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Teddy Roosevelt’s Rise to Power. TR is young, headstrong, and reform-minded Achieved fame by being a war hero – Rough Riders Strong desire to increase American power in the world and a duty to shape “less civilized” corners of the earth “Speak softly and carry a big stick”.
Teddy Roosevelt’s Rise to Power • TR is young, headstrong, and reform-minded • Achieved fame by being a war hero – Rough Riders • Strong desire to increase American power in the world and a duty to shape “less civilized” corners of the earth • “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
Diplomacy in Asia • By 1899, U.S. was a major power in Asia – naval bases all over Pacific. • U.S. increasingly trading and investing in China. • China not recognized as a sovereign nation after being defeated in a war with Japan • Russia, Germany, Britain, France each have “leaseholds” in China – control of economic development • U.S. is nervous and doesn’t want to lose trade with China • Open Door Policy: all countries should be allowed to trade with China
Diplomacy in Asia • Boxer Rebellion: Chinese trying to get rid of foreign control • International force steps in and ends rebellion • U.S. sends second set of “open door” notes – urging countries not to split China between them. • China not broken up into colonies. • U.S. retains access to trade – tea, spices, silk, etc.
The Great White Fleet • Roosevelt is determined to keep peace in Asia • Negotiates peace between Japan and Russia in 1905 – given Nobel Peace Prize. • U.S. and Japanese relations grow worse – both trying to get control in Asia • 1907 – Roosevelt sends 16 battleships around the world to showcase U.S. military power, especially to Japan
The Panama Canal • Roosevelt sees construction of a middle-American canal as crucial for American power in the world. • Hay-Pauncefote Treaty: U.S. and Great Britain agree that U.S. has right to build and control a canal. • Panama – still a part of Columbia • U.S. offers Columbia $10 million and a yearly rent of $250,000 for right to construct canal • Columbia refuses – afraid to lose control of Panama, sees price as too low
Panama Canal • Panama desires independence and commercial benefits from canal. • Small army starts uprising in Panama – Roosevelt sends ships to support. • In a few days, U.S. declares Panama’s independence, a treaty is signed allowing canal to be built. • Roosevelt condemned by many as being too aggressive.
Roosevelt Corollary • Roosevelt Corollary to Monroe Doctrine (which stated that European nations should not intervene in the Americas) • Roosevelt Corollary: United States would intervene in Latin American affairs when necessary to maintain economic and political stability in the Western Hemisphere.
Roosevelt Corollary • U.S. puts it into action in Dominican Republic: • DR had fallen behind on debt payments to European nations • U.S. assumes responsibility of collecting tariffs in DR using the Marine Corps
Dollar Diplomacy • President William Howard Taft • Less emphasis on military force, more on helping Latin American industry. • U.S. would increase its trade • American businesses would increase profits. • Latin American countries would rise out of poverty.
Show me what you learned Summarize in one sentence the actions of the United States during the Age of Imperialism.