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Development of MRV for the REDD+ Implementation in Vietnam: Progress and challenges

Development of MRV for the REDD+ Implementation in Vietnam: Progress and challenges. Presented at the IISD and ASB Regional Workshop Hanoi, 19 th May 2011 . Importance and requirements of development of MRV for REDD+. It is a must to meet both national and international requirements

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Development of MRV for the REDD+ Implementation in Vietnam: Progress and challenges

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  1. Development of MRV for the REDD+ Implementation in Vietnam: Progress and challenges Presented at the IISD and ASB Regional Workshop Hanoi, 19th May 2011

  2. Importance and requirements of development of MRV for REDD+ • It is a must to meet both national and international requirements • Requirements: • Transparency • Completeness • Consistency • Comparability • Accuracy

  3. Key terms: • Measurement: The process of data collection over time, providing basic datasets, including associated accuracy and precision, for the range of relevant variables. Possible data sources are field measurements, field observations, detection through remote sensing and interviews. • Reporting: The process of formal reporting of assessment results to the UNFCCC, according to predetermined formats and according to established standards, especially the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Guidelines and GPG • Verification: The process of formal verification of reports, for example, the established approach to verify national communications and national inventory reports to the UNFCCC.

  4. Challenges of development of MRV for REDD+ • However, many issues are still in debate/not available: • Scope of REDD+ • Definitional issue on “forest” • Classification of Land-Use Categories: forest land, crop land, grassland, wetland, settlement, and other land • Modalities for activities (b) and (c), guidance on safeguards • Modalities for measuring, R and V-linkages with MRV for NAMA • IPCC GPG 2003 (2006): applicability

  5. UNFCC Roadmap What will be discussed in SBSTA for consideration at COP17 (2011)? • Developing modalities relating to (b); reducing emissions from forest degradationand (c)conservation of forest carbon stocks; and guidance relating to an information of safeguards; • Developing modalities for measuring, reporting and verifying anthropogenic forest-related emissions by sources and removals by sinks, forest carbon stocks, and forest carbon stock and forest-area changes resulting from the implementation of the activities, consistent with any guidance on measuring, reporting and verifying nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMA) by developing country Parties agreed by the COP

  6. UNFCC Roadmap What will be discussed in SBSTA for consideration at COP18 (2012)? • Identifying land use, land-use change and forestry activities in developing countries, in particular those that are linked to the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation, identifying the associated methodological issues related to estimating emissions and removals resulting from these activities, and assessing the potential contribution of these activities to the mitigation of climate change, and reporting on the findings and outcomes of this work to the COP18

  7. Progress of MRV development for REDD+ in Vietnam: • Principles: • Who takes the lead? MONRE (National GHG-I), Forest land (MARD) • Whoare themain partners? UN-REDD Prog (FAO) • How are stakeholders to be involved in the designing process? MRV sub-technical working group • This presentation will focus on the C component

  8. Progress of MRV development for REDD+ in Vietnam: • Phased approach consistent with the phase of the REDD+ implementation • First phase: • Designing an interim national MRV framework (preliminary institutional arrangement and technical specifications): on-going • National Forest Information System: FORMIS, NFI (with NFA)) • Development of interim national REL/RL: Finland and Japan (JICA)

  9. 1. Designing an interim national MRV framework • Use of the IPCC basic equation: Emission estimate = Activity Data x Emission Factors • How to collect the needed data? • Activity Data (AD): Land Monitoring System (LMS) • Emission factors (EF): NFI

  10. National REDD+ National REDD+ Information Communication Coordination System (VNCCO / MONRE) (VN REDD+ Office) General (VN REDD+ Office) Statistics Office (GSO) Verification Internal independent evaluation Land National Forest GHG National Monitoring Inventory Inventory System (VNCCO / MONRE) (FIPI/MARD) ( GDLA/MONRE) Quality Assurance Quality Control Preliminary design of National MRV

  11. 2) Designing a National Forest Information System • National Forest Inventory (NFI) Program started in 1991, and every five years following; strengths and weaknesses • New (5th cycle) of NFI(2011-2015): additional items and revised methodologies • Forest Information System: FORMIS

  12. 2) Development of INTERIM National REL • Forest maps and field survey data: 1991, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010 • Data validation process • Considered REDD+ activities: deforestation and degradation • Supporters: Finland (a modest TA) and Japan (a JICA Study)

  13. Next steps: • Phased approach consistent with the phase of the REDD+ implementation • First phase: • Designing an interim national MRV framework (preliminary institutional arrangement and technical specifications): on-going • National Forest Information System: FORMIS, NFI (with NFA)) • Development of interim national REL/RL: Finland and Japan (JICA)

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