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THE IDB MERIT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING SESSION University of Nottingham United Kingdom Tuesday 1 st of April 2008. Roadmap. Importance and benefits Personal level National level International level Problems and solutions…? Ideas

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  1. THE IDB MERIT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMME GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING SESSION University of Nottingham United Kingdom Tuesday 1st of April 2008

  2. Roadmap • Importance and benefits • Personal level • National level • International level • Problems • and solutions…? • Ideas • Concluding remark

  3. Importance & Benefits At the personal level: how will it help usexcel? • Allow young scientists to pursue their research interests • Interaction with prominent figures in science and technology • Interaction  personal development • Enhance leadership qualities…

  4. Importance & Benefits At society level: how can we make our countries excel? • Our countries lack the adequately-trained manpower •  But the skills we acquire are transferable • Build educated population  better decision-making • Hence: • Better health, education and economic systems • Develop universities back home

  5. Importance & Benefits International level: can we have a world-wide impact? • Big challenge- reflecting a true image of Islam: • Peace: through balanced views amidst world conflicts • Tolerance: through personal qualities • Co-existence: through friendships, links and interaction with different cultures

  6. Problems (and solutions!) 1) $$$ • Allowances are insufficient: • Weak US Dollar • Living costs vary from one country to another • Tuition fees go up due to inflation • Suggestion: Set up Advisory Committee involving scholars to review living expenses annually. • No family allowance for 3rd child (hence no visa!) • No funding for data collection outside the country of study • Suggestion: Increase conference allowances to include data collection whenever applicable.

  7. Problems (continued) 2) The writing-up year! • Science-based PhD: • 1st year: Honey moon! • 2nd year: Switch on that diesel engine! Gather data! • 3rd year: Analyse your results… • Then what? • Need 6-12 months to write-up your PhD thesis • This is the norm… • Usually, no tuition fees required during write-up (only registration fees and living expenses).

  8. Problems (continued) 3) Oh, no! Not another form to fill..! • Everyone agrees it is necessary. However, it deviates from its purpose if it’s over-done  time-consuming, inefficient. • No need to double-monitor the scholar. Progress is already closely watched by her/his university! • From the start of application process to end of studies... • Suggestion: Reform the application process and the feed-back forms based on the advice of previous scholars.

  9. Final “Problems” Slide (I promise!) 4) miscellaneous… • Helpful to visit home country once a year  refreshes the mind and eases stress! • Suggestion: Consider cases on individual basis. • Difficulty in getting university admission that meets IDB criteria • Suggestion: Compile FAQ list for applicants based on previous scholars’ advice.

  10. Ideas and Initiatives • Interactive forums: e.g. IDB Scholars Research Group • See Moazur Rahman for details of the idea! • Current/Past scholars suggest to prospective scholars world-class scientific projects in their home countries •  They can get involved in such projects • Discussion sessions to produce ideas on promoting cohesion and understanding between Muslim communities and their host countries in Europe.

  11. Acknowledgements • Dr. Malek Shah, Prof. Wagdy Sawahel, Shaharuqul Huq • Wan Mahmood Wan; Ashraf Abdallah • Rania Baleela • IDB Scholars • Our beloved IDB! • Our universities and supervisors!

  12. Final Words Realism + Innovation = Success (with style!)

  13. Thank you for your attention!

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