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Industrial Hygiene and Exposure Assessment

Industrial Hygiene and Exposure Assessment. Exploration and Production Cheryl Metzler, CIH BP America Production Co. Foundational. Exposure Assessment. Strategy equally applicable to all stressors Chemical Physical Biological Thermal Motion (Lifting, Force, etc.) Pressure (Noise).

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Industrial Hygiene and Exposure Assessment

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  1. Industrial Hygiene and Exposure Assessment Exploration and Production Cheryl Metzler, CIH BP America Production Co.

  2. Foundational

  3. Exposure Assessment Strategy equally applicable to all stressors • Chemical • Physical • Biological • Thermal • Motion (Lifting, Force, etc.) • Pressure (Noise)

  4. Strategy Anticipate • Verify presence of hazard • Identify jobs/tasks with exposure potential Evaluate • Exposure potential • Perform monitoring Control • Confirm controls

  5. Biological Radiation Chemical ExposureAssessment Electrical Pressure Motion Gravity Heat / Cold

  6. Legionella, Encephalitis,Tuberculosis, West Nile Virus, Hanta Virus, Bubonic Plague Biological Radiation Chemical ExposureAssessment Electrical Pressure Motion Gravity Heat / Cold Drinking Water Ergonomic Equipment Layout & Design Fatigue Spiders, Bees, Ticks Poison ivy / oak Repetitive motion Sanitation

  7. Biological Radiation Chemical ExposureAssessment Electrical Pressure Motion Gravity Heat / Cold Acids - sulfuric, hydrochloric, citric Silica Asbestos Benzene Lead Caustic Iron sulfide Mercury Methanol H2S Welding fume (heavy metals, hexavalent chromium)

  8. Biological Radiation Chemical ExposureAssessment Electrical Pressure Motion Gravity Heat / Cold Cold - Frostbite, hypothermia Cold - Cryogenics Heat Stress

  9. Biological Radiation Chemical ExposureAssessment Electrical Pressure Motion Gravity Heat / Cold Manual lifting Overextension Suitability – hand / power tool Slips / trips / falls Vibration

  10. Biological Radiation Chemical ExposureAssessment Electrical Pressure Motion Gravity Heat / Cold Noise

  11. Biological Radiation Chemical ExposureAssessment Electrical Pressure Motion Gravity Heat / Cold Sunlight Sealed Sources (level detection) - Gamma rays, Alpha & Beta particles NORM - Gamma rays, Alpha & Beta Particles Welding - UV Radiation

  12. Operator’s Responsibility • Identify potential IH hazards • Communicate potential IH hazards to Contractors • Verify that contactor’s exposure assessment plan to protect workers is adequate

  13. Contractor’s Responsibility • Conduct personal sampling based upon potential hazards • 8-hour time weighted average • Short term exposure limits • Contractors must gather and retain medical exposure records for 30 years past the term of employment • Compliance with 8 hour exposure limits does not equal compliance with STEL, i.e. 15 min at 5ppm for Benzene or 100 dB noise exposure for 2 hours

  14. Asbestos Example

  15. Ergonomics Example

  16. Equipment-based Exposure Assessment • What equipment is onsite? • What product is in the equipment? • What are the hazards of the product in the equipment? The tools? The chemicals to be used? (MSDSs) • What other equipment is associated with it?

  17. Equipment Life Cycle Construct Demolish Operate Maintain

  18. Life Cycle Tasks • What are the tasks done on the equipment? • Construct • Operate • Maintain • Demolish • Who does these tasks?

  19. EXPOSURE LIMIT CONCEPTS ACETIC ACID CEILING Not to be exceeded ever 50 ppm 25 ppm STEL 15 minute task 15 ppm TWA Full Shift 10 ppm 0 ppm 12 Noon 4 PM 8AM

  20. ppm (as isobutylene) Taking process acetate ester samples 180 160 140 Taking process kettle samples 120 100 Painting? 80 60 Laboratory work (titration's etc.) 40 20 0 00:09 00:35 01:01 01:27 01:53 02:19 02:45 04:29 21:33 21:59 22:25 22:51 23:17 23:43 03:11 04:03 03:37 Time Continuous sampling example

  21. Benzene Example • Identify equipment with potential exposure • Identify tasks performed on equipment and personnel performing tasks • Monitor using personal sampling pumps and charcoal tubes • Use statistical analysis tools to compare sampling results with OSHA standards • Recommend controls, if required • Schedule for repeated sampling to ensure nothing has changed

  22. Benzene • Exposures • 8-hour Time Weighted Average (OSHA PEL – 1 ppm) • Tasks – Short Term Exposure (OSHA STEL – 5 ppm) • OSHA Oil & Gas Exemption for Exploration – 10 ppm

  23. Sampling Results – Tank gauging • Review Sampling data <0.1 ppm 0.02 ppm 0.2 ppm 0.1 ppm • Use statistical program • Compare to OEL

  24. Process Overview – Benzene Example

  25. Equipment & Tasks - Tank Produced Water / Condensate / Rich Glycol Tank - Operation • Tank gauging • Sampling • Truck Loading, water • Truck Loading, oil

  26. Equipment & Tasks - Tank Produced Water / Condensate / Rich Glycol Tank - Maintenance • Tank Cleaning/Internal inspection • Piping/Flange/Gasket Replacement • Meter Proving/Calibration/Replacement • Changing Orifice Plate • Pump - Repair Or Replacement • VRU Repair/Replacement/Lube Oil Change • Check thief hatch and Enardo/relief valve • Transmitter repair / replacement / Level indicator

  27. Equipment & Tasks - Filter Glycol Sock Filter - Maintenance • Piping/Flange/Gasket/Gauge Replacement • Changing Gylcol Sock Filters

  28. Equipment & Tasks – In-line Heater Heater - Maintenance • In-line Heater - Inspection - internal • In-line Heater - Repair • In-line Heater - Piping - repair/replacement

  29. Equipment & Tasks – Separator Separator - Maintenance • Separators/free water knockout – Inspection – internal • Separators/free water knockout – Piping repair replacement • Etc.

  30. Work Management System • Integrate hazard identification and IH monitoring into maintenance work order systems, e.g. Maximo

  31. Applying to other operators?

  32. Applying to other operators?

  33. Conclusion

  34. Questions?

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