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EIS (FVRS) Training

EIS (FVRS) Training. Tenex Software Solutions, Inc. Concepts. Help America Voter Act (HAVA) legislation mandates a centralized statewide voter registration system. State will have a centralized database that provides a state-wide view of voter and street data.

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EIS (FVRS) Training

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  1. EIS (FVRS) Training Tenex Software Solutions, Inc.

  2. Concepts • Help America Voter Act (HAVA) legislation mandates a centralized statewide voter registration system. • State will have a centralized database that provides a state-wide view of voter and street data. • Countys will maintain a local database of individual county data.

  3. Concepts • Communication • The two systems (FVRS and EIS) will communicate through a series of transactions communicated via web services. • The transactions will allow the systems to stay in synchronization. • Transaction are queued for processing and queues are displayed on the EIS Launchpad

  4. Concepts • Basic Voter Registration Transactions • NAPP – Notice of a new registration application. • NSUP – Notice of a suspended registration application. • NINC – Notice of an incomplete application. • NDEN – Notice of a denied application. • NNRG – Notice of a completed registration application. • NRCG – Notice of a change in voter registration. • NMVI – Notice of a change in address resulting in the voter moving into the notified county. • NMVO – Notice of a change in address resulting in the voter moving from the notified county.

  5. Concepts • Basic Match Processing Transactions • NHMV – Notice of HSMV mismatch • NFEL – Notice of a felon match. • NMEN – Notice of an incompetency match. • ? – Notice of a decease match. • NDUP – Notice of a duplicate registration match

  6. Concepts • Voter Identification • For each voter the state will assign a state voter id number. • Local voter id number will continue to be maintained in EIS as well.

  7. Concepts • Application • Application form for registering to vote. • Application disposition can be: • Incomplete • Denied • Suspended • Pending • Registered

  8. Concepts • Registered Voter • Once an application has been completely processed, the voter is registered. • Voters status • Active • Inactive • Pre-registered • Removed

  9. Concepts • Suspended Application • An application that requires further inquiry before it can be submitted for processing. • Suspended applications can originate from • Within the county • Another county • HSMV • BVRS • Suspended application will be presented on the EIS Launchpad as they are received. • Can then be re-suspended, completed, made inactive.

  10. Concepts • Pending Application • Once an application is completed and submitted to FVRS, it remains in a pending state until all match processing is complete. • Application process status will indicate which stage of processing the application is in.

  11. EIS Launchpad • Username • Office Location • Quick Search • Totals by Party • Navigation Menu • Useful Website Links • Work area displaying pending tasks.

  12. Voter Registration • Select Do Data Entry menu option. • Perform duplicate search. • Do data entry and write down EIS voter id number. • Select Do Data Verification menu option. • Enter EIS voter ID and retrieve voter. • Do data entry and save. • FVRS voter ID number assigned. • Application in Pending status.

  13. Voter Registration • HSMV verification conducted at FVRS. • Felon, Decease, Incompetence, Duplicate verification conducted at FVRS. • If no matches found, NNRG transaction received and voters status updated. • Application process status completed. • NWFL transaction received to send out voter information card.

  14. Concepts • Application • Registered Voter • Local Database • State Database • Synchronization – SYNC notification. • SY01 • RVFR • Application Processing Status • Voter Status • Notifications: • Notifications that impact the database: • NNRG – will see in the transaction history • NRCG • NMVI • NMVO – For this we should have a report that shows which voters have moved out. • Process of Registration: • Types of Registrations: • Explain new fields on the screen: • Local Search vs. State Search • HSMV Match Processing: • Launchpad • Suspended Applications

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