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Who is Satan?. Was originally named Lucifer, son of the morning, “morning star” Later became Satan (adversary) and the Devil Was originally a covering cherub (worshipping angel)
Who is Satan? Was originally named Lucifer, son of the morning, “morning star” Later became Satan (adversary) and the Devil Was originally a covering cherub (worshipping angel) Other names or synonyms are serpent, roaring lion, dragon, accuser of the brethren, prince of the devils (demons),the prince of the power of the air, the tempter, the father of lies, the enemy
Satan’s Origins Began as the most powerful being ever created by God Was created out of nothing (Hebrew - ‘bara’) Was beautiful, glorious, powerful and at one time had not sinned Was an anointed covering cherub dedicated to praising God in the throne-room of heaven Was the must exalted musician who worshipped God in the heights of heaven Played the tambourines / pipes in worship
Satan’s Fall Became jealous of God Was perfect until his sin Became proud of his beauty and glory instead of glorifying God his Creator Sinned in his heart Said “I will” 5 times and threatened to take over the place of God (Ezekiel 28) Was cast out of heaven and took one-third of all the angels with him (Rev. 12:14)
Attacks of Satan onLinage of Adam in Genesis Attacked Eve in the Garden (Gen. 3) Attacked Abel with Cain (Gen. 4) Attacked people in Noah’s day with intermarrying demons (Gen. 6) Attacked the world through Nimrod who built the Tower of Babel and tried to create a one-world government and religion (Gen. 11)
Attacks of Satan onLinage of Adam in Genesis Attacked the world through perverted wickedness in the cities Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19) Attacked Joseph by having him sold into slavery through his brothers (Gen. 37)
How Satan Operates Runs about like “a roaring lion” seeking who he may devour Deceiver of nations Tries to get as many people to reject Jesus as possible Tries to attack and slow down the Kingdom of God “Father of lies” – tries to trick people Will send many “false prophets” into churches and ministries
Book of Revelation’s unholy trinity An unholy trinity will appear during the seven-year, Great Tribulation Anti-Christ Beast False Prophet The church will be raptured *caught up” before the Tribulation.
Satan’s End Satan is chained up for 1000 years during the Millennium. Satan is released for a short period of time when the world rulers enter into one last major world battle. Satan is then cast into the Lake of Fire with the AntiChrist, the Beast and the False Prophet (an unholy Trinity).
How to Defeat Satan Quote Scripture - During the 40 days of fasting in the desert when Jesus was tempted, Jesus quoted Scripture” Command Satan to leave in Jesus Name - Jesus said to Peter, get behind thee Satan and said to Satan to “go away”. Pray that God’s will be done - Jesus prayed to the Father in the Lord’s prayer, saying Thy Will Be Done on earth as it is in heaven Cast out demons “in the name of Jesus” Pray without ceasing; pray in the Spirit
In Revelation we will win in the end after the final battle against Satan and his demons; we will then worship the King of Kings! The Prince of Peace