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Youth in Action: Uganda's Synodal Journey to Christus Vivit

Explore the story of Uganda's successful preparation for the synod, from Pope Francis' visit and youth engagement to funding sources and technology utilization. Learn about the population statistics, dissemination avenues, national committee formation, workshops, radio shows, WhatsApp groups, and online access created to involve young people in the synodal process. Discover the activities post-synod, including youth conferences, music competitions, and pastoral care training for refugees.

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Youth in Action: Uganda's Synodal Journey to Christus Vivit

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  1. “young people in action in a synodalchurch”The Synodal Journey leading to christusvivit - sharing experiences from Uganda: before, during and after the synod by zako Joyce, national youth coordinator, uec

  2. Introduction: Our success story towards the synod • The visit of Pope Francis to Uganda in 2015 and his meeting with the youth of Uganda in Kololo Air Strip and the friendship developed. • The full support from Uganda Episcopal Conference – UCS Management Team chaired by the Secretary General and all the Bishops of Uganda in disseminating the information. • The Youth Chaplaincy Teams formed at the National, Provincial , Diocesan, Deanery and Parish levels. • The coordination done by the Provincial Youth Chaplaincy Coordinators (PYCC) for Gulu, Kampala, Mbarara and Tororo Ecclesiastical Provinces. • The involvement of the Youth Leaders in mobilizing their fellow youth (It was a youth led program) and the big population of the youth in Uganda (about 78% of the total population of the estimated number of 40 million people) • The willingness by the young people to embrace new technology of communication (WhatsApp, Face book, email, twitter, etc… • Financial support from US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Spanish and French Bishops Conferences for mobilizing and training the Youth leaders and Animators.

  3. The procedure – process before 1. Focus on the Statistics: • The Population of Uganda is about 40 million people of which 78% of this population is below 30 years of age (Uganda has a youthful population). • The percentage ofCatholics in Uganda is 44.2% (out of the estimated number of forty million people). 2. The avenues used to disseminate the information about the Synod: • The 4 Ecclesiastical Provinces with 4 PYCC, 19 Dioceses, 578 Parishes, 639 Catholic Founded Secondary Schools, 78 Catholic Tertiary Institutions/Universities, 5 NationalMajor Seminaries and over 200 Houses of Formation • Government Institutions/Schools, Catholic Professionals Youth Movements and Business communities.

  4. The Processes Before cont’d 3. The Preparatory document we received from Rome was very clear and we forwarded to all our Catholic Network. 4. We formed a National Committee comprising of staff members from all the Departments of Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) namely; Doctrine, Education, Lay Apostolate, Pastoral, Justice and Peace, Caritas, Pontifical Mission Societies, Social Communication, Medical,Inter-religious Dialogue and Ecumenism. All Coordinated by the Secretary General and Bishops who are Chairpersons of the Commissions of UEC Left: Photo of members

  5. The Processes Before cont’d 5. Organized National, Provincial and Diocesan Workshops for the Youth Leaders and Animators with Financial Support from United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) Above: Participants of the National Workshop in Kampala

  6. Some Participants OF THE Provincial Workshops in Gulu and Tororo Provinces

  7. Some Participants of the Diocesan Workshops in Kampala, nebbi & Lira

  8. The Processes Before cont’d 6. Organized weekly Radio Talk shows in all the 10 Catholic Radios in Uganda (with 15 substations) to sensitize the youth and the public about the Synod

  9. The Processes Before cont’d 7.Created WhatsApp groups for: • Youth Animators (Chaplains, Religious, Catechists, Lay men and Women from Pastoral and Laity Councils – Leadership); • Youth Leaders (National, Provincial and Diocesan Leaders – Including leaders of Youth Movements and Associations); • National and Provincial Youth Coordinators . 8. Created a link from Uganda Episcopal Conference Website to the Vatican Website for easy access of the on-line information about the Synod by the young people of Uganda (both in and out of school)

  10. Processes During the synod 1. Organized Discussion Groups for Youth Movements and Associations Members of YCS in Nebbi Catholic Diocese Members of Crusaders from Gulu Archdiocese

  11. Processes During the synod cont’d 2. Invited the Bishop Chairman of UEC (His Grace John Baptist) and other Bishops to address the young people and discuss the different sections about the Youth Synod with Financial Support from the Bishops Conference of Spain Archbishop John B. Odama (above) and other Bishops addressing the youth of Gulu Ecclesiastical Province

  12. Processes During the synod cont’d 3. Organized Universality Catholic Students Conferences at National and Provincial levels for all universities in Uganda 4.Continued with the Radio Talk Shows at Diocesan levels

  13. ACTIVITIES After the SYNOD • Engage the Youth through National, Provincial and Diocesan Youth Conferences Left: Pilgrims Dance During Thanks giving Song Right: The Youth prepare for the Way of the Cross “Marching for Christ”

  14. ACTIVITIES After the SYNOD CONT’D 2. Organize Music Dance and Drama Competitions to attract the youth who do not go to Church

  15. ACTIVITIES After the SYNOD CONT’D 3. Training of Youth Leaders and Animators in the Pastoral Care for the Refugee Youth with Financial Support from the Bishops Conference of France . Visits to the Refugee Camps have been organized.

  16. ACTIVITIES After the SYNOD CONT’D 4. Promoting Games and Sports Ministry – as a means of evangelization.

  17. ACTIVITIES After the SYNOD CONT’D 5. Promoting Prison Ministry among the youth (since majority of the inmates are young people)

  18. ACTIVITIES After the SYNOD CONT’D 6. Promote Exchange Visits to share experiences in the Youth Ministry and about the involvement of the youth after the Synod 7. Organize Provincial/Diocesan retreats and recollections 8. Promote Marriage Apostolate (On-going formation in Marriage) 9. Organize University Prayer Days in all the 4 Provinces

  19. Christ is alive and he wants you to be alive! Pope Francis waves to the Youth of Uganda during his visit to Uganda in November 2015

  20. Thank you for listening

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