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Liability…. March 3, 2007 - Toronto Star “A three day trial likely to cost you $60,000.”. Insurance Program Overview. Your National Broker Network. Macdonald Chisholm Trask Insurance: Rose Wade (Nova Scotia & New Brunswick) Yarmouth, NS: Fax 1- 902-742-5822 Phone 1-- 800-542-8388
March 3, 2007 - Toronto Star“A three day trial likely to cost you $60,000.”
Your National Broker Network • Macdonald Chisholm Trask Insurance: Rose Wade (Nova Scotia & New Brunswick) Yarmouth, NS: Fax 1- 902-742-5822 Phone 1-- 800-542-8388 • Soly, Chabot, Ranger Ltee: Andre Marchand (Quebec) Montreal Quebec: Fax 1-514-376-0210 Phone 1-514-376-6565 • Baron Insurance Broker Group: Chuck Melanson (British Columbia) Enderby B.C.: Fax 1-250-838-7737 Phone 1-250-838-7707 • Algoma Insurance Brokers: Janet Tessier (Ontario) S.S.M. Ontario: Fax 1-705-949-3513 Phone 1-888-525-4662 • Jardine Lloyd Thompson: Jeremy Palmer (Alberta) Calgary Alberta: Fax 1-403-264-8608 Phone 1-403-264-8600
Liability Bodily Injury Damage to Property “ To Pay on Behalf of the insured all sums which the insured shall become legally obligated to pay as damages, because of injury arising out of the rendering of or failure to render, during the policy period, professional services as an association and as a provider of volunteer search and rescue services.” Also pays: • Defense costs • Premiums on appeal bonds • Costs taxed against and interest accruing after the judgment • Investigation costs
Liability Incidental Malpractice “ The Company agrees to pay on behalf of the insured all sums which the insured shall become obligated to pay by reason of liability imposed by law upon the insured for damages, because of bodily injury, sickness, or disease including death at any time resulting there from ; due to the rendering or failure to render professional services by: • physicians, nurses and first-aid persons employed by the insured to provide such services; • Any other employee or volunteer rendering first aid while acting within the course of their engagement by the insured.”
$2,000,000 Liability Coverage • Bodily Injury • Personal Liability • Tenants Legal Liability • Advertising Liability • Property Damage • Professional Liability • Non Owned Automobile • Directors and Officers Liability
Liability Coverage $ 100,000 Legal Liability for damage to non owned vehicles $ 50,000 Tribunal Coverage 100% reimbursement $ 1,000,000 Pollution Liability sudden and accidental 120 hrs detection – Bodily injury or property damage coverage out of actual, alleged or threatened discharge, dispersal or release or escape of pollutants. $ 250,000 Forest Fire Fighting Expenses $ 250,000 Wrongful Dismissal $ 2,000,000 Employee benefits E&O Liability $ 50,000 Per accident $2,500 per person Medical Payments Liability
Deductibles $ 0 Deductible…except: $ 500 Legal Liability for damage to Non Owned Automobiles $ 1,000 Employee Benefits Liability $ 1,000 Employee Benefits E&O $ 1,000 Wrongful Dismissal
Liability Extensions of Liability • Non Licensed equipment off road and “used occasionally” on public highway. • Attached equipment on an automobile, not covered under the auto policy, while actually in use for it’s function at the site of the operations. • Watercraft up to 7 meters (22.96 feet) • Intentional Acts with respect to the use of reasonable force for the purpose of protecting persons or property.
More Extensions • Blanket Contractual Liability for Bodily Injury and Property Damage • Legal Expense Coverage for Tribunals, Hearings, Inquests • Contractor’s and Owners Protective Liability • Products and Completed Operations
More Extensions • Cross Liability Clause • Severability of Interests • Automatic Coverage for subsidiaries, auxiliary, foundations, volunteers • Coverage not limited to premises, but all operations of SAR unit
More Liability Extensions • Failure to respond coverage • Suits brought about in Canada and USA (world wide for products) and the legal action is filed in Canadian Courts. Note: All limits of coverage are in Canadian currency. • Defense Costs in addition to liability limit • Broad Form Property Damage
Bodily Injury Bodily Injury: • Sickness and disease, or disability • Injury to the body as a result of an insured occurrence
Personal Injury • False arrest, detention or imprisonment • Malicious prosecution • The publication or utterance of libel or slander or other defamatory or disparaging material. • Publication or utterance in violation of an individuals right of privacy • Wrongful entry or eviction or other invasion of the right of private occupancy. • Discrimination • Mental anguish, mental suffering, shock, humiliation, harassment.
What is Property Damage ? • Physical injury to or destruction of tangible property which occurs during the policy period , including the loss of use thereof at any time resulting there from or • Loss of use of tangible property which has not being physically injured or destroyed provided such loss of use is caused by an accident occurring during the policy period.
What Else ? Punitive Damages awards for both Compensatory and Punitive Damages. To further explain: Compensatory damages are designed to repay a claimant for actual costs of securing needed medical care after an injury, repairing damaged property, restoring any lost income and the like as well as to provide more generalized compensation for physical and/or psychological pain and suffering. Punitive damages are assessed against the wrongdoer as a punishment and are paid directly to the claimant. The punitive damages are awarded in the cases of gross negligence. These cases can arise in medical and first aid type lawsuits (or any others the court deems necessary).
Directors and Officers Liability Directors and Officers Liability? • Protects you as a Board Member and your Board of Directors. Director and Officer coverage protects your personal assets as they are, in fact, are vulnerable to legal suits (when you fulfill your duties as a Board Member). These suits may rise as a result of actions or decisions made by you or your Board of Directors • Our program goes further. We include Association liability - Insured: • The Association (named insured – SAR Unit), Directors and Officers, Employees and Trustees, Volunteers, Committee Members, and any other person acting on behalf of the Association or of an Officer of the Board of Directors of the Association. This is also extended to include spouses of the insured.
Definition of Insured • Directors and executive officers of the insured • Persons, firms or corporations financially controlling or controlled by the insured • Co-owners of property or partners in the operations of the insured • The owner or general lessee of land leased to the insured under a long term contract upon which buildings have been erected by the insured • members of advisory boards or committees and members of local branch boards • All employees of insured • All volunteers of insured • Trustee or members of board of governors
24 HOUR CLAIM SERVICE Crawford Adjusters • Day • Phone 1-800-522-1380 • Fax 1-888-438-0526 • Night • 1-888-218-2346 after hours
Notes: • Coverage wordings, premiums, endorsements, deductibles and exclusions are all subject to change. • Information provided is from the 2009 to September 1, 2010 term. • This presentation is a brief review of the Liability program only the policy wordings are used to determine coverage in the event of a claim. • Information included herein is confidential.
Members Accident Policy • Members Accident Insurance • Death and Dismemberment to members • Medical Reimbursement for members • Weekly Indemnity for members • Policy limits for Death and Dismemberment can be purchased • up to $ 50,000 for Team Members and $ 100,000 for Directors and up to $ 500 a week for weekly indemnity (for gainfully employed under the age of 65.) .See our policy, or contact our insurance representatives, for full details.
Members Accident • Accidental Reimbursement Expense subject to a limit of $10,000 MAXIMUM, when by reason of injury, an Insured Person requires medical treatment within thirty (30) days from the date of the accident and incurs expenses for any of the following services or supplies while under the Regular Care and Attendance of a Physician, other than himself or a member of his Immediate Family, with respect to Items 1 to 7: • Private duty nursing by a licensed graduate nurse (R.N.) who does not ordinarily reside in the Insured Person's Residence or is not a member of his Immediate Family; • Transportation by a licensed ambulance service or, when recommended by a Physician, by any other conveyance licensed to carry passengers for hire to or from the nearest Hospital which is equipped to provide the required treatment; • Hospital charges for the difference between the public ward allowance under the Insured Person’s Provincial Hospital Plan and the semi-private accommodation charge (private accommodation charge if recommended by a Physician); • Rental of a wheelchair, iron lung and other durable equipment for therapeutic treatment, :not to exceed the purchase price prevailing at the time rental became necessary;
Members Accident • Fees of a licensed physiotherapist or certified athletic sports therapist subject to a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500) per accident; • Drugs and medicines which require the written prescription of a Physician and are dispensed by a registered pharmacist or physician; • Miscellaneous expense for hearing aids, crutches, splints, casts, trusses and braces, but not including replacement thereof; braces do not include dental braces and are subject to a maximum of seven hundred and fifty dollars ($750) per policy term; • Fees of a licensed chiropractor, subject to a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500) per accident. • The Insurer will pay the reasonable and customary expenses actually incurred by the Insured Person within fifty-two (52) weeks after the date of the accident, not to exceed in the aggregate the amount of Accident Reimbursement Expense stated as the result of any one (1) accident. • ''Regular Care and Attendance'' means observation and treatment to the extent necessary under existing standards of medicinal practice for the condition requiring such treatment.
Other Benefits • Other Benefit Provisions: • Repatriation Benefit to a maximum of $10,000. • Rehabilitation Benefit to a maximum of $10,000. • Family Transportation Benefit to a maxim-mum of $10,000. • Home and Vehicle Modification Benefit to a maximum of $10,000. • Spousal Employment Benefit to a maximum of $10,000. • Child Care Benefit to a maximum of $10,000 • Funeral Expense Benefit to a maximum of $6,500.
Members Accident • Repatriation Benefits: • When injuries covered by this policy result in loss of life of an Insured Person outside 200 Km from their permanent city of residence and within 365 days of the date of the accident, the Company shall pay the actual expenses incurred for preparing the deceased for burial and shipment of the body to the city of residence of the decreased but; not to exceed the amount of $10,000. • Rehabilitation Benefits • When injuries shall result in a payment being made by the Company under the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Indemnity section of this policy, the Company shall pay in addition: • The reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred up to a limit of $10,000 for special training of the Person provided: • such training is required because of such injuries and in order for the Insured Person to be qualified to engage in an occupation in which he would not have been engaged except for such injuries, • expenses be incurred within two years from the date of the accident, • no payment shall be made for ordinary living, traveling or clothing expenses.
Members Accident • Home Alteration and Vehicle Modification • If an insured Person receives a payment under the Table of Losses herein and was subsequently required (due to the cause for which payment under the Table of Losses was made) to use a wheelchair to be ambulatory, then this benefit will pay, upon presentation of proof of payment: • The onetime cost of alterations to the insured person's residence to make it wheel-chair accessible and habitable; and • The one-time cost of modifications necessary to a motor vehicle, owned by • the insured person, to make the vehicle accessible or drivable for tine insured Person.
Insurance Premiums Liability Insurance …**Due to underwriting claims experience rates are subject to change. $ 2,000,000.00 Professional and General Liability $ 2,000,000.00 Directors and Officers Liability Yearly Premium $ 1,700.00** estimate OR $ 5,000,000.00 Professional and General Liability $ 2,000,000.00 Directors and Officers Liability Yearly Premium $ 2,000.00**estimate
Accidental Death and Dismemberment Premium Annual per member rates. Please note we must have 100% team participation: • Directors: $14.00 / Individual yearly • Other members: $11.25 / Individual yearly For example, a unit with 5 Directors and 20 members would have a yearly premium of (14 x 5 + 11.25 x 20 = $295.00) 295.00 plus any applicable taxes.
Notice: Regarding this presentation • Coverage wordings, endorsements, deductibles and exclusions are all subject to change. • Premiums indicated are posted during the 2009 to September 1 2010 term. • This presentation is a brief review of the Liability and Accidental Death and Dismemberment program only the policy wordings are used to determine coverage in the event of a claim. • Information included herein is confidential and the property of your insurance representative.