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UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination

UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination. TOOLKIT FOR MAINSTREAMING EMPLOYMENT AND DECENT WORK. BACKGROUND 2005 World Summit Outcome. UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination.

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UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination

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  1. UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination TOOLKIT FOR MAINSTREAMING EMPLOYMENT AND DECENT WORK

  2. BACKGROUND 2005 World Summit Outcome UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination “We strongly support fair globalization and resolve to make the goals of full and productive employment and decent work for all, including for women and young people, a central objective of our relevant national and international policies as well as our national development strategies, including poverty reduction strategies, as part of our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals”. (paragraph 47)

  3. BACKGROUND 2006 ECOSOC Ministerial Declaration UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • Endorsed full and productive employment and decent work for all • Called on multilateral system to mainstream employment and decent work • Toolkit developed by ILO in collaboration with all CEB member organizations • In April 2007, CEB endorsed the Toolkit and agreed to proceed with its application

  4. BACKGROUND 2007 ECOSOC Resolution UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • Called on all agencies to: • Collaborate in using, adapting and evaluating the application of Toolkit • Adopt three-phase approach in action plans to promote employment and decent work for all • Develop mechanisms to share expertise and assess impact on employment and decent work outcomes • Promote understanding so as to better implement the Decent Work Agenda • Called on the ILO to assist agencies to do so

  5. WHAT IS THE TOOLKIT? UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination The Toolkit “is designed to be a ‘lens’ that agencies can look through to see how their policies, strategies, programmes and activities are interlinked with employment and decent work outcomes and how they can enhance these outcomes by taking full account of the implications of their policies, strategies, programmes and activities for employment and decent work during the design stage and while advising and assisting countries and constituents with regard to their adoption and implementation”. Mandated by and part of: • Inter-agency process • Inter-governmental process

  6. TO WHOM IS THE TOOLKIT TARGETED? UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • In the initial phase: • CEB member organizations • UN functional and regional commissions • International financial institutions • In the second phase: • Governments and national constituents • Development community • Civil society

  7. TOOLKIT FORMAT AND APPLICATION UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • Self-assessment checklist: a diagnostic questionnaire • Tools to be developed, refined and adapted for specific purposes • Toolbox to be progressively filled and branched out for use at country level • Interactive platform for collective construction and use • Methodology to be applied to other cross-cutting issues for UN system-wide coherence

  8. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TOOLKIT UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • Self-assessment and establishment of baselines • Development and sharing of tools • Branching out and application of the Toolkit at country level • Capacity building and advocacy • Time-bound action plans

  9. WHY CONDUCT A SELF-ASSESSMENT? UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination For each agency to: • Systematically determine how it can optimize its own mandate outcomes by enhancing the employment and decent work outcomes of its policies, programmes and activities • Establish baselines for monitoring progress in 2010 and 2015, as requested by ECOSOC • Identify and share tools for mainstreaming employment and decent work • Use results for action plan to improve employment and decent work outcomes

  10. HOW TO CONDUCT A SELF-ASSESSMENT? UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • Answer all questions in the diagnostic checklist • Base answers on objective criteria or supporting evidence • Identify and select tools the organization already has and can share with others • Prepare a report of the self-assessment

  11. CRITERIA FOR THE SELF-ASSESSMENT UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination The criteria: • Organization’s mandate • Programme and budget allocation • Directives or guidelines • Directly targeted policies, programmes or activities • Research and knowledge management • Data and statistics • Awareness raising and advocacy The cross-cutting considerations: • Time frame • Type and level of application • Gender dimensions • Target groups • Consultation and cooperation

  12. SELF-ASSESSMENT REPORT FORMAT UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • Background information • Report by sections in checklist, analyze and summarize results: • Indicate objective criteria, supporting evidence • Include cross-cutting information • Indicate both good practices and challenges • Define indicators for monitoring progress • Follow-up • Potential for partnerships and synergy • Annexes and additional information

  13. TOOLS AND RESOURCES UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • How-to tools • Operational manuals, institutional directives, discretionary guidelines, conventions and recommendations, codes of conduct, training materials • Knowledge-based tools • Policy briefs, research findings, data and statistics, evaluation reports, knowledge networks • Good practices and lessons learned • Global, regional national • What works, factors that make for success or non-success, scope for replication or adaptation

  14. ACTION PLANS UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination • Agencies to develop own action plans by end 2007/beginning 2008 • Agencies to implement action plans up to end 2008/beginning 2009 • Link to application of Toolkit at country level • Agencies collaborate to develop by end 2009 system-wide action plan for 2010-2015 • Implementation of system-wide action plan at global, regional and country levels

  15. WHERE TO FIND THE TOOLKIT UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination Toolkit available at: http://hlcp.unsystemceb.org/reference/07/ http://www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/dgo/selected_documents.htm Versions in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Portuguese (forthcoming in Russian and Chinese)

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