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Finding Peace Through Jewish Heritage: A Path to Reconciliation

Explore how embracing Jewish heritage and seeking God's forgiveness can bring personal peace and fulfillment. Learn from biblical patriarchs like Abraham and Moses to understand the steps needed for reconciliation with God. Discover the significance of traditions like Yom Kippur and the sacrifices in Judaism. Empower yourself by believing in God's word and seeking atonement. Find hope in the promised Redeemer.

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Finding Peace Through Jewish Heritage: A Path to Reconciliation

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  2. All of our Jewish holidays, with their beautiful rites and traditions, speak to us of the wonderful heritage that is ours in Judaism—They are laced with warm and fond memories of our families; their gatherings and traditional observances. But with all of our heritage; education; good marriages; success in business; close friends; and the local Temple…… WHY IS IT THAT WE DON’T HAVE PERSONAL PEACE AND TOTAL SATISFACTION? Alcoholism Anger Sleepless Nights Sickness Nervous Breakdowns Depression Fear of the Future Drug Addiction

  3. OUR PATRIARCHS HAD PEACE…..WHY? Because they had communication with God! [A working relationship] Were they PERFECT men? NO

  4. They were like us…… • Married • Paid Taxes • Brought Home The Bacon ooops! The Beef • Had In-Laws • Sent their kids to the JDS & JCC

  5. But, they knew, because God is Holy, He would not have a relationship with sin or iniquity, so they took the steps God provided for them so that their sins would be covered. • What steps did they take? • Did they blow the Shofar? • Feed The Poor? • Fast? • Give Tzedakah? Isaiah 59:2 says, “Your iniquities have ever made a separation between you and your God. Your sins have caused Him to hide his face from you.”

  6. GOD SIN ME?

  7. HAS EVERYMAN SINNED? HEY! Red Cross Karen Ha’yesod I’M A PRETTY GOOD FELLA! Volunteer Hadassah JCC My Synagogue Bill’s Bar Mitzvah

  8. O YEAH? Not According To The Tanakh Psalm 51:5, “Behold, I was formed in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me.” Ezekiel 18:20, “The soul that sins, it shall die.” Isaiah 64:6, “But we are all as an unclean thing and all our Righteousness is as filthy rags.” Ecclesiastes 7:20, “For there is not a just man upon the earth that doeth good and sins not.”


  10. Only GOD CAN PROVIDE THE SOLUTION…… AND HE HAS! Psalm 49:16, “God will redeem my soul.” Isaiah 43:25, “I AM HE that blots out your transgressions…..And will not remember your sins.”

  11. When God revealed Himself to Abraham as the “ONE TRUE GOD,” he believed God, “and it was counted to him as righteousness.”… And Grandpa Abe became God’s friend. (Gen. 15:6) 1 God gave Abraham the first step to relationship Step 1: Abraham Believed God!

  12. Moses Received the Second Step Step 2: God showed Moses the need of an offering to reconcile man to Himself, being specific about each detail: Who? What? When?


  14. TOO, MUST TAKE WHAT GOD HAS PROVIDED SO WE CAN HAVE PEACE ALSO: WE Step 1: We must believe God’s word, as did Grandpa Abraham! Step 2: We must have the blood sacrifice for our atonement with God. (at-one-ment) sin

  15. BUT

  16. What do the Jews do today? • There’s No Priesthood! (Genealogies were LOST in 70 A.D.) • There’s No Temple! (Destroyed in 70 A.D.) • There’s No Blood Sacrifice! (Substitutions made by Rabbis) SO WHAT TO DO? What do we have? Mitzvahs? “Golden Rule” ? Empty rites and rituals? Yom Kippurs without the blood? Opinions and precepts …….. RABBINICAL JUDAISM?

  17. GOD, THROUGH HIS PROPHET ISAIAH, SAID THIS WOULD HAPPEN: “For as much as this people draw near to me with their mouth, and with their lips do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and THEIR FEAR TOWARD ME IS TAUGHT BY THE PRECEPTS OF MEN” ISAIAH 29:13 “Rabbi Religion” includes commentaries from Talmud, Mishneh, Kaballah, Tanya, Zohar

  18. GOD ALSO SAID THAT HE, HIMSELF WOULD COME TO US AS A REDEEMER (SAVIOR, MESSIAH) “For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior…” I, even I, am the LORD, and beside Me there is no Savior.” Isaiah 43:3,11

  19. All Judaism long awaited their Messiah—All through the Tanakh are the Promises of the Messiah’s appearance—clues that we may identify Him by:

  20. HIS BIRTHIsaiah 7:14 Who He WasIsaiah 9:6 His Place of BirthMicah 5:2 His Family 2 Samuel 7:4,5,13 & 16 His Manner of DeathPsalm 22:14-28 His RejectionIsaiah 53:1-3

  21. Only Jews When the Messiah Came, thousands of Jews recognized Him by the Tanakh’s description…the first church was made up of only Jewish believers! And thousands believe today, especially when there have been so many present day prophecies being filled in OUR GENERATION:

  22. God has dealt with a Nation But A Nation Cannot Rise Above It’s People!

  23. We must take steps as individuals to be reconciled to God. We need to believe God’s Word (The Tanakh) even as Abraham believed God. If we deny the Bible’s validity, we strip ourselves of: • Our heritage, for our Jewishness is based upon Genesis 17—God’s covenant with Abraham for a people and a land • Our right to the Nation of Israel, for it was promised to Abraham in Genesis 17 • And a personal relationship with God through atonement, as in Leviticus 17:11

  24. What Does LEVITICUS 17:11 SAY ANYWAY

  25. “I have given it to you upon the Altar to make an atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes an atonement for the soul.” Leviticus 17:11 WHEN? WHERE? WHY? IN THE BODY OF YESHUA, THE MESSIAH, GOD SHED HIS BLOOD ON THE ALTAR OF CALVARY, FOR OUR INIQUITIES AND SINS. GOD SIN

  26. david’s Key • David was Israel’s Greatest King. He was wise in….. • Politics • World and National Affairs • Religious Affairs • And the Tanakh says “he was a man after God’s own heart!” WHY? WAS HE ALWAYS RIGHT? NO! ALWAYS PERFECT IN JUDGMENT? NO! NEVER FAILED? NO! NEVER SINNED? NOT!

  27. What was David’s Key to Personal Success and Peace? • Being Orthodox? No! • Keeping a Kosher Palace? No! • Buying Trees in Israel? No! DAVID’S KEY was that he knew that if he had sin (iniquity) in his life, the LORD would not hear his prayers—Psalm 66:18 “IF I REGARD INIQUITY IN MY HEART, THE LORD WILL NOT HEAR ME.”

  28. DAVID’s KEY TO PERSONAL PEACE Psalm 51: Verse 7: “Purge me with hysop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I will be whiter than snow.” Verse 9: “Hide thy face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities.” Verse 10: “Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit with in me.” Verse 11: “Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKadosh) from me.”


  30. Hundreds of years later, based on the same plan God had revealed to Abraham, Moses, and David, another Jewish teacher, Kefa (Simon Peter), gave the same instructions to thousands of Jews when they desired to know how to be reconciled to God—Acts 2:37 Kefa’s Key to Personal Peace— Acts 2:38 REPENT! BE IMMERSED IN THE NAME OF YESHUA FOR THE REMISSION OF YOUR SINS (WASHING AWAY)! AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE THE RUACH HAKADOSH! ACTS 2:38


  32. “If I obey God will this end my participation with my family and the rites and rituals of our heritage?” NO! In fact our traditional holidays will become more realistic and precious as you realize deeper truths in them that speak of the Messiah—You will wonder why you never saw Him so clearly and your heritage will become more meaningful to you! Let me give you a “for instance” Let’s Look at……

  33. PASSOVER Why do we always have three pieces of Matzah on one plate? Why not 4? Or 9? Or 1? • Because the Matzah represents a picture of the Almighty, who manifested His Spirit 3 ways: • As a Father in Creating Humanity • In a body (Yeshua) for our Atonement • And in the Believer today as a Teacher & Guide!

  34. Why is Only the Middle Piece of Matzah broken in half and given to everyone? Because the Middle Piece speaks of God in a body, when he walked in the world as Messiah Yeshua. He was rejected and His body was broken for our sins when He became the Atonement for us and everyone. That body was called a “son” and was the 2nd way God manifested His Spirit!

  35. Why is the Other Half of the 2nd piece of Matzah wrapped in a napkin and hidden for us to find later? This is called the “Afikomen,” the dessert, because it comes after the meal. Again, this is a type of the Messiah. Just as the Matzah is wrapped and hidden, the Messiah, after His death, was wrapped in grave clothes, only to come back from death 3 days later. He came back after the Tree (Execution stake) And was resurrected….And today, believers are waiting for Him to come back to “come after” us…to be the “Afikomen” again!

  36. YOM KIPPUR DAY OF ATONEMENT The Priest came before the Mercy Seat with the blood of the sacrifice that was made for the people. Their sins would now be rolled back for another year and their names written in the “Book of Life.” When the Shofar blew the time of fasting was over and a new year of Judgment began.

  37. Today there is No Priest! There is No Temple! There are No Blood Sacrifices! Today men fast and only hope (without assurance) that their sins are forgiven. But without a blood sacrifice there cannot be forgiveness of sins! Unless we believe that Yeshua, the Messiah, was the final sacrifice to end all sin offering, we are still in our sin, with no hope of being found in the “Book of Life.”

  38. NO MORE PRIESTS We have to come before the mercy seat ourselves and believe that the sacrificial blood of Yeshua covers and removes our sin…not for just one year, but forever!

  39. Did you ask, “but that was back then, are Jews still asking the same questions today?” Are we still eating the bagels like they did back then? Our needs and desire for Peace of Mind are still the Same! If we take these steps, do we stop being Jews? NO! We are just adding a new dimension to our heritage. We simply become believing Jews.

  40. How will my family react? They’ll probably have a “conniption fit,” but when they see the Spirit of the LORD making you a better son/daughter; more loving, more respectful, more peaceful, so….who would be unhappy with that?


  42. The Jewish Prophet Ezekiel, spoke of restoration for the Nation, speaking of separation from their old ways:

  43. Ezekiel 36:24, “For I will take you from among the heathen and gather you out of all countries and bring you into your land (separation), then I will sprinkle clean water upon you and you shall be clean.” “A new heart also I will give you and a new spirit will I put within you—I will put my Spirit within you (Holy Spirit) and cause you to walk in my statues.”

  44. This is a prophecy for a nation, but it must start with the individual--

  45. Isaiah (12:2) said, “Behold God is my Salvation—I will trust and not be afraid, for the LORD YHVH is my strength and my song; He is also become my salvation (savior)—and in that day shall you say, Praise the LORD and Call upon His Name.”

  46. GOD’S SAVING NAME is YESHUA Will you too Praise Him and call upon his name?

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