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E. Joffrin

JET programme with the ILW in 2011-12 and relations with the IOS Joint experiments. E. Joffrin. Campaigns in 2011-2012. 1 st plasma 24 th Aug 2011. Pump-down 15 May 2011. JET Campaigns in 2011-2012. Shutdown. 182 experimental days in C28-C29-C30.

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E. Joffrin

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  1. JET programme with the ILW in 2011-12 and relations with the IOS Joint experiments E. Joffrin

  2. Campaigns in 2011-2012 1st plasma 24th Aug 2011 Pump-down 15 May 2011 JET Campaigns in 2011-2012 Shutdown • 182 experimental days in C28-C29-C30. • Detailed plan established for C28-C29. • C30 to be consolidated in the Programme meeting of the 30th Nov to 2nd Dec 2012 Restart blocks interleaved with Campaign C28 blocks. R3 R4a R2 C29 R1 (3d) (15d) (10d) C28A C28B C28C L-mode H-mode R4b Ohmic 11 sessions Done! 130d (80d)

  3. C28a campaign • First plasma on the 24th of August then R1 (~50 pulses) • Campaign C28a: 01(late)-09 Sept 2011 – in second restart R2 since • 11 shifts devoted to a single experiment: Initial first wall Be erosion, Be and W material mixing and fuel retention • Discharges (2MA, 2T, low d) were similar to reference discharges in C • Critical issues: • Runaway Electron beam created at the plasma start-up and caused small local melting of Be • Gas balance accuracy under examination. • W UFOs in first plasmas (cleaned up with time + shape optimisation) Technical issues: • Power supplies issues are delaying the first NBI into plasma.

  4. Discharge Evolution divertor flat-top Ip BT Te(0) neL fuelling rate Prad frad~32% fGW~30% One X-point, one flat top and one termination scenario validated for this campaign

  5. C28 campaigns in 2011 Objective/expected results Building blocks/integration items 1 limiter phase, X-point formation and low shape First ohmic scenario: Ex-1.1.2 We are Here More shapes + PPCC: HT3, V5, SFE PIW end-to-end tests NBI8, ICRH, LH IOS-5.2 ICRH coupling: Ex-2.1.6 Intrinsic impurity composition: Ex-2.2.1 First disruption studies: Ex-3.3.1 Be & W power handling: Ex1.2.3 / Ex-1.2.1 L-mode qualification: Ex-2.1.2 First H-mode attempts: Ex- 2.1.5 Week 41-43 WALLs energy limits NBI4 + PEWS2, shinethrough Increased ICRH + ECT VDE tests. Week 44-45 ICRH coupling: Ex-2.1.6 Characterisation of heat load: Ex-3.1.3 Disruption heat load: Ex-1.3.1 L-H threshold study with ILW: Ex:3.2.1 Bulk W tile power handling: Ex-1.2.3 H-mode qualification with ILW: Ex-2.1.4 Baseline H-mode at 2.5MA (1st): Ex-2.1.5 IOS-1.0

  6. C29 campaign Objective/expected results Building blocks/integration items PIW/VTM cause identification EFCC controller NBI to 100kV (25MW) Plasma shape with EFCC: Ex-1.1.2 Be tile power handling: Ex-1.2.1 Disruption mitigation: Ex-3.3.2 W screening and control: Ex: 2.2.2 L-H threshold study with ILW: Ex:3.2.1 Characterisation of heat load: Ex-3.1.3 Bulk W tile power handling: Ex-1.2.3 Near upper null operation: Ex-1.2.2 Baseline H-mode at 2.5MA : Ex-2.1.5 IOS-2.1 Fuelling and seeding studies: Ex-2.1.5 Type III ELM scenario (<2.5MA): Ex-2.2.5 IOS-4.1 & IOS-3.2 ELM mitigation studies: Ex:2.2.7, Ex:2.2.8, Ex-2.2.9, Ex-2.2.3. Current profile access and overlap domain: Ex-2.1.7 Near upper null characterisation: Ex:1.2.2 Disruption mitigation: Ex:3.3.2 Bulk W tile power handling: 1.2.3 Hybrid scenario development (1st): Ex-2.3.1 IOS-2.1 IOS-1.0 Baseline to high current (1st): Ex-2.3.2 ELM mitigation studies: Ex:2.2.7, Ex-2.2.3. Integration of seeding in scenario: Ex-2.2.3

  7. Link with IOS Joint experiments Most of the scenario experiments should be started by the time of the next IOS ITPA meeting: For more detailed information, please consult (requires JET password): TFE1 and E2 website: http://users.jet.efda.org/tfwiki/index.php/Main_Page Timeline: http://electrahost.jet.efda.org:8087/htbin/experiments/timeline

  8. Link with IOS Joint experiments JET experiments which objectives are in line with IOS Joint experiments But only low shape

  9. JET experiments which objectives are in line with IOS Joint experiments Some additional/concluding remarks: 1- The JET contact persons for each IOS experiments may not be suitable any more because some people moved to other activities. I propose to review those for the next CC. 2- Note that the AT scenario is not included in the JET Programme in 2011-12. However, experiment Ex-2.1.7 has the goal to explore the access to q profiles (from qo~1 to above 2)

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