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Childminding Forum 22 June 2019 WELCOME. Islington FIS (Family Information Service). Islington FIS has over 4,000 contacts with parents each year.
Islington FIS has over 4,000 contacts with parents each year • Islington FIS (Family Information Service) gives free, impartial information, advice and guidance about services for children, young people and families. • This information and advice covers: childcare, including free childcare for 2, 3 and 4 years old; for older children advice on after-school and holiday provision. We can also advise on fun things to do; employment; parenting and family support; children with disabilities; and anything that affects families. • The FIS childcare brokerage service helps parents find childcare and free early education and supports settings to fill their vacancies.
FIS helpline and online resources The FIS provides information via a telephone helpline, email service, a website and face to face. Telephone helpline (9am–4pm): 020 7527 5959 Email: fis@islington.gov.uk Drop in on Thursday 9am to 12.30pmat Customer Centre, 222 Upper Street, N1 1XR The FIS Family Directory: www.islington.gov.uk/fis
Typical questions parents ask the FIS – we point them your way! • I don’t know if you’re the right person to speak to, but…. • I’m going back to work in 4 months’ time and I don’t know when and where to start looking. • I can increase my working hours which would really help with my finances, but I don’t have childcare. • I’ve just moved to Islington, I used to get free hours where I lived, what can I get in Islington? • My mum used to pick up my kids from school; she’s not well but I don’t want them to go to after-school club… • I’m starting a job, but I’m not sure yet what my hours will be… • My English is not good, can I get nursery for my child? • What childcare can I get in the holidays?
Healthy early years London: HEYL update for childminders Suad Ahmed Early years Health Improvement Officer
What is HEYL? Awards programme for London Early Years settings Recognises achievements in supporting children’s health, wellbeing and education This includes the children, families, staff of the setting and also the wider community
HEYL Awards 51 First steps awards
HEYL: Health inequality strategy • HEYL will support the mayors Health Inequality strategy • healthy children • healthy Minds • healthy places • healthy communities • healthy Living • Healthy Minds: Supporting Londoners to feel comfortable talking about mental health, reducing stigma and encouraging people across the city to work together
What is emotional/mental health? “a state of wellbeing in which the individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community”. World health organisation
Activity What are the factors affecting the mental health of children and adults?
What are the factors affecting mental health of children and adults? Parents Poor family/marital relationships social isolation/lack of support poor physical health domestic violence drug/alcohol misuse high levels of deprivation poor housing lack of opportunities/unemployment social exclusion/discrimination stressful life events, i.e. bereavement, trauma, migration, loss of cultural and community connections, etc. Poverty Pregnancy Children Unstable /unpredictable home environment domestic violence parental mental health difficulties and its impact on attachment relationship with child poor, inconsistent or harsh parenting poor family relationships unrecognised learning difficulties and education/support not tailored to their needs neglect and abuse being taken into care social isolation/lack of opportunities etc..
Final judgements remain the same… • Inadequate • Requires Improvement • Good • Outstanding
Judgement Areas Overall effectiveness Overall effectiveness Quality of education Behaviour and attitudes Personal development Leadership and management • Teaching, learning and assessment • Outcomes • Personal development, behaviour and welfare • Leadership and management
The new quality of education judgement Intent • Curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness (EYFS) Implementation • Curriculum delivery • Teaching (pedagogy) • Assessment (formative and summative) Impact • Attainment and progress • Knowledge and skills • Readiness for next stage of education
Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Quality of education The new quality of education judgement puts the real substance of education, the curriculum, at the heart of inspection. Inspectors will have a connected, educationally-focused conversation, incorporating: • EY Curriculum design, coverage, appropriateness and delivery • Teaching (pedagogy) • Assessment (formative and summative) • Attainment and progress • Knowledge and skills • Readiness for the next stage of education
Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes Separate judgements for ‘personal development’ and ‘behaviour and attitudes’ Personal development Personal development, welfare and behaviour Behaviour and attitudes
Education inspection framework: the consultation outcomes What we are doing in response • Introduction of 2 new separate judgements: ‘personal development’ and ‘behaviour and attitudes’ • Amendments to personal development to ensure the importance of secure attachments, children’s emotional health and relationships between babies and adults are captured • Revision to the grade descriptors to include an acknowledgement that when children struggle with regulating their behaviour adults take appropriate action to support them.
Cultural capital • Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to be educated citizens (school) • Cultural capital is the essential knowledge that children need to prepare them for future success (early years) • Some children arrive at an early years setting with different experiences from others, in their learning and play • What the setting does, through its curriculum and interactions, potentially makes all the difference • It is the role of the setting to ensure that children experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live, through the seven areas of learning
OFSTED Briefing • Friday 11th October 2019 – 1pm – 3pm • At The Laycock Centre • Book through the CS training Portal • OFSTED handbook… https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/early-years-inspection-handbook-eif • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxSu3dXvaTs
Training packages for Childminders • Statutory training is now INCLUDED in the packages for Childminders • Prices as follows: CHILDMINDERS • Option 1 – 3 days CPD (includes statutory) - £150 • Option 2 – unlimited CPD, (includes statutory) - £220 ASSISTANTS • Option 1 – 3 days CPD (includes statutory) - £90 • Option 2 – unlimited CPD (includes statutory) - £160 • There will be information on the Childminding Hub about buying packages and also you will be sent a letter
Childminders can access both Childminder only training but also any central training • All courses will be published on The CS training portal from 1st September
Safeguarding UPdatesJune 2019 Amanda Joy - Early Years Safeguarding Officer Amanda.joy@islington.gov.uk
Ofsted – September 2019 New Inspection Framework • Inspection Framework has four judgements: • Quality of Education • Behaviour and Attitudes • Personal Development • Leadership and Management Personal development includes: • British values • Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development • Relationships and sex education • Health education and, including safety • Mental health awareness and support
Ofsted – September 2019 New Inspection Framework • Inspectors will still contact the day before unless it is a complaint driven inspection and ask for a range of documents and policies • You will be asked for a list of any referrals made to the local authority designated person for safeguarding, with brief details of the resolutions • Details of all children who are an open case to social care/children services for whom there is a multi agency plan. • https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/education-inspection-framework
Ofsted framework continued Safeguarding is referenced under leadership and management • There will be a written judgement within the report about whether arrangements for safeguarding children are effective. • ‘when safeguarding is ineffective, this is likely to lead to an inadequate leadership and management judgement’.
Key Documents • Early Years Inspection Handbook for Ofsted registered provision 2019 • Inspecting Safeguarding in early years, education and skills settings 2019 • Working Together 2018
Inspecting safeguarding in early years and education has been updated Ofsted include their definition of 'County Lines': [these are] 'situations where children may be trafficked within England for the purpose of criminal exploitation by urban gangs that supply drugs to suburban areas, market or coastal towns and/ or other urban areas.New risks specified in the document include risks linked to using technology and social media: • online bullying; • the risks of being groomed online for exploitation or radicalisation; • and risks of accessing and generating inappropriate content, for example ‘sexting’
Inspecting safeguarding in early years and education Contextual Safeguarding • As well as child protection risks at home, the document also references risks outside the home such as sexual and/or criminal exploitation, radicalisation and bullying • Adults understand that children’s poor behaviour may be a sign that they are suffering harm or that they have been traumatised by abuse’ (p 9) https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/800586/Inspecting_safeguarding_.pdf
Training Training • Safeguarding and child protection update – every 3 years • Trauma informed Practice • CM specialist workshops