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WELCOMMING ADDRESS AND INTRODUCTION ABOUT INTENDED EXTERNAL REVIEW OF THE AGENCY. Dr. Eugenijus STUMBRYS Director of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. Content of presentation. Instead of welcoming address Some words about the new Law Homework done For the end.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOMMING ADDRESS ANDINTRODUCTION ABOUT INTENDED EXTERNAL REVIEW OF THE AGENCY Dr. Eugenijus STUMBRYSDirector of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  2. Content of presentation • Instead of welcoming address • Some words about the new Law • Homework done • For the end Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  3. Instead of welcoming address Vilnius – European Capital of Culture 2009 – and Lithuania celebrates the Millennium of Lithuania’s Name. Linz (Austria (Oberösterreich)) is designated by the European Union European Capital of Culture 2009 also. Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  4. Instead of welcoming address International Poetry Festival “Poetry Spring”, 18-31 May 2009 The International Poetry Festival is the most prominent annual literature event in Lithuania hosted by the Lithuanian Writers’ Union. During this event Lithuanian and foreign poets read their poetry and it is also attended by actors, singers, musicians and painters. In 2009 this Festival will be organised for the 45th time already. Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  5. Instead of welcoming address 37th International Folklore Festival ‘Skamba skamba kankliai’, 27–31 May 2009. This oldest Lithuanian folklore festival is also called annual “indulgence” in the folklore. Participation in this festival is considered as honour by everybody who continues traditions of authentic (non-stylished) folklore. The history of the festival – fight of people against denationalisation and getting back to the roots of their ethnic culture – started in 1973. Every year the best folklore groups of Lithuania and foreign guests participate in the festival. Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  6. Instead of welcoming address A swine influenza virus (SIV) hasn’t confirmed in Lithuania until yet. Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  7. Some words about the new Law The new Law on Research and Higher Education came into force on May 12, 2009. Today is 19th day as the new Law is running! The ENQA-coordinated review of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education at the end of 2010 is foreseen. The preparations should start around October–November 2009. Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  8. Some words about the new Law Established Board of the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. Board consist of 11 members. Minister for Education and Science announces members only. Board appoints a director of the Centre. Office term – 5 years. Not less than in 5 years foreseen external review of the Centre. Each year the Centre has to produce summary reports describing and analysing the general findings of their reviews. Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  9. Homework done Introducing Guidelines of Good Practice of INQAAHE • Form of interests declaration was introduced in 2002; • Reporting back on our activity we started in2004; • Mission and vision statements, values were formed in 2005; • Introducing appeal procedures we started in 2004, ended in 2007; Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  10. Homework done Introducing European Standards and Guidelines ESG were translated into Lithuanian and published We are joking that this book is our ‘prayer-book’. Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  11. Homework done Introducing European Standards and Guidelines • We started to invite foreigners for peer review from 2002; • We started to involve students into advisory councils (from 2004) and peer review groups (from 2007); • Quality Policy statement discussed, published and was started to introduce in 2008; • The existing elements of quality assurance are being merged into system 2009; Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  12. Homework done Compliance with some doubts 3.3 Activities Standard: Agencies should undertake external quality assurance activities (at institutional or programme level) on a regular basis. 3.2 Official status Standard: Agencies should be formally recognised by competent public authorities in the European Higher Education Area as agencies with responsibilities for external quality assurance and should have an established legal basis. They should comply with any requirements of the legislative jurisdictions within which they operate. Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  13. Homework done Compliance with plenty of doubts 3.4 Resources Standard: Agencies should have adequate and proportional resources, both human and financial, to enable them to organise and run their external quality assurance process(es) in an effective and efficient manner, with appropriate provision for the development of their processes and procedures. 3.6 Independence Standard: Agencies should be independent to the extent both that they have autonomous responsibility for their operations and that the conclusions and recommendations made in their reports cannot be influenced by third parties such as higher education institutions, ministries or other stakeholders Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  14. For the end Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

  15. Thanks for Attention! Workshop ‘External Reviews of Agencies: Lessons Learned’

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