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IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF TOP IMPLART TECHNOLOGY. LUIGI PICARDI – UTAPRAD ENEA Frascati MEDAMI – ALGHERO - 4 Sept 2014. The Agency role. ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development

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  2. The Agency role ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development Agency's activities are targeted to “research, innovation technology and advanced services in the fields of energy - especially nuclear energy - and sustainable economic development”. The Agency currently operates with about 2700 staff members, on 11 different research Centers, Frascati is the second in size.

  3. An introduction on Accelerator Development in ENEA The ENEA AcceleratorLaboratoryis in ENEA Frascati ResearchCentre. Itgrew up asanextensionof the acceleratorgroupthatbuilt in the fifties the 1 GeV Frascati Electrosynchrotron, and isindeedhoused just in the sameold building. Todayitis a part of “ApplicationofRadiations” TechnicalUnit UT APRAD

  4. Small electron accelerators In late sixties the competences in accelerator physics in Frascati area were split between INFN and CNEN (now ENEA), two big scientific institutions. After the synchrotron shut down in 1974, the expertise which still stayed in ENEA was addressed to the development of electron accelerator for applications in medical and industrial fields. Working together with other laboratories in ENEA expert in Radiobiology and Radiation Metrology and with other italian scientific institutions like National Institute of Health (ISS), IFO, and research Hospitals and Universities, the knowhowin the acceleratorfieldwastransferred in the years ‘80 – ’90 toanItalian company named HITESYS with the site in Aprilia closetoRome. The company wasthenabletobuilt a Intra Operative RadiationTherapy (IORT) acceleratornamed NOVAC7 (the first machineinstalled in an hospital in 1997)

  5. IORT: IntraOperative Radiation Therapy In 2001 the company Hitesyssplit in twocompaniesthat last year join together in a new single company namedSITstilllocated in ApriliathatnowisproducingtwomodelsNovac, and LIAC More than80 machinesNOVAC and LIAC,havebeen sold tohospitals in Italy, Europe, and recently USA and in othercountries. ENEA isalwayssupportingthis company fornewdevelopments. NOVAC LIAC (ex NRT) (ex Sordina)

  6. ENEA Accelerator Lab on Protontherapy In 1993 ENEA joins the Hadrontherapy Collaboration setup by Ugo Amaldi in 1991. From the beginning the problem of veryhuge and costlyhadrontherapyfacilitieswasunderlined. The comparisonbetween the performance-raising X-rays radiotherapy to the nevertheless excellent protontherapywasimmediatelyevident. Protontherapy, and more, hadrontherapy shows high plant costs, and a very late mortage. ENEA coordinated therefore a study on the development of compact accelerators in which two compact synchrotrons, a SC cyclotron and a 3 GHz linear accelerator were studied and compared.

  7. Protontherapy • Hadrontherapy= proton or ion radio therapy • Protontherapy= protonradiotherapy • Advantagesrespecttox-raysradiotherapy: spatialselectivity, conformaltherapy, no irradiationafterbraggpeak • Bettersparehealthtissues and organs Braggpeak No irradiationbeyond a specificdepth

  8. Intensity Modulated Protontherapy: IMPT Applying the mostadvancedX-raysradiotherapytechniquestoprotonacceleratorfacilities (IMRT) itispossibletoobtain di fotoni a betterconformal dose distribution (IMPT). IMRT with 7 fields IMPT with 2 fields Comparison IMRT and IMPT DIFFERENCE between the two

  9. The TOP Project The linear accelerator design, elaborated in 1996 in cooperation with TERA, CERN and partially supported by INFN-ATER Project was then accepted in 1998 for the TOP (TerapiaOncologica con Protoni) Projectof the National Health Institute (ISS) which aimed at developing a design of a compact protontherapyacceleratortobehostbyanexistingoncologycal hospital and topromoteancyllaryfieldslikedosimetry, radiobiology and treatment planning

  10. The TOP LINAC Composition: • 7 MeVInjector, 425 MHz • 20 m long 3 GHzlinearacceleratordivided in 7 modules and twomainsections • 2 mainoutputs: • One at 150 MeVfor semi deeptumours • The second at 200 MeV (depending on the choice) foralltumours

  11. The TOP LINAC The system hadpeculiarcharacteristicsthatwereconsideredableto compete circularacceleratorsfor a protontherapyfacility • Modularity:Composedbymodulesthat can befitto the specificneedsof the hospital. The construction can be in phases. The facility can beclinically operative even at midstep. • TechnicalCaracteristichs: • Operating RF: 3 GHz -> compactess, wellknown and cheap technology • Pulsedaccelerator, naturallysuitedtoIMPT (IntensityModulatedProtonTherapy)-> XYZ-SCAN • High qualitybeam-> low losses, cheapermagnets • National Initiative :Collaborationbetweenitalianinstitutions, specificpatents, possibletechnology transfer to the samecompanieswhich are involved in the production of IORT accelerators

  12. The TOP Project and the TOP Linac • The TOP Project therefore was the start of a long collaboration in the field of protontherapy between • ENEA, • ISS (National Institute of Health) • Istituto Regina Elena in Rome (IFO) which hasbeentreatedas the referentend-user • Responsibilities were divided among • ENEA (accelerator) • ISS (dosimetry, monitoring) and supervisor as to a medical device • IFO (clinical requirements, treatment planning, shielding) • The practicalconstructionof the acceleratorwasonlypartiallyfunded (€2.5 M) byan agreement thatlasted 7 years (1998-2005) bywhich ENEA wasabletoorder a 7 MeVinjector and produce beamtransportlines and prototypesof the nextacceleratingstructures.

  13. The injector InjectoriscommerciallyavailableacceleratormadebyAccSys-Hitachi (USA) Modifiedto produce low currentprotonpulses. Composed Duoplasmatron source RFQ 3 MeV at 425 MHz DTL up to 7 MeV at 425 MHz Beam spot fuorescent screen dia =20 mm Beam size 2 mm Currentisdelivered in Pulses (20-100 us) Rep rate 0-200 Hz Intensity 0 – 150 uAvariablethrougheinzellens

  14. TOP and TOP IMPLART projects • At the end of the TOP Project (2005) the samegroupofinstitutes (ENEA, National InstituteofHealth (ISS) and IFO) askedforspecificfundingto Regione Lazio to continue the TOP Linac and build a 150 MeVlinearacceleratorworkingprototypetobeinstalled at IFO in Romeas a first stepof a largerfacility. • In 2010 an agreement wassignedbetween ENEA, ISS, IFO and Regione Lazio and at the beginningof 2013 the TOP IMPLART Project startedwith a € 2.5M funding. Recentlyother €2M havebeenadded • The namewasslightlychanged in TOP IMPLART whereIMPLART=IntensityModulated Proton Linear AcceleratorforRadioTherapy • Ithasbeenfunded (bynowonly high tech) by Regione Lazio withfundsaddressedto the developmentoftechnologyfor medicine and thereforeisintendedtobecarried on asmuchaspossiblewith the help ofindustriesoperating in Regione Lazio.

  15. IMPLART-150

  16. IMPLART-150

  17. IMPLART-150+ Beam Delivery

  18. IMPLART-230

  19. IMPLART-230 + 3 Beam delivery

  20. TOP IMPLART Layout

  21. ChallengingPerformances • Pulserep rate (typ) 100 Hz (max 200 Hz) • TypCharge 3 108 – 106protons/pulse • Pulsetopulsecurrentvariation • Fast energyvariation (magnetspeedlimited) • Low currentlosses in the accelerator • Allrequire a verygoodcontrol system and alignment, and a low current on-line measuring system

  22. Pulsechargevariation • Pencilbeamtreatmentsrequire 100 – 30000 spotsthat are reached (max) in 150 sec @200 Hz. • Thisrequire a changeofchargeforeachpulsewith a dynamicrangelargerthan 100: • The Einzellensafter source (pulsed) can provide (1:25) • The shiftof the injectorpulsewithrespectto the RF pulsewillprovide the rest (1-4 us) (but the jitterhastobekeptbelow 10 nsthatcorrespondsto 1% uncertaintyfor 1 uspulse)

  23. Energy variation In order to vary the energy, above 85 MeV it is possible to switch off one or more RF plants, and vary the power on the last powered klystron.

  24. Single Output facility with local shielding The low beamlossesand the low averageenergyof the lostparticlesallowthinkingof a locallyshieldedaccelerator, with single output beam, The heavyshieldingwouldonlybenecessaryfor the treatment room

  25. Spacereservedfor TOP IMPLART Facility IFO SITE III livello II livello I livello

  26. IMPLART-150 Accelerator: Technology The prototypefundedby Regione Lazio is in costruction at ENEA Frascati, using a 20 m long bunker thatwillbeextendedto 30 m foraccommodating the 150 MeVlinac

  27. The 7 MeV injector and RB Line The injectoris the TOP injector. The TOP IMPLART programhasincluded a vertical output beamtobeusedforcellularradiobiology The beamisbentupwardby a 90° magnetwithparalleledges and the beamisdiffusedto the output kaptonwindowby a goldfoilto create anhomogeneousdistribution

  28. The 7 -35 MeV part of the LINAC Whenmagnetis off the beamisfocusedbyothertwoquadsto the first of the 4 accelerating SCDTL structures. Thesewillboost the beam up to 35 MeV The fractionof the beam at the SCDTL output willbe 10% of the injected

  29. DTL (425 MHz) vs SCDTL (3 GHz) SCDTL (patented by ENEA in 1995) comes from the need to compact the size of DTL structures. Protontherapy requires to accelerate a very low current , that for a linac means no space charge problems and allows the use of high frequency operation. On the left the 425 MHz Drift Tube Linac structure and on the right the 3GHz Side Coupled DTL.

  30. SCDTL REALIZATION at CECOM SCDTL module 1(up to 11.6 MeV): operating; module 2 and 3 (up to 27 MeV): readyfor end of the year Module 1 at CECOM (Guidonia, RM) Duringconstruction and tests Cold RF testsbeforebrazing PMQ forFocusing Inside the acceleratingstructure Finalassembly

  31. The 35 -150 MeV Part of the Linac The last accelerating and main part of the linaciscalled CCL after the nameof the acceleratingstructureused. Itisdivided in 4 modules, eachpoweredby a single RF unit. Eachunitwillprovide a 20 -35 MeVenergyjump.

  32. CCL structures Several CCL structureshavebeenbuild in ourlaboratory and usedsuccessfullyfor electron accelerators. Forprotonaccelerators, both TERA and INFN (Naples) havedevelopedworkingmodels at 65 and 30 MeV, the formertested at LNS ADAM, a Cern Spin-off company hasalsobuilt a CCL module at 30 MeVshown in figure

  33. IMPLART-150 Accelerator: Status • The TOP IMPLART programhasbeeneffectivelyfunded 1.5 year ago. • Throughthisyear, collaborations (besides ENEA-ISS and IFO) weresetup or strenghtened • La Sapienza University in Rome (SBAI Dept) • Tor Vergata University in Rome (Industrial engineeringDept • Companies, mostlyitalian: CECOM, NRT R&D, SIT, TSC, ADAM, ITEL

  34. MainResults: Accelerator • Beamacceleratedfrom the first SCDTL module at the energyof 11.6 MeV: behaviouraccordingtotheory. First time in the world that a protonbeamisacceleratedby a 3 GHzstructurewhilefocused in a FODO PMQ lattice. Beamenergymeasuredbyrangemeasurement in aluminum. Thismeans: Construction OK • A vertical output beamlinehasbeensetupwithenergy 3-7 MeVforcellularradiobiologyexperiments. • Acceleratorrunningeveryday at 7 or 11.6 MeV

  35. MainResults: Beammonitoring (ISS) Monitor, on a single pulse, of the transversebeamprofile (x and y projections) Composedby di microstrip ionizationchambersarray and wide dynamicrangeelectronics (15pC-2.5nC on a single channel) The monitor hasbeencharacterized up tonowby 3 MeVlinacoperating in the samelab at ENEA/Frascati In autumnmeasurements on the 11.6 MeVprotonline See Poster By E. Basile

  36. MainResults: CellularRadiobiology • ISS-ENEA • V79 cellsirradiated at 6 MeVaftercarefuldosimetry, withsimilarresultsobtained at Legnaro INFN labs, where a standard facilityisoperatingsincemanyyears and withwhichwecollaboratedfor a checkofourdosimetry (R.Cherubini) • Othertestsnextmonth Cell sample holder Beamdistribution on EBT3 (diameter 13 mm)

  37. Mainresults: AnimalRadiobiology • IFO - ENEA • Whilewaitingfor a protonbeamof at least 18-30 MeVtoperformirradiation on superficialtumours, animalmodelshavebeenusedfor high dosesirradiationtests • A setupforexposureofnewbornrodentshasbeenbuilt. And experiments are under way at IFO withX-rays

  38. Difficultiesofthisprogram • Needlesstosaythatthisprogramhasalwaysbeenconsideredanexperimentalone and carrieswithitseveraluncertainties. Special care hastobe put especially in • The RF and timing control system tokeepbeamstable and provideall the promisedfeatures • Alignmentto produce low beamlosses • Beammonitoring and diagnostics, tocontrol the chargeofeach spot, thatisdelivered in a very short pulse (us). • The TOP IMPLART planthasalwaysbeenthoughtas a prototype.

  39. OtherSimilarPrograms • However the interest ofthisapproach (especiallyof the industry) iswitnessedalsoby the factthatothertwoprogramssimilarto TOP IMPLART are ongoing • LIGHTby ADAM , (Geneva) thatis a CERN spinoff company bornupon the pushof Ugo Amaldi and recentlyacquiredby AVO Oncotherapy, England • ERHAby ITEL (Ruvo di Puglia, Italy) thatrecentlysignedalsoan agreement with INFN. • Bothcompanieshaveexactlyoursameapproach and signedcontractswith ENEA for the design of the first part of the linac (SCDTL) and the dynamicsimulationsof the beam

  40. TOP IMPLART Time scale • For the future a reasonabletimescheduleis • 27 MeV at the beginningofnextyear and 35 MeV at mid 2015. • A milestonehasbeensetupby Regione Lazio for the operation at 30 MeV, thatwillbeverifiedmid 2015 byanad-hoccommission. Thiswillpossiblyleadto more funds (€ 6.5M) to complete the 150 MeVprogram. • Oneyear more toreach a clinicalenergy (half 2016) • Anotheryeartoreach 150 MeV.

  41. Conclusion Itisstill a long way, however, timescale and good success ofthisinitiativewilldependalso on cooperation and synergieswewillhavewithotherprograms and groups, mainly LIGHT and ERHA, whichmeans strong link between the technicalreasearchcentres, the hospital and the industrial partners. We are trying our best toimproveitaliantechnology in thisfield. Thank you.

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