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RPC/LVL1 DQA Report. M. Bianco , on behalf of RPC/LVL1 DQA group ATLAS Muon Week. Preamble. The aim of the work done is to harmonize the DQA Tools available for the RPC/LVL1 DQA shifter and expert . Outline. The new Offline DQA web display configuration
RPC/LVL1 DQA Report M. Bianco, on behalfof RPC/LVL1 DQA group ATLAS Muon Week Michele Bianco
Preamble The aim of the work done is to harmonize the DQA Tools available for the RPC/LVL1 DQA shifter and expert Outline • The new Offline DQA web display configuration • The new Offline Monitoring Plots • The DCS DQA restyling • DCS/Offline comparisons • Online check and development Michele Bianco
The Offline DQA web configurations • The actual DQA web configurationwasdevelopedtodefineonly the DETECTOR status along a run, notenoughspacewas dedicate to the LVL1 DQA moreoverplots LVL1 oriented are usedfor the detector DQA assesment. • Fewplots dedicate to LVL1 wereinserted in to the L1MUB folder, but the final DQA result in isnottransferredto COOL. Michele Bianco
The Offline DQA web configurations • The New Web Display configurationcompletelydisentagle the RPC detector and LVL1 trigger aspects. • Plotsdedicatedto the Expert and Shifter are betteridentified. Michele Bianco
The LVL1 section in the new web display • Allhistograms are organized under the L1MUB • Three differentsfoldersdefine the LVL1 status at differentlevelPAD-SectorLogic-MUCTPI • MUCTPI folder containsseveralhistogramsalready present in the folder Central Trigger • PAD folder provide the status of the LVL1 trigger at CM-TriggerBox level • SectorLogic folder define the DQA at the intermediate level between PAD and MUCTPI Michele Bianco
The LVL1 section in the new web display • To help the LVL1 shifter to spot the problematic readout element, a grid which reproduce the detector segmentation has been applied to the trigger occupancy plots. (Similar solution was adopted with detector occupancy plots ) Michele Bianco
The LVL1 section in the new web display • To help the LVL1 shifter to spot the problematic readout element at the SectorLogic, dedicated plots with same layout adopted at the Online Level have been implemented by the Dresda group (Anja Vest – Christian Rudolph ). • Several algorithms to define automatically the DAQ results for these plots are under test (by Christian Rudolph). ONLINE OFFLINE Michele Bianco
The Detector section in the new web display • WelldefinedExpert-Shifter folder havebeenimplemented • No overlapbetween Detector-Trigger plots. • New plotsdedicated at the detector DQA havebeendevelopedby G. Chiodini in the RPC monitoring package, notyet in production at the Tier0. • (Will bepresented at the Muon DQA meeting probablynext week) Michele Bianco
The DCS DQA restyling • New layout of RPC DCS panel has been implemented to be coherent with Offline monitoring (by Marcello Bindi). • It will be easier for the MUON-online shifter and for the MUON-DQ shifter to spot new problems! • N.B. In this slide the two figure are not referring to the same period • Tower masked in DAQ (OFF) are visible in the same position in DCS panel Michele Bianco
The DCS DQA Status … • Validation of latest DCS information (ROpanels) stored into COOL DB is still ongoing. • Very useful results came from the crosscheck with OFFLINE Monitoring. • Mostly of the holes in Occupancy/Trigger plots has a defined reason; other holes have been investigated. 18 ROpanels have been recuperated during last technical stop! Bug in DZ definition for BOS chambers inside DCS conversion maps found and already fixed. and Plan… • Go on with validation…specific test has been done to test the “per RUN list” dynamic list that may be changing run by run. • Plan to read COOL information(Dead+OffROPanels) already at the Tier0-Monitoring to distinguish between known/old holes within 32 hours from stop of the RUN! clear algorithm to detect inefficient ROpanels to be defined. Michele Bianco
RPC-LVL1 Online Monitoring The LVL1 online monitoring is done with a framework (Gnam) running on the raw data selected by the trigger Several plots have been done to monitor: Data Integrity, Synchronization, Coverage, multiplicity, time alignment, trigger thresholds, the Sector Logic The checks are performed both at ROD level and SFI level Feedback needed mainly from experts Online checks have few histograms for the shifter, and a lot of detailed histograms for expert Documentation: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/RPCGnamHistos
Timing To monitor the time distribution of the (trigger) hits in each trigger device (CM/PAD/SL) SL timing Very detailed information in the EXPERT area
Data Integrity To check the formal correctness of the data fragments: it can be checked at several levels (i.e. at each step of the data processing) Data Integrity Map: luckily it is empty
Control Plots To check that the data remain consistent while going through the trigger processing The checks are performed using simulations of the devices composing the LVL1 trigger
Online Monitoring Work ongoing Develop algorithm for detailed checks, mainly on histogram for experts Set up the OHP and DQMD for L1MU. This will allow to add detailed checks on the RPC trigger. These checks will be a duty for the ATLAS trigger shifter. The ATLAS tool to look the online histograms for older run is node2gui, but at the moment it cannot be configured “like OHP". We have developed a tool to see (also via web) a selected run in a way similar to the OHP web display. (reached from svn) svn+ssh://user_name@svn.cern.ch/reps/atlasusr/mromano/WorkForQualification/tags/WorkForQualification-01-00-00 It a a general tool for all components This tool could be used from a shifter, i.e. for detailed checks on RPC trigger histogram .... Michele Bianco
Conclusion • Several problems were identified and solved using monitoring and DQA (Offline/DCS) . • Offline monitoring to DCS mapping is fully debugged at panel level. • New DQA algo for LVL1 DQA to be validated with collision events, • New histograms, were introduce to improve the detector monitoring at the panel level. • DCS-Offline now use the same layout for the Detector DQA • Online-Offline use the same layout for the LVL1 DQA • Offline Monitoring of LVL1 trigger at high-level is missed (need manpower for this jobs) Michele Bianco