertilizers, pesticides , etc.). W20: Significant number of groundwater control stations with a higher level of nitrates (25 and 50 mg / liter). Concentration of an intensive farming in certain areas which is problem added to inorganic fertilizers for water quality.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 6 Waste W21: Insufficient financial and human resources to develop waste management policies. W22: Costs associated with new implementation / adaptation of new collection systems. Fisheries sector W23: Imbalance between available resources and fishing capacity. W24: Lack of consistency of data and difficulty in access and dissemination. W25: Maritime spatial planning, insufficient. W26: Reduction of TAC 's and quotas in overexploited stocks. W27: Strong socio-economic dependence of the fishing activity in certain areas.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 6 Forestry Sector W28: Need to reactivate the sector socio-economically, especially in areas with potential growth (wood, cork , resin, biomass). W29: The restocking forests require silvicultural treatments (pruning , thinning , etc. ) that allow ecosystems evolve and adapt to climate change. W30: Need to improve forest information: adaptation and mitigation of climate change, health forest - advancing knowledge of new pests and disease - , network alerting on forest fires, and consumption of biomass for energy purposes. Biodiversity W31: Low management plans for Natura 2000 areas and other tools to protect biodiversity; decline proportion of forest area protected to maintain biodiversity. Pressures on pasture habitat Natura 2000 and lack of knowledge about conservation. W32: Decline of biodiversity (see the indicator of birds). W33: Need for continuous information on biodiversity and make sensible certain sectors.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 6 Rural Development W34: Loss of Biodiversity. W35: Foreseeable losses of aquatic ecosystems inland. W36: Formations forecast problems for some ecosystems (limited by water, high mountain, certain formations in arid, ... ) . W37: Forecast changes in animal migration, reproduction imbalance between predators and their dams, ..) and floristic loss. W38: Ignorance of the state of a number of habitats and species in the Natura 2000 network and the small number in a favorable position. W39: Negative effects on agricultural crops in some areas (associated with strength in others).
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 6 Rural Development W34: Loss of Biodiversity. W35: Foreseeable losses of aquatic ecosystems inland . W36: Formations forecast problems for some ecosystems ( limited by water, high mountain, certain formations in arid, ... ) . W37: Forecast changes in animal migration , reproduction imbalance between predators and their dams, ..) and floristic loss. W38: Ignorance of the state of a number of habitats and species in the Natura 2000 network and the small number in a favorable position . W39: Negative effects on agricultural crops in some areas (associated with strength in others).
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 6 Rural Development W40: Increased water demand of crops in South and Southwest . W41: Foreseeable effect of climate change on pests, diseases (and pests ) plants and animals. W42: Is already palpable effects of change Climate in mountain areas . W43: Desertification , especially as result of forest fires and loss fertility in soils irrigated by salinization and erosion. W44: Low content of soil organic matter farming , especially in the Spanish Southwest. W45: Existence of natural and induced salinity in Spanish agricultural soils. W46: Increased incidence of nitrate pollution in groundwater than the average of the EU. W47: High emissions of ammonia.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) TO 6: MEDIUM
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 7 W1: Very unbalanced modal split in favor of the road. W2: Some High Speed Lines (train) not closed. W3: Difficult interconnection with France W4: Low participation of intermodal transport W5: Incomplete links. Low accessibility ports and other transport nodes and economic activity. W6: Insufficient coordination in planning and development of logistics infrastructure. W7: Strong fragmentation of the sector and lack of professional skills in the transport sector. W8: Reduced use of ICT in some sectors.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) TO 7: LARGE
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 8 W1: Low employment W2: High volume of unemployment, especially: long-term unemployment; young unemployment (mainly among low-skilled); female unemployment; unemployment in the groups at risk of social exclusion; unemployment in sparsely populated areas. W3: Difficulties in accessing the labor market (including young); high school dropout; mismatch qualifications; low weight of medium grade PT, lack of response to market formation/needs and high temporality. W4: Under general educational level . W5: Additional constraints on access to employment in rural areas. W6: Small size of most employer companies: limited training capacity; low innovative capacity and incorporation of technology. W7: Highest unemployment rate for those aged 15-74. W8: Predominantly specialization in activities with low added-value and technology-intensive (persistence the gender digital gap) . W9: High dropout rate , which doubles the figures of UE27 .
2.2- Relevance (parcial) Identification of weaknesses for TO 8 W10: Low employability of young people, especially women with less education . W11: Added temporality, with 82.3% of young people temporary work involuntarily. W12: Difficult access to the labor market of groups at risk of social exclusion (immigrant, women victims of violence, disabled, etc.). W13: Need to improve levels of self-employment and entrepreneurship among young people, with special attention young women. W14: Significant loss of employees between 15-20 years 2011/12. W15: Significant gender gaps in all areas: Lower full-time women in certain sectors such as tourism. W16: High seasonality in sectors such as tourism. W17: There has been an increase in unemployment of the population with university education. W18: There is little job for some high degrees.
2.2- Relevance (parcial) TO 8: LARGE