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Ecology. Karolina Dadej. It is very difficult to clean huge mess. Much more easier is to keep every day cleanup. paper. plastic. glass. But as always sometimes it is opposite. There are people who understand this. In Poland we have many beautiful places. But many species are endangered.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ecology Karolina Dadej

  2. It is very difficult to clean huge mess...

  3. Much more easier is to keep every day cleanup paper plastic glass

  4. But as always sometimes it is opposite There are people who understand this

  5. In Poland we have many beautiful places

  6. But many species are endangered Zimorodek Nurogęś Kulik wielki Wodniczka malinowski Bocian czarny Kraska

  7. This also applies to plants Obówik pospolity, our most beautiful orchid, occurs very rarely in the WNP area Wełniaczka Alpejska, is a rare species growing on peat bogs Sundew species is critically endangered, dying very quickly throughout the country

  8. To protect endangered species many national parkshave been created

  9. We visited one of them and saw beautiful monuments of nature We had a lot of fun to be in such place

  10. Ecology it is also ecology food It means animals which grow in friendly environment

  11. We visited one of organic farm

  12. We have these all in Poland: beautiful places and ecology food- so we invite you to come and see

  13. Szkoła Podstawowa nr 140 im. Kazimierza Jeżewskiego 04-831 Warszawa ul.Wilgi 19”Protecting the environment protecting the world” -2011/2012

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