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Large area d uo -lateral position sensitive CVD diamond detectors for X-ray beam monitoring with extreme position resolution. M . Pomorski , P. Bergonzo, Ch. Mer, M. Rebisz-Pomorska D. Tromson, N. Tranchant Diamond Sensors Laboratory, CEA LIST, France S.Hustache, K. Desjardins
Large area duo-lateral position sensitive CVD diamond detectors for X-ray beam monitoring with extreme position resolution M.Pomorski, P. Bergonzo, Ch. Mer, M. Rebisz-Pomorska D. Tromson, N. Tranchant Diamond Sensors Laboratory, CEA LIST, France S.Hustache, K. Desjardins Synchrotron Soleil, France J. Morse ESRF, France J. Gruenert, Ch.Bressler, W. Gawelda European XFEL, Germany
Talk Outline • Motivation • Why Diamond? • Detector Fabrication and Read-out • In-beam Measurements and Results • duo-lateral scCVD-PSD detectors • pcCVD-PSDs for low E (<3keV) X-ray beams • pulse-mode XBPM @ MHz regime • Summary and Outlook 1/78
X-ray Synchrotron Beam Monitoring Requirement/Motivation Need for continuous measurement (-> permanent in-beam element) Position/Vector:required beam stability ~10% of beam size typically 1-200µm nanofocusing goals, measurement bandwidth ≥ 1kHz (e.g. accoustic vibrations) – beam stabilization through feed-back Intensity:(relative) accuracy & linearity requirement ≤ 0.1% + photon counting Timing: e.g. synchronization of laser with X-rays in pump-probe experiments electron-photon bunches 50~100 psec (MHz to 352MHz rates) Device... minimal beam interference (absorption, scattering, coherence loss) reliability with zero/low maintenance compatibility with beamline design (size, vacuum ...) cost?? • a hodoscope for XFEL – beam tracking within ~700m (pulse-mode, 4mm2, σ≤7µm) EU XFEL 2/15
Why Diamond ? Physical Properties transparency Z=6 low specific X-ray absorption / beam scattering Eg= 5.5 eVintrinsic material, no dark current solar blind high e-h drift saturation velocity + ε = 5.7 fast transit currents, low capacitance fast detector 40 µm Diam = 5 µm Si fast response k = 2000 Wm-1K-1heat spreader white beam, XFELs equivalent (absorption) diamond and Si PSDs radiation hard (ionizing radiation damage) compact, vacuum compatible device a few cm size Why rather scCVD than pcCVD? no grain boundaries, beam coherence preservation, x-ray optics surface qual. 3/15
CVD Diamond Radiation (Particles) Detectors Basics fast ionization chamber approach transient current signals in sc and pc CVD drift-diffusion induced signal proportional to the deposited energy (factor ~13 eV/e-h if CCE=100%) diamond position sensitive detectors for X-ray beam monitoring resistive electrode pixel, strip quadrant • large sensitive area • beam position and profile • fast • only 4 channels • large sensitive area • only 4 channels • sophisticated electronic • pixel size limits positionresolution • small sensitive area • beam size dependence speed limited by RC 4/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors Duo-lateral PSD: Detector Fabrication diamond material • <100> electronic grade scCVD diamond • typical size 4 x 4 mm2 • thickness from 40 – 500 µm • e-h life time >> transit time 100% CCE • no priming, polarization and other trap related phenomena • bulk macroscopic quality still not perfect (dislocations) metal collecting electrodes DLC resistive layer DLC resistive layer • sputtered in Ar plasma from graphite target • sheet resistance from ~1kΩ□to a few MΩ□ • thickness of a few hundred nm • extreme mechanical hardness • extremely good adhesion to diamond • chemically inert intr. diamond slab DLC resistive layer metal collecting electrodes • sputtered in Ar plasma from metal target (Al, Cr+Au etc.) • thickness of a few hundred nm • good adhesion to diamond/DLC • patterning with standard photolithography metal collecting electrodes 5/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors Duo-lateral PSD: Read-out Electronics Electronics: 1 – 10 Hz Keithley high precision electrometers (only R&D phase) 100 Hz – 100 kHz electronics used for already existing XBPM systems: LoCuM, Oxford I200, Femto (1D) 200 MHz (pulse mode) transimpedance current-to-voltage Femto 100 amplifiers (1D) X-ray beam DAQ DAQ DAQ DAQ position coordinates from signal division (reconstucted position) dedicated read-out electronics for diamond XBPMs in the future beam intensity monitoring: I0=A(x1)+A(x2) or/and I0=A(y1)+A(y2) σpos ~ L*σele/I0 (L of ~2mm fairly enough) 6/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors Duo-lateral PSD: Experimental Environment masurement setup @ ID06 ESRF ESRF, Grenoble FR, ID06 X-ray beam Si scCVD Beam energy: 10.5 keV Beam size: 100 x 100 µm (slits limited) Beam flux: 1.6 x 1011 ph/sec Flux absorbed = 1.56 x 108 ph/sec/µm x y scCVD XBIC ~ 0.5 µA DC Soleil, Gif-sur-Yvette FR, Proxima1 & SIXS measurement setup@µXASSLS Beam energy: 12.6 keV& 5.6 keV Beam size: 300 x 300 µm (slits limited) Beam flux: 2.3 x 1012ph/sec Flux absorbed = 4.6 x 108ph/sec/µm scCVD XBIC ~ 10 µA DC scCVD Swiss Light Source, Villigen CH, µXAS Beam energy: 7.05keV x y Beam size: 50 µmFWHM X-ray beam Beam flux: 4.8x 1012ph/sec Flux absorbed = 103ph/pulse scCVD XBIC ~ 19 µA DC 7/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors In-beam Performance: Beam Intensity Monitoring Beam intensity monitoring @ ID06 ESRF (X1+X2 and Y1+Y2 ) scCVD-PSD 40 µm 100% CCE with Eavg~13eV/e-h Beam intensity monitoring @ Proxima 1 Soleil (X1+X2) scCVD-PSD 300 µm 0.5% 8/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors In-beam Performance: Reconstructed Position Pattern and Linearity 40 µm scCVD-PSD cartography (ESRF ID06) local linearity 450µm fine raster scan with 25µm step (80x80 points) deviation from linear fitsin the probed region plane X σL ≤0.1% plane Y σL ≤0.25% position resolution capability step motors crash (during the second scan): integral absorbed dose ~0.3 Giga Gy σx ≤247 nm σY ≤259 nm no radiation damage signs 9/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors In-beam Performance: Beam Drift Measurements 20 kΩsq. duo-lateral scCVD-PSD 40µm, S/N ~104, 10 Hz, active area 2 x 2 mm2, ESRF ID06 1 MΩsq. duo-lateral scCVD-PSD 300µm, S/N ~105, 10 Hz, active area 2.5 x 2.5 mm2, Soleil Proxima1 10/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors In-beam Performance: Long Term Stability @ ESRF ID06 40 µm scCVD-PSD permanently mounted at the ID06, vacuum 10-7 mbar beam drift measurement with scCVD-PSD and IC-PSD after few months in the X-ray beam I0 I0 X IC-PSD X IC-PSD Y scCVD-PSD 30µm 5 µm Y scCVD-PSD Y IC-PSD Y IC+scCVD PSDs with feed-back no feed-back all data here courtesy: Thomas Roth and Carsten Detlefs ID06, ESRF 11/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors In-beam Performance: XBPM for Low E (<3keV) X-ray Beams 20 kΩsq. lateral 1D pcCVD-PSD 3µm, S/N ~104, 10Hz & 1kHz, active area 4 x 4 mm2, Soleil, SIXS beam intensity monitoring beam drift σ ≤770nm not a perfect I0 monitor linearity in full area 64 line scans priming persistent currents reconsturucted position [a.u.] 4x4 mm2, 3 µm pcCVD diamond membrane σL≤0.2% x motor displacement [mm] the influence of the persistent currents and priming on the position measurement must be investigated in more detail 12/15
Diamond Position Sensitive Detectors In-beam Performance: Pulse-mode XBPM @ MHz Regime PRELIMINARY 1kΩsq. lateral 1D scCVD-PSD 400µm, active area 1.4x 2 mm2 beam time structure with scCVD-PSD 20 ns test @ SLS to understand applicability range of diamond detectors for XBPM @ EU XFEL pump probe experiment – diamond detector for XBPM and I0 (photon counting) data analysis ongoing – superior performance to existing I0 monitor (scatter foil + APD Si) pulse train pulse train ‘cam shaft’ σL~0.2%central area irradiation geometry L electrode collimator beam scan σ~2µm R electrode 13/15
Summary A novel type of PSD based on scCVD diamond and DLC resistive electrodes has been built and tested for XBPM at synchrotrons: • semitransparent in-beam detector, stable and reliable operation • absolute beam intensity monitoring with a precision of ~0.1% • sub-micron position resolution (reaching 27 nm σ) • very good (<<1%) linearity up to 4x4 mm2 active area • pulse-mode operation within 20ns integration time demonstrated • (can be used also as a single particle PSD) 14/15
Future Work • to build and test more prototypes • more long term stability tests • systematic comparison between pc and sc CVD-PSDs • detector performance evaluation in function of the bandwidth • tests in extreme conditions: white beams, XFEL • dedicated electronics development • try tetra-lateral approach (compatible with existing electronics) • inferior position resolution and linearity • ... but XBPM+I0+fast timing possible • boron doped CVD diamond layer as a resistive electrode Thank you for your attention ! 15/15