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Understanding Classroom Behaviors. Denise Jensen & Marcia Welsh. Agenda. Classroom behaviors that get in the way of learning. Why students may behave the way they do. Strategies to use in the classroom. Activity.
Understanding Classroom Behaviors Denise Jensen & Marcia Welsh
Agenda • Classroom behaviors that get in the way of learning. • Why students may behave the way they do. • Strategies to use in the classroom.
Activity • Discuss with a partner and write down student behaviors that interfere with learning.
Purpose of Behavior • All behavior is telling us something. Every behavior has a purpose, it is goal directed, attempts to meet their needs. • Identifying the goal of behavior - To understand the purpose - To reduce possible misinterpretation of a behavior - To teach alternative behaviors
Why Do They Misbehave? • Dreikurs: “Kids misbehave and seek “mistaken goals” when they do not have a sense of belonging or being valued.
Goals of Behavior(Dreikers) • Attention Seeking • Avoidance/Inadequacy • Power/Control • Revenge
Attention Seeking Purpose: an attempt to get the recognition they feel they deserve. Behaviors: Blurting Out Refuse to work unless teacher hovers Ask irrelevant questions or comments
Seeking Power or Control • Argue • Contradict • Lie • Refuse to work or follow directions
Seeking Revenge • Treat others cruelly/bullying • Set themselves up to be punished • Engage in pranks
Displaying inadequacy • Passively refuse to participate • Sit silently and don’t engage in instruction • Request to be left alone
How to identify the “mistaken goal” If students:Possible Goal: • Stop behavior, but then Attention repeat it • Refuse to cooperate, Avoidance/ participate, or interact Inadequacy • Refuse to stop and Power/Control increase misbehavior • Become hostile/violent Revenge
If you feel: Annoyed Threatened Hurt Powerless The student is probably seeking: Attention Power Revenge Inadequacy How to identify the “mistaken goal”
Other Goals of Behavior • Tangible • Food • Object • Activity • Sensory • Stimulation • Sensory Input • Habit
Activity • Discuss in small groups what you believe to be your role and purpose in the classroom? • What goals do you have for yourself and your students? • What barriers are getting in the way of achieving these goals.
Manipulate the learning environment…not the behavior • This is where you have the greatest control and will see inappropriate behaviors diminish…and maybe be extinguished! • We can only control our behaviors, we cannot force anyone to do anything.
Set students up for success • Establish routines • Discuss behavior expectations before an activity • Use student input • Use proactive cooperation. Get them in a cooperative mood • Help them respond correctly. Give hints/cues so they are successful in front of their peers
So What Do We Do? • Help develop a sense of belonging • Create a feeling that they are valued • Develop a “supportive team” spirit
Relationship is Key • Work to establish a genuine relationship • Provide genuine affirmation • Preserve a student’s dignity, allow them to save face • Don’t take a student’s behavior personally – It’s not about you! • Strive to be patient, fair, firm, and consistent • Accept that you cannot force anyone to do something (you may win the battle, but lose the war) • Keep your sense of humor • Show and expect respect
Strategies To Try Attention: • Provide acceptable ways of gaining attention. This may need to be taught! • Make an action plan in which student receives positive attention (greet student, praise student…) • Provide academic supports (peer help, modifications)
Power: • Avoid power struggles. Stay out of the “conflict cycle”. Seek solutions, not blame • Involve student in making decisions, choices • Give responsibilities • Use an “I message” followed by a question (I’m hearing you use language that is not school appropriate. Could you restate your opinion in a way that is appropriate?)
Examples of “I” messages • You weren’t listening. You’re gonna end up on welfare or flipping burgers! “I want my students to listen closely so they can learn important things that will help them succeed in life.” (Spell out the specific behaviors that will demonstrate that they are listening. E.g. eyes on the teacher, book open to the correct page, hands free on their desk, etc.)
If you use garbage mouth one more time, you’re losing recess. “I need to hear only school appropriate words. Please try your statement again.”
You’re a rude, inconsiderate student. “I feel bad when students behave in a mean way when I know that there are better ways to express things. How about saying it in a polite way so I won’t be distracted from what you truly want.”
What is wrong with this class? Why does it take you forever to open your notebooks? How do you expect to learn anything if you take up half the morning fooling around? “I get impatient when we don’t get to work promptly. I’m excited about teaching you things that will help you. I like to see all your notebooks opened and everyone ready to begin when the bell rings.”
ActivityLet’s Give it a try! • You’re out of your chair again! • What’s wrong with you? • You don’t have your assignment done again! • You better start paying attention • You’re late again • What are you doing in the hall again? You’re always trying to find a way to get out of class. • You’re doing it all wrong. Weren’t you paying attention?
Revenge Seeking • Provide activities that help students view each other positively • Build a relationship outside the classroom • Expect resistance due to trust issues. Be persistent.
Displaying Inadequacy • Offer encouragement and support • Blame the lack of success on curriculum, materials, even the way the lesson was presented, but do not blame the student • Set the student up for success and recognize his/her effort…not grades • Never show frustration…this may reinforce the sense of worthlessness
How do we guide students into appropriate behavior? Rephrase Our Comments: When addressing misbehavior, “delete” from our commentary… • “Why” questions (e.g. “Why did you do that?”) • The word “you” (e.g. “You better stop that.”) • The words “No” and “Don’t” • Lecturing/Nagging/Berating
Need a reason for “deleting”? • All of these place blame rather than seek solutions. They make matters worse rather than better!
The “Why Questions” • Asking “why” really translates into “I gotcha!” • Promotes finding a defense…lying which now gives a new behavior to deal with • Use “why” only when you really can produce concern/caring
“You” • Attacks, hurts, is condescending, controlling • Fails to solve the problem • Puts them “on stage” • Often leads to more power struggles
Remember the Goal! • Examples: You ask a student to open his book and read. He pushes his desk, swears, walks to the other side of the room and yells, “I’m not opening that book.”
His Goal: • Avoidance/Failure Why??? He gets bossed around a lot at home. He had a problem before class and he’s upset about something else………….He can’t read
Activity A student finishes his part of the activity ahead of his classmates. He starts drumming his hands on the desk. You ask him to stop, but he continues. (Identify the student’s possible goal, how you are feeling, and a strategy to address the behavior.)
Activity You ask a disruptive student to leave the room. He does, but on his way out he turns off the lights. (Identify the student’s possible goal, how you are feeling, and a strategy to address the behavior.)
Activity A student arrives in class wearing his hat. You remind him of the rules but he continues to wear it. (Identify the student’s possible goal, how you are feeling, and a strategy to address the behavior.)
Remembering the Goal! • What is the goal for the classroom • Consider the student’s motivation for the behavior • Will traditional interventions (warnings, punishments, exclusion, and orders work or make the situation worse?)
What can I do to adjust my behavior right now to meet the goal of the classroom? (offer help, planned ignore, involve the student) • What type of follow-up is needed to teach the student new skills so he/she can learn socially appropriate ways to express himself/herself in the future?
Avoiding “No” and “Don’t” • Doesn’t tell kids what behavior you want to see…so it won’t happen • If you want a student to display a behavior, teach it like academic material • Kids hear action words so “Don’t run” =“ Run” “Stop yelling” = “Yell”
Lecturing About Behavior • Lecturing is nagging and comes across as blah, blah, blah, blah….. • Nagging…causes embarrassment, negative self image, and retaliation
Positive Strategies • Give clear directions • Use a neutral, calm voice • Give yourself and the student time • Use enforceable statements • Use few words • Offer choices • Discipline in private • Tag team • Follow through with consequences
A Final Word: Respect! How do we get respect? How do we show respect? • Listen to the student • Show concern for their welfare • Pay attention to them Outside the classroom • Use humor…but avoid sarcasm
Recognize effort, not correctness • Point out progress made no matter how small • Believe in their potential
Resources Web sites: • www.mcspecialeducation.com • www.schoolbehavior.com • www.interventioncentral.org • www.choiceskills.com • www.webehave.com • www.raisingsmallsouls.com • www.bpchildren.com • http//.pbskids.org • www.firelightbooks.com • www.wihd.org/