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ESTEP News, update in September 2013

ESTEP News, update in September 2013. P repared for the industriAll Basic Metals Committee meeting in Cremona on 8 October 2013. Jean-Pierre BIRAT, Secretary General, ESTEP Enrico Gibellieri, Vice President, ESTEP Steering Committee. What's ESTEP? ( E uropean S teel TE chnology P latform ).

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ESTEP News, update in September 2013

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  1. ESTEP News, update in September 2013 Prepared for the industriAll Basic Metals Committee meeting in Cremona on 8 October 2013 Jean-Pierre BIRAT, Secretary General, ESTEP Enrico Gibellieri, Vice President, ESTEP Steering Committee

  2. What's ESTEP? (EuropeanSteel TEchnologyPlatform) Somepassedtechnicalachievements of ESTEP • ULCOS (Ulltra-Low CO2Steelmaking), withseveral new processes, like ULCOS-BF, HIsarna, ULCORED and ULCOWIN • 3rdgeneration Advanced High StrengthSteels • conclusions of the GT-VET project • ESTEP'scommunityisinvolved in a large number of RFCS & FP7 projects

  3. What’s new with ESTEP? (1) • Bertrand de Lamberterie retired in June 2013 and has been replaced by Jean-Pierre Birat from 1 July. JPB used to work for ArcelorMittal Global R&D until June, where he was a Group Expert, headed the Sustainability R&D department and had been in charge of the ULCOS program. • the High Level Roundtable on Steel published conclusions in June 2013 (http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/sectors/metals-minerals/files/steel-action-plan_fr.pdf): steel is recognized as an essential part of the EU industrial base, which ought to be strengthened in the EU 2020 vision. Research will play a large role in achieving this goal and ESTEP is an important instrument for this. • a High Level Group on Steel is being created to keep watch on the health and success of the steel sector on a continuing basis. ESTEP was invited by the Commission to join: H. Fisher will represent ESTEP, while JP. Birat works in the Sherpa group. • the Commission has reviewed the passed achievements of ETPs and, as a result, ESTEP has been recognized in July as a “2020 ETP”*. This gives it more visibility and foster the connect with the workings of the Commission. * STRATEGY FOR EUROPEAN TECHNOLOGY PLATFORMS: ETP 2020, COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT, Brussels, 12.7.2013, SWD(2013) 272 final

  4. What’s new with ESTEP? (2) • HORIZON 2020' budget was approved in June (70.2 G€ for 7 yrs) and thus the program is taking shape very quickly now, with a start of implementation at the end of this year. • SPIRE (Sustainable Process Industries through Resource & Energy Efficiency) wasraised to the status of PPP, thus given process industries and steel in particular a high visibility in the strategy of the 2020 EU strategy, especially relative to R&D&I. ESTEP is very active in the activities of SPIRE. • this is also true of EMIRI (European Materials Industry Research Initiative), although it did not quite make the PPP status, but will be granted significant budget. • ESTEP continues to be heavily involved with pre-exiting PPPs (Green Vehicles, E2B, FoF)

  5. What’s new with ESTEP? (3) • ESTEP is also deeply involved with new EIPs (European Innovation Partnership) such as the EIP on Raw Materials & the EIP on Water.. • ESTEP works closely with other ETPs, like WssTP (Water), TPWind, SusChem, EPoSS, Manufuture, ECTP, ZEP, SMR, EuMat, ERTRAC, etc. • ESTEP has produced some important documents this year: • the update of its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/estep/docs/sra-052013-en.pdf • a mission statement for WG2 – Transport, which will also be presented at the LCES meeting in Xi'an in September. ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/estep/docs/mission-statement-of-working-group-2-transport_en.pdf • a document prepared with WssTP on future research areas common to steel and water ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/estep/docs/water-steel-report_en.pdf • the proceedings of the GT-VET (Greening Technical VET) conference held in February http://www.gt-vet.com

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