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Members of Group 5. Beth Bridges Group LeaderVickie BrelandShannon CardinalRyan Cannon. Questions to Contemplate
1. The Media Center& Student Achievement
2. Members of Group 5
Beth Bridges – Group Leader
Vickie Breland
Shannon Cardinal
Ryan Cannon
3. Questions toContemplate & Consider 1. What role do Media Specialists play in improving Academic Achievement?
2. How do we, as Media Specialists, want to be viewed by the Principal?
3. How does the relationship between the Principal and the MS influence the quality of our schools educational training?
4. How can MS & Principals work together to increase Student Involvement & Academic Achievement?
Answers based on research conducted by Lance, Baughman & Loertscher
4. 1. What role do Media Specialists play in improvingAcademic Achievement? According to Information Power, an effective Library Media Specialist (LMS) has 4 identifying roles:
1. As Teacher, the LMS collaborates with students and other members of the learning community to analyze learning & information needs, to locate & use resources that will meet those needs, and to understand & communicate the information the resources provide.
2. As Instructional Partner, the LMS works with teachers & others to identify links between student information needs, curricular content, learning outcomes, and a wide variety of print, non-print, & electronic information resources.
3. As Information Specialist, the LMS provides leadership and expertise in the acquiring and evaluating of information resources in all formats; They also make teachers, administrators, students and others aware of information issues that have risen while working in a collaborative relationship with one another.
4. As Program Administrator, the LMS works collaboratively with members of the learning community to define the policies of the library media program and to guide & direct all the activities related to it.
5. 1. What role do Media Specialists play in improvingAcademic Achievement? In Lance's Alaska study (2000), studies found that students scored proficient or higher on reading tests if:
1. There were more hours per week of professional MS staff working
2. If the MS spent time weekly teaching info literacy skills to students, collaborating with teachers, and doing in-service training with teachers
3. The library had computers with modern technology (like the internet)
4. The library had some sort of relationship with the public library
6. 1. What role do Media Specialists play in improvingAcademic Achievement? In Lance's Pennsylvania study (2000), students scored higher on reading tests if:
1. There were high expenditures spent on the library program
2. There were large collections of information resources (books, periodicals, online databases)
3. There were more computers in the library that had access to information sources
4. MS spent time teaching information literacy skills through the curriculum
7. 1. What role do Media Specialists play in improvingAcademic Achievement? The suggestions offered in the Alaska & Pennsylvania studies will help any principal, who is looking for new ways to support their school’s media programs.
Implementing these suggestions will not only benefit school related personnel, but it will also help to increase student achievement by at least 10-20%
8. 1. What role do Media Specialists play in improvingAcademic Achievement?
Media Specialists, who have the support of the principal will be able to:
Create - Develop - Implement
positive media programs that will directly impact and hopefully increase not only student academic achievement, but also the quality of education that each student receives.
According to the Measuring Up To Standards report by Keith Curry Lance, schools with adequate library staffing reported average or above reading scores, while 3 out of 5 schools with inadequate staffing reported below average scores.
9. 2. How do we, as Media Specialists, want to be viewed by the Principal? According to James Baughman (2000) student achievement is closely related to a strong school media program.
Productive Media Specialists want their Principal to be an active and supportive part of the school’s media center programs because they know it makes the development & implementation process much easier for all parties involved
10. 2. How do we, as Media Specialists, want to be viewed by the Principal? The following are roles that embody a MS and should be viewed as such by the Principal:
Provider of Materials
Curator of Media Programs
Source of Inspiration and Ideas
11. 3. How does the relationship between the Principal and the MS affect the quality of our schools educational training?
If performed by both the Principal and LMS, the following duties may help in the development of a healthy working relationship that thrives on increasing the overall quality of education provided to our students:
1. Be a leader among school administrators
2. Meet regularly with school administrators to discuss issues concerning the media center
3. Serve on standards and curriculum committees
4. Attend faculty meetings
5. Hold library staff meetings
6. Be actively involved with the entire district’s media program
7. Collaborate with other LMS
12. 3. How does the relationship between the Principal and the MS affect the quality of our schools educational training? The Principal and Media Specialist’s relationship is vital to the productivity and effectiveness of the school & its programs.
The strength of their relationship will directly determine the amount of time, energy and moneys that the principal will spend on the creation, development, implementation and continual upkeep of the school’s media center and its programs.
Collaboration is the key to increasing the quality of a student’s educational training.
W/O collaboration and teamwork between the Principal and the MS, the school’s library media center will not receive the necessary materials, equipment, aid and technology needed to run a fully operational media center.
13. 3. How does the relationship between the Principal and the MS affect the quality of our schools educational training? According to Dr. Mary Gover of Rutgers University (1963), a centralized library with a large collection that is easily accessible will ultimately improve academic achievement.
To ensure this, Principals and Media Specialists must make certain that the library includes all of the following implications:
1. The LMS collaborates with teachers in order to create exciting learning opportunities and experiences.
2. The LMS provides in-service training to teachers on various materials, equipment, etc.
3. The Media Center’s collection is large and full of exciting high quality print and multimedia materials.
4. The media center is high tech, which allows students to have access to the internet, catalog databases and other electronic resources that are available.
5. The LMS teaches information literacy skills to the students because they must know how to access all the information available on the topics they are researching.
14. 4. How Can MS & Principals work together to increase Student Involvement & Academic Achievement? In the Oregon study (2001), Lance discovered that library media programs exert a complex web of indirect effects on the reading scores of Oregon students.
Here are a few questions that Lance posses for Principals, who are working with their MS to increase student achievement:
1. Is the media center adequately staffed, stocked and funded?
Minimally, this means one full-time library media specialist (LMS) and one full-time aide.
2. Are library staff members actively involved in their school’s teaching and learning enterprise?
A successful LMS is one who has the ear and support of the principal, serves with other teachers on the school’s standards and curriculum committees, and holds regular library staff meetings with their employees.
15. 4. How Can MS & Principals work together to increase Student Involvement & Academic Achievement? Questions Continued:
3. Does the staff have collegial, collaborative relationships with the principal and classroom teachers?
A successful LMS must work with the faculty to identify materials that best support instructional units. Students succeed when the LMS is a consultant to, a colleague with, and a teacher of other teachers.
4. Does the library program embrace networked information technology?
Computers in the library, computer labs & classrooms provide networked access to the library’s catalog, licensed and locally mounted databases, and the Internet. Information Resources, like these, are an integral part of the educational enterprise reaching students and teachers where ever they are.
16. Media Specialists & Principals Working Side-By-Side to increase Student Academic Achievement The Library Media Center is the Heart of the School
The Media Specialist is the organizer of Troops
The Troops
are our students
And you, Principal John Doe are the General in charge of our schools “Army of One”
17. Conclusion 1. What role do Media Specialists play in improving Academic Achievement?
As Teacher, the LMS collaborates with students and other members of the learning community to analyze learning & information needs, to locate & use resources that will meet those needs, and to understand & communicate the information the resources provide.
As Instructional Partner, the LMS works with teachers & others to identify links between student information needs, curricular content, learning outcomes, and a wide variety of print, non-print, & electronic information resources.
As Information Specialist, the LMS provides leadership and expertise in the acquiring and evaluating of information resources in all formats; They also make teachers, administrators, students and others aware of information issues that have risen while working in a collaborative relationship with one another.
As Program Administrator, the LMS works collaboratively with members of the learning community to define the policies of the library media program and to guide & direct all the activities related to it.
18. Conclusion 2. How do we, as Media Specialists, want to be viewed by the Principal?
The Media Specialist should be viewed as an:
Provider of Materials
Curator of Media Programs
Source of Inspiration and Ideas
19. Conclusion 3. How does the relationship between the Principal and the MS influence the quality of our schools educational training?
The Principal and Media Specialist’s relationship is vital to the productivity and effectiveness of the school & its programs.
The strength of their relationship will directly determine the amount of time, energy and moneys that the principal will spend on the creation, development, implementation and continual upkeep of the school’s media center and its programs.
20. Conclusion
4. How can MS & Principals work together to increase Student Involvement & Academic Achievement?
Questions to Ask:
1. Is the media center adequately staffed, stocked and funded? Does your school have at least one full-time LMS and one full-time ParaPro/Aide?
2. Are library staff members actively involved in their school’s teaching and learning enterprise? Does the LMS have the support of the principal, serve with other teachers on the school’s standards and curriculum committees, and hold regular library staff meetings with their employees?
3. Does the staff have collegial, collaborative relationships with the principal and classroom teachers? Does the LMS work with the faculty to identify materials that best support instructional units?
4. Does the library program embrace networked information technology? Do the computers in the library, computer labs & classrooms provide networked access to the library’s catalog, licensed and locally mounted databases, and the Internet?
21. Media Specialists & Principals Working Side-By-Side to increase Student Academic Achievement
22. Reference
American Association of School Librarians (AASL), (1998), Information Power, Chicago, 4-5
Baughman, J., School Libraries and MSAS Scores, retrieved on September 09, 2004 from http://web.simmons.edu/%7ebaughman/mcas-school-libraries/Baughman%20Paper.pdf
Lance, K., Good Schools Have School Librarians: Oregon School Librarians Collaborate to Improve Academic Achievement, retrieved on September 18, 2004 from http://www.davidvl.org/LanceStudies/ORStudy.pdf
Lance, K., Measuring Up to Standards: The Impact of School Library Programs & Information Literacy in Pennsylvania Schools, retrieved on September 18, 2004 from http://www.davidvl.org/LanceStudies/PAStudy.pdf
Lance, K., Proof of the Power: Recent Research on the Impact of School Library Media Programs on the Academic Achievement of U.S. Public School Students, retrieved on September 13, 2004 from http://www.ericfacility.net/ericdigests/ed456861.html
Lance, K., School Library Impact Studies, retrieved on September 09, 2004 from http://www.lrs.org/impact.asp
Lance, K., The School Librarian as an Agent of Academic Achievement in Alaska Schools, retrieved on September 18, 2004 from http://www.davidvl.org/LanceStudies/AlaskaStudyExexSum.pdf
Loertscher, D., Reviews and Freebies for School Library Media Specialists, retrieved
on September 13, 2004 from http://www.lmcsource.com/tech/reviews.html
Westward Public School, retrieved on September 09, 2004 from http://www.westford.mec.edu/