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Administration of Health Promotion: Proposal for a Non Profit Organization

G.I.F.T. Giving Informational Fitness Tactics. “The G.I.F.T. that caregivers need!”. Administration of Health Promotion: Proposal for a Non Profit Organization. A. Executive Summary - Mission Statement B. Rational C. Description of the Program - Needs Assessment

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Administration of Health Promotion: Proposal for a Non Profit Organization

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  1. G.I.F.T.Giving Informational Fitness Tactics “The G.I.F.T. that caregivers need!” Diane Brett - Alicia Fineley - Jenna Kong - Sara Williams Administration of Health Promotion:Proposal for a Non Profit Organization

  2. A. Executive Summary - Mission Statement B. Rational C. Description of the Program - Needs Assessment - Predisposing Factors - Enabling Factors - Reinforcing Factors - Program Goal - Program Objectives - Intervention - Incentive Program D. Evaluation Strategy - Impact Evaluation - Outcome Evaluation - Process Evaluation E. Marketing Plan - Marking Goal - Marketing Objective - Message - Target Market & Target Population - Channels, Media, & Strategy F. Resources and Funding G. Funding Sources CONTENTS

  3. Executive Summary The goal of G.I.F.T. is to provide caregivers of people with developmental disabilities a place to obtain knowledge and techniques to help increase their physical activity, manage the stress they face and improve their spiritual wellness.

  4. Our Mission The mission of G.I.F.T. is to provide caregivers of people with developmental disabilities educational information and tactics that will help them live an active and stress-free life. By offering a wide range of classes and activities, we strive to improve the quality of life for all caregivers and lead them down a road towards optimal health.

  5. Research • There are approximately 44 million caregivers in the United States that take care of elderly or disabled persons (FCA 2006). Having to be responsible and having to care for a disabled family member can have negative outcomes on the caregiver that affects their mental, physical and social health (Whittier S). It’s crucial to alleviate this stress in order to prevent health risks.

  6. Rationale • Because of high stress rates poor hygiene skills, caregivers are prone to chronic illnesses more than non-caregivers such as diabetes, cancer, stroke, heart disease, depression and anxiety (FCA 2006). • Most of the time caregivers put aside their own health problems for the recipient. It has been reported that 72% of caregivers say they don’t visit the doctor as often as they should and 55% miss appointments (FCA 2006). • In a national survey 63% of caregivers reported that they don’t have good eating habits and 58% don’t exercise much (FCA 2006).

  7. The Problem • A big problem with most programs is that “little attention has been given to assessing care giving competence, confidence and mastery in carrying out specific day-to-day tasks associated with care giving or to determining what help a caregiver might need” (Feinberg 2002) • A few programs that caregivers have said they would benefit from are respite services, financial support andcaregiver education and support programs (FCA 2006).

  8. How G.I.F.T. is different VS. Standard Caregiver Program G.I.F.T • Informational and Education Intervention program • Light activities with other caregivers • Information and Education Intervention program • Physical activities with other caregivers to overcome stress • Structured 12-week work-out program • Stress workshops • Group exercise functions

  9. Description of Program:Needs Assessment • Population: Caregivers of people with developmental disabilities @ Cumberland ARC in Vineland, NJ • What we found: • poor exercise habits • poor spiritual mental habits • high levels of stress • high blood pressure levels • high cholesterol levels • diets lacking in nutrients • high body mass indexes Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire

  10. Description of Program:Predisposing and Enabling Factors Predisposing Factors: • “I just don’t have time.” • “I’m too afraid to go into the gym because I don’t want people to stare.” Enabling Factors: • Stress and lack of energy keeps caregivers from wanting to take care of themselves • Lack of a support system • Overall lifestyle of their family and friends Reinforcing Factors: • Incentive program will keep caregivers motivated • Enjoyment of living a more satisfied life with less stress

  11. Description of Program:Program Goal and Objectives • The goal of G.I.F.T. is to improve the physical and spiritual status of caregivers at the Cumberland Arc in Vineland, NJ. G.I.F.T. is a 12-week program for caregivers which will address on improving physical, spiritual and mental health.

  12. Description of Program:Program Goal and Objectives • Week 1 • Nutrition Counseling • Assessments • Exercise and Physical Activity Scorecard • Stress Management Workshops • Group Exercise Classes • Time Management Workshops • Personal Trainers

  13. Description of Program:Intervention • 1-6 WEEK CALENDAR • 7-12 WEEK CALENDAR

  14. Description of Program:Incentive • At each class/workshop there will be raffle tickets given out to the caregivers who attend • The more classes/workshops you attend, the more tickets you receive and therefore the greater the chance of winning a prize at the end of the program

  15. Evaluation Strategy • When the 12 week program is finished we will know we have accomplished our goals by administering a final assessment. • These assessments include: • score card • flexibility measurement • blood pressure readings • cholesterol readings • muscular strength and endurance • body weight • BMI • girth measurements • After the assessments we will hand out a post-questionnaire • Home calls 5 months after intervention

  16. Outcome Evaluation • At least 90% will improve physical wellness and spiritual wellness. • At least 50% will incorporate daily physical activities at home and will keep track of this on their score card. • At least 90% will record that their stress levels have decreased. • Lower LDL’s and increase HDL’s. • Lower blood pressure. • Increased flexibility. • Lower body weight; lower girth measurements; lower BMI.

  17. Marketing Plan:Goal and Objectives Objectives Our programs marketing goal is to develop an interest in the caregivers to be participants in our wellness program • -30 caregivers will become consistent participants in our wellness program. • -90% of the caregivers will attend our intervention meeting. • -75% of caregivers will attend our educational workshops. • -75% of caregivers will attend 2-3 classes a week.

  18. Channels & Media • Flyers will be posted around the Cumberland Arc and local community businesses and brochures delivered through mail • Home visits to speak about program face to face. This gives a chance for the caregivers to ask questions they wouldn’t ask in front of a group

  19. Resources and Funding

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