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Manitoba by alexl

Manitoba by alexl. Manitoba. The Great Gray owl is the official bird of Manitoba. It is in the Prairie region. Manitoba is border by Ontario , Saskatchewan and Northwest Territories . The dog of Manitoba is the Cocker Spaniel. . Manitoba .

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Manitoba by alexl

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Manitoba by alexl

  2. Manitoba • The Great Gray owl is the official bird of Manitoba. • It is in the Prairie region. • Manitoba is border by Ontario , Saskatchewan and Northwest Territories . • The dog of Manitoba is the Cocker Spaniel.

  3. Manitoba • Manitoba got it’s name from manitowaba Aboriginal phrase meaning great spirit whispers.

  4. Manitoba’s flag • Manitoba’s flag is has some of the British flag on it.

  5. Manitoba flower • The provincial flower is prairie crocus

  6. Weather and Climate • Brandon one of Manitoba’s town and this is the weather and climate.

  7. Manitoba population • Manitoba’s population is 162 800.

  8. Manitoba’s Capital city • In Winnipeg they speak 100 languages. Manitoba

  9. Manitoba’s Food • Manitoba has jam busters (jelly-filled powder donuts) and bannock (a type of grilled bread) Manitoba makes million of coins.

  10. Manitoba • Manitoba grows and sells wheat. • Manitoba mines gold nickel cooper and zinc

  11. Coat of arms and Motto • Manitoba was a Province in July 15 1870 • Motto: Glorious and Free

  12. Manitoba’s sport • Manitoba’s sport is hockey.

  13. Manitoba • In Manitoba there is gold and zinc cooper and nickel. Manitoba is visitors by Polar bears

  14. About the author • I like water balloons and link games and cats and dogs I like the colour orange and kittens and playing outside.

  15. Biblioraphy • http://www.canada-maps.org/ • http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/factSheets/flash.cfm Manitoba by Rachel Eagen.

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