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The Keystone XL Pipeline

The Keystone XL Pipeline. Paridhi R. Outline. Background Information What is it? Crude Oil Construction Stakeholders The Big Issue. What is the Keystone?. Transports synthetic crude oil and “dilbit” from the tar oil sands. (Keystone pipeline, 2012). Crude Oil.

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The Keystone XL Pipeline

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Keystone XL Pipeline Paridhi R.

  2. Outline • Background Information • What is it? • Crude Oil • Construction • Stakeholders • The Big Issue

  3. What is the Keystone? • Transports synthetic crude oil and “dilbit” from the tar oil sands (Keystone pipeline, 2012)

  4. Crude Oil (What is crude oil and what is it used for?, 2004)

  5. Tar Sands • Composed of Carbon-rich materials • Used for gasoline, etc. • Canada is the world’s largest bitumen depositor (Keystone XL is Pipeline is Devastating to the Environment and Will Not Create Jobs, 2012.)

  6. What is the Keystone XL? • Expansion of the Keystone • From Alberta to Texas • Destroy ecosystems and wildlife • Proposed in 2008

  7. Phases of the Pipelines • Phase 1 • Phase 2 • Phase 3 • Phase 4

  8. Phase 1 • The Keystone pipeline • Already been constructed (since 2010)

  9. Phase 2 • Expansion from Nebraska to Oklahoma • Constructed in 2011

  10. Phase 3 • Proposed expansion from Oklahoma to Texas

  11. Phase 4 • Proposed expansion from Alberta to Montana

  12. The Route

  13. Purpose of the XL • Transport crude oil and tar sands oil to the US

  14. Construction? • Rumors say early 2013 • Rejected on January 18, 2012 • Re-proposalby TransCanada • $7.0 billion+ (Keystone xl pipeline, 2011) (Keystone xl pipeline, 2011)

  15. Why was the project rejected? • Oil spill response plans • Safety • Green house gas concerns Keystone pipeline, 2012)

  16. Stakeholders • Obama • Canadian Government • Construction workers • US citizens • Canadian citizens • TransCanada

  17. TransCanada • Providers of gas/oil related storage • Responsible for the North American energy infrastructure • Shareholder in, and own TC PipeLines LP (About us, 2009)

  18. Review • 36-inch, stretching 2000 miles • Through Canada to the US • Tar sands heated 150 degrees+ • Carry 900 000 barrels of crude oil (Brecher & Smith, n.d)


  20. What negative environmental impacts will the Keystone XL Pipeline cause?

  21. Impacts • Pollutes: • Pipeline spills • Air • Water • Harms: • Wildlife

  22. Pipeline Spills • Previous oil spills effect the permit of oil pipelines • Long-term damage to the economy and ecosystem

  23. Air Pollution • Harmful to the air we breathe • Construction of pipeline causes general pollution • HigherCarbon emissions

  24. Water Pollution • Ogallala Aquifer • Separating crudeoil from sand, silt and clay • Using 400 million gallons of water per day • Tailing ponds

  25. Harming Wildlife • Toxic sludge gets into waterways • CO2 emissions melting ice caps • Spills coat animals in oil (Animals | oil sands truth, n.d.)

  26. Canadian Government • Approve of the Keystone XL • “Better for the economy.” (Savage, 2012)

  27. US Government • Feel that it should be constructed

  28. Solutions • Recovering alternative oil sources • Keep protesting (Worthington, 2012)

  29. Conclusion Produce 1 barrel of crude oil: • Extracting 4 tons of Earth • Contaminating millions of barrels of fresh water • Burning natural gas • Creating tailing ponds

  30. Is it worth it?

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