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Reading: The Egypt Game / WebQuest

Reading: The Egypt Game / WebQuest. In this WebQuest , you will be using internet sites to explore three areas of interest from the book, The Egypt Game . http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/nefertiti.htm Use the article to answer the questions .

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Reading: The Egypt Game / WebQuest

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reading: The Egypt Game / WebQuest • In this WebQuest, you will be using internet sites to explore three areas of interest from the book, The Egypt Game. http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/nefertiti.htm • Use the article to answer the questions. • 1. What period did Nefertiti live? The Armarna period of Egypt’s 18th dynasty • 2. What was the name of Nefertiti’s husband? King Akhenaten • 3. How many daughter’s did they have? Six daughters • 4. How old was Nefertiti when she died? Thirty years old

  2. http://guardians.net/egypt/hieroglyphs/hiero-translator.htm •  Scroll down to type your name in hieroglyphics http://harcourtschool.com/activity/cartouche/cartouche.html • Make your own Cartouche (pronounced car-toosh) • Type in your name as you would like to see it on your cartouche. • Right click, holding the button down & roll your mouse up to copy your Cartouche. • Left click and copy. • Paste to Word. • Save in teacher’s Knomi & your Knomi as.

  3. My Cartouche Ryan

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