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EWK Summer08 Validation

EWK Summer08 Validation. Ran standardized validation module on the 10 Summer08 datasets imported to Wisconsin last week Generator-level distributions look OK Reco distributions look OK, except for CaloMET CaloMet exhibits small but statistically significant bias in phi

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EWK Summer08 Validation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EWK Summer08 Validation • Ran standardized validation module on the 10 Summer08 datasets imported to Wisconsin last week • Generator-level distributions look OK • Reco distributions look OK, except for CaloMET • CaloMet exhibits small but statistically significant bias in phi • present also in CSA07, but not 1_8_4 Madgraph V+Jets • since Madgraph OK, is there bias in Pythia? or was MET reco OK in 1_8_4, but not in 1_6_7 or 2_1_8? Wenu Summer08 Z+jets Madgraph

  2. -- Belle, 08’ ICHEP -- BABAR, 08’ FPCP -- CDF, 06’ CKM Ali 02’ K/K*ll Branching fractions Belle: 657M Babar: 384M Preliminary

  3. K/K*ll Isospin asymmetry Preliminary

  4. Babar/Belle AI Agreement? • Parallel and plenary Belle speakers asserted that their isospin asymmetry results disagreed with Babar’s • Weighted average across Belle di-lepton bins to match Babar di-lepton bins (no Belle table of results provided so have to take central values + errs from plot) • AI, K* low q2 • Belle: -0.54 +/- 0.16 • Babar: -0.56 +/- 0.17 • combined: -0.55 +/- 0.12 • AI, K/K* low q2 Belle/Babar combined: -0.48 +/- 0.09 • AI, K* high q2 • Belle: 0.03 +/- 0.12 • Babar: 0.18 +/- 0.28 • combined: 0.05 +/- 0.11 • AI, K/K* high q2 Belle/Babar combined: 0.03 +/- 0.09 • AI, K low q2 • Belle: -0.31 +/- 0.14 • Babar: -1.43 +/- 0.56 • combined: -0.38 +/- 0.13 • AI, K high q2 • Belle: -0.08 +/- 0.15 • Babar: 0.28 +/- 0.30 • combined: -0.01 +/- 0.14

  5. K*ll FL Babar Belle Preliminary

  6. K*ll AFB Babar Belle Preliminary

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