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Explore deterministic, adaptive, and stochastic routing along with circuit and wormhole switching in Networks-on-Chip. Discover advanced algorithms and design considerations for efficient data transfer.

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  1. NoC

  2. The Routing Problem Deterministic routing: Path is determined by the source and destination address . Adaptive routing: Given the source and destination address, path taken by a particular packet depends on dynamic network condition. Stochastic routing: Deterministic routing is more appropriate if the traffic is predictable.

  3. The Routing Problem DyAD (Dynamic Adaptive Deterministic switching) [1]: Each router continuously monitors network load and make decisions based on the information. [1]DyAD – Smart Routing for Networks-on-chip DAC 2004

  4. The Routing Problem • Stochastic routing for fault-tolerance in NoCs has been discussed.[1,2] • These studies are mostly theoretical results, performance model and prototypes are needed to justify. [1]On-Chip stochastic communication. DATE 2003. [2]Fault tolerant algorithms for Network-On-Chip interconnect. IEEE Symp. on VLSI, February 2004

  5. The Switching Problem • The switching technique determines when the routing decisions are made, and how the packets are transferred along the switches.

  6. The Switching Problem Circuit switching Wormhole switching

  7. The Switching Problem • Wormhole switching [1,2,3,4,5] is most promising • Limited buffering resources • Stringent latency requirements [1]Route packets, not wires: On-chip interconnection networks. DAC 2001 [2]Energy- and performance-aware mapping for regular NoC architectures. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2005. [3]Bandwidth-constrained mapping of cores onto NoC architectures. DATE 2004 [4]QoS architecture and design process for Networks-on-Chip. Journal of Systems Arch. 2004. [5]A Router architecture for connectionoriented service guarantees in the MANGO clockless Network-on-Chip. DATE 2005.

  8. The Switching Problem • Circuit switching[1,2] is a promising alternative • Guaranteed service operation • Concepts and implementation of the Philips Network-on-Chip. IP-based SoC Design, 2003. • Guaranteed bandwidth using looped containers in temporally disjoint networks within the Nostrum network on chip. DATE, 2004.

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