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Capstone = Keystone = Cornerstone (rejected).
DEDICATION_ ELIZABETHTOWN.KY SUNDAY_ 62-1111M E-35 But this main Stone came in, the Headstone, and took its place positionally for its resting place for that generation. The glory of God filled the place where they were setting, and there was Shekinah Glory upon the whole building. And the glory was so great till the priests couldn't even minister because of the glory.
SEVENTY.WEEKS.OF.DANIEL_ JEFF.IN DA 89-141 SUNDAY_ 61-0806 135 Do you see it? The rejected One, the rejected Stone is the head of the--is the head, the Capstone. And the very One that they've rejected through this Gentile age is Christ. And Christ was not cut and put in here as a vicar, or son of God, or some great dignitary in the church. He's the Holy Spirit. And the cap of the pyramid will be Christ coming.
SEVENTY.WEEKS.OF.DANIEL_ JEFF.IN DA 89-141 SUNDAY_ 61-0806 138 There He is. Christ is that Stone. He wasn't borned of man, He was borned of God. He's coming for a church that's been reborned again by the Spirit of God, 'cause the strength of that Headstone runs all through the church like a magnet.
IT.IS.I.BE.NOT.AFRAID_ TULSA.OK TUESDAY_ 60-0329 E-30 [Luther, Wesley, Pentecost] Now, we're going just in above that to the capstone. The Church has got to be like... The Spirit in the church and the Spirit that's in Him has to be the same.
ADOPTION_ JEFF.IN AD.PT.4 SUNDAY_ 60-0522E 34 The church has got to be so perfectly like Christ, until Christ and the church can unite together, the same Spirit. And if the Spirit of Christ is in you, It makes you live the life of Christ, act the life of Christ, do the works of Christ. "He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also." Jesus said that. See?
ADOPTION_ JEFF.IN AD.PT.4 SUNDAY_ 60-0522E 34 Now, we're going to have... We got a ministry coming that's just exactly like the life of Christ. What does that ministry identify? The coming of the Lord.
ABRAHAM.RESTORED_ LONG.BEACH.CA SATURDAY_ 61-0211 E-56 "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, repent," He said. Here we are. That's God, that's God our Father in the form of the Holy Ghost trying to get back into our lives to control us.
STATURE.OF.A.PERFECT.MAN_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-18 SUNDAY_ 62-1014M 48-1Christ in the Person of the Holy Ghost comes upon you in the true baptism of the Holy Ghost, and you got all these virtues sealed in you, then God lives in a tabernacle called the building, the living Tabernacle of the living God's dwelling place.
STATURE.OF.A.PERFECT.MAN_ JEFF.IN V-2 N-18 SUNDAY_ 62-1014M 49-3 Now, that is the house that God dwells in, not a building with a big bell on top of it and a high steeple (See?), but, "a body has Thou prepared Me," a body that God can dwell in, God can walk in, God can see in, God can talk in, God can work in (Amen.), living instrumentality of God. God walking on two feet in you.
154-2 SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.4For there are not three persons in that Godhead but ONE. Thus we are NOT born again by the Spirit of Life of Jesus coming in, and then subsequent to that the Holy Spirit coming in to give us power. There aren't two comings of the Spirit, just one. The trouble is that people don't know the real truth, and they simply believe in Jesus for remission of sin but never go on to receive the Spirit.
GOD'S.ONLY.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ SHP.LA V-7 N-4 SUNDAY_ 65-1128M 264 No leaven among you, that brings the entire Fulness of the Godhead bodily among you.Where you worship at? The house of God, seated, in present tense.