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University of Rochester Animal Resource (AR) Bar-coding Cages

University of Rochester Animal Resource (AR) Bar-coding Cages. Effective December 26, 2005. Why bar-coding?. Mouse Cage Charge $.392/cage/day Provide timely census data Provide accurate census data Track room capacity. Each cage card/bar code is specific to the following information .

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University of Rochester Animal Resource (AR) Bar-coding Cages

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  1. University of RochesterAnimal Resource (AR)Bar-coding Cages Effective December 26, 2005

  2. Why bar-coding? • Mouse Cage Charge $.392/cage/day • Provide timely census data • Provide accurate census data • Track room capacity

  3. Each cage card/bar code is specific to the following information • PI name • Protocol Number • Account Number • Species • Location

  4. Acquisition Cage Card orRequested Cage Card Date Deactivated:___________________

  5. New Cages Animal Purchases Wean cages Separate cages Transfer from one PI to another PI Transfer from one UCAR # to another UCAR#

  6. Creating a new cage in the room (separating or weaning) Use a temporary cage card (available in the room) Vivarium Temporary Cage Card 00001 DATE:_______________________ PI Name:_________________UCAR #__________________ ACCT:___________________ROOM#__________________ Species:_______________Strain:_________________________ Weaned#_________ or Separated (circle) Comments:_____________________ Contact Information Contact Name:___________________Phone #:_____________ PI Pick Up Cage Card or Vivarium Staff Places the cage card (for a fee) Blue Copy-Vivarium White Copy – PI Cage Card – place on cage • Complete the card, place the blue copy in a depository box, keep the white copy for yourself and place the card on the cage • The Animal Resource will generate a cage card with a bar code for you the next business day. This new card must placed on the cage within 3 business days. • Per diem charges will start the day the temporary cage card is put on the cage

  7. Temporary Cage Card • Temporary Cage cards can stay on the cage for three business days • A new cage card will be generated the next business day • New cards can be picked up at the office OR Vivarium staff will place them for a fee


  9. Location of Depository Stations • AR Office Door (G6726) • 1st Floor 6900 hallway • 2nd Floor 6900 hallway • 3rd Floor 6900 hallway • 4th Floor 6900 hallway • 6th Floor 6900 hallway • B8600 hallway 2 stations (near B8670 and B8657) • Outside of B6516 • Outside of B6922 • MRB Every Suite • Annex 1st floor hallway and 3rd floor hallway • EDC – submit electronic activation and decativation forms • Meliora – submit electronic activation and decativation forms

  10. The most important things to remember Tell us when you start a cage and stop a cage. PER DIEM CHARGES $$$$$$$$

  11. Deactivate • Elimination of Cages • Euthanasia • Shipping to Other Institutions • Transfers • A cage does not need to be deactivated when going to and from your lab

  12. Deactivate - Bottom Slip • Fold and detach the bottom perforation part of the cage card and complete the deactivation date field. • Place the slip in a depository box located closest to the animal room. • The ARO will collect all the deactivation slips from the depositories every morning. • Per diem charges for the corresponding cage will end on the date it was deposited. • The bar code must not be written on, crossed out, or covered by or other labels. If the bar code has been defaced , a bar code label will be placed on the card at a charge of $2.00 per label.

  13. Deactivation SlipPlace in a depository box Date Deactivated:___________


  15. Location of Depository Stations • AR Office Door (G6726) • 1st Floor 6900 hallway • 2nd Floor 6900 hallway • 3rd Floor 6900 hallway • 4th Floor 6900 hallway • 6th Floor 6900 hallway • B8600 hallway 2 stations (near B8670 and B8657) • Outside of B6516 • Outside of B6922 • MRB Every Suite • Annex 1st floor hallway and 3rd floor hallway • EDC – submit electronic activation and decativation forms • Meliora – submit electronic activation and decativation forms

  16. Transfers Transfers from one PI to another PI OR From one UCAR # to another UCAR # • Will require new cage cards • AR Office will generate them • Complete a Bar Code Transfer Completed Form • Place completed form in a depository box

  17. http://www.urmc.rochester.edu/vivarium/Barcode.html

  18. Electronic Scanning of Animal Inventory • AR personnel will scan the cages in animal rooms weekly. • The scan provides a physical inventory to compare against the database. If any discrepancies exist, they are reconciled based on the scan date • Cages without bar codes will be given a bar-coded label by AR and the principal investigator will be charged a service fee of $2.00 per label

  19. Forgot to activate a card!! • Example • AR scan rooms on Monday (11/7/06) • You make a new cage on Thursday 11/10/05 • Never activate the bar code • AR scans the room on Monday (11/14/06) • The scan audit finds the new cage • Per diems will go back to starting on 11/7/06 • When you should have only been charged from 11/10/05, an extra 3 days of per diem charges.

  20. Forgot to deactivate a cage card!!! • Example • AR scan rooms on Monday (11/7/06) • You eliminate a cage on 11/10/05 • Never deactivate the bar code • AR scans the room on Monday (11/14/06) • The scan audit finds the new cage • Per diems will keep incurring through 11/21/06 • When we scan the next time and the cage is missing for the second time, then we will deactivate the cage

  21. Most Important Things • Inform the AR when you have created and eliminated cages • PER DIEMS CHARGES • Any questions contact the AR Office 5-2651

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