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Windows Audio Video Excellence

Richard Russell Development Manager Client Performance Team Microsoft Corporation. Windows Audio Video Excellence. Andy Glass Program Manager Windows Core OS Microsoft Corporation. Alex Goyen Program Manager Media Technology Group Microsoft Corporation. Scott A. Love Program Manager

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Windows Audio Video Excellence

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Richard Russell Development Manager Client Performance TeamMicrosoft Corporation Windows Audio Video Excellence Andy Glass Program Manager Windows Core OS Microsoft Corporation Alex Goyen Program ManagerMedia Technology Group Microsoft Corporation Scott A. Love Program Manager Media Technology GroupMicrosoft Corporation

  2. Session Outline • Overview • New Services in Windows Core • Audio Fidelity Improvements for Windows codenamed “Longhorn” • Video Fidelity Improvements for Longhorn • ISR/DPC tool • Logo Requirements

  3. Windows Audio Video Excellence Overview • A/V Playback Improvements • Removal of glitches; including resilience to CPU, IO, & Memory stress • Fidelity • The degree to which Windows accurately and precisely renders, captures, and delivers A/V content • Performance • Optimized resource consumption and minimized latency in A/V processing • Audio/Video Logo Requirements • Ensure that AV excellence criteria are met for 3rd party hardware/software

  4. New Services in Windows Core to Support Media Andy Glass Program Manager Windows Core OS Microsoft Corporation

  5. Issues Addressed by New Services • CPU and other resources are underutilized • Must have overhead for peak usage • Lack of overhead allows other tasks to interfere with robust media • CPU contention • Disk contention • Paging

  6. Multimedia Class Scheduler Service (MMCSS) • Policy set on a machine basis • Ranked set of tasks • OEM configurable • Applications register with service • Identify task (or tasks) • Receive index for application thread id • MMCSS modifies thread priorities • Honors profile and foreground status

  7. RT Heap Manager • Provides non-blocking heap functions • Allows locking of RT code pages in memory • Provides set of non-blocking APIs Thread Ordering Functions to allow relational thread execution Simplifies existing functionality Allows more efficient processing

  8. Scheduled File I/O • Addresses storage conflicts • Allows bandwidth reservation • Allows prioritization • Non-deterministic

  9. Longhorn Audio and Video Platform Improvements Alejandro Goyen Program Manager, Media Technology Group Microsoft Corporation

  10. What Are We Doing in Longhorn Audio? • Significant platform changes for audio • Complete rewrite of audio stack in User Mode • Low latency, glitch-resilient audio render/capture • Resilient to CPU & I/O stress • Kernel audio stack is going away • Kmixer.sys, Sysaudio.sys, Wdmaud.sys • Swmidi.sys, DMusic.sys (Hardware MIDI synth) • Splitter.sys, AEC.sys, Redbook.sys • Existing apps & drivers “just work”

  11. Why Did We Do It? Audio glitching under stress Latency Increases under load 30-80ms at best Robustness/Stability Crash brings down system Expensive to maintain Extensibility Extending stack is complicated, requires kernel developer Competition XP not competitive with CE devices from a quality/perf perspective Glitch-free audio Leverage new base OS services Synchronous non-blocking streaming Latency Predictable, controllable Invariant under CPU/IO load Robustness/Stability Written in UM, no more blue-screens Extensibility Simple interface (APO/MFT) Result: easy to createuser-mode extensions Competition CE devices parity is our goal Problems Solutions

  12. Longhorn Audio Architecture

  13. How Will This Impact Application/Device Compatibility? • Goal: No regressions in Audio from Windows XP • We’re writing shim layers for most commonly used APIs • PlaySound(), PlaySnd() • WaveOut(), WaveIn() • DirectSound / DirectShow • MixerLine • MIDIIn() MIDIOut() • AEC • Aec.sys is going away – per stream AEC versus global AEC (echo) • Digital CD playback • Redbook.sys is gone • MCI-CD will be routed to user-mode audio stack • New stack is built on existing WDM driver model • Existing drivers will continue to work

  14. Quality/Performance Goals • CPU / Memory footprint per stream • Goal: To match or exceed Windows XP • Best Quality • 144 dB SNR • Low Quality • 30 dB SNR • 32-bit float audio data in=>out Latency goals • Latency 2 X single direction, 4 X in=>out with processing • X is processing time-slice (currently 10ms) • Pro Audio requirements: • 4ms round-trip (capture + render) • Requires sub-ms scheduling (500us timer resolution)

  15. Value Proposition for Longhorn Audio • Why move away from WinMM or DirectX to the new APIs (WASAPI and/or Media Foundation)? • Glitch-free audio playback/capture • Resilient to CPU & I/O stress • Full control of audio graph • Data transparency • Explicit transforms • Multi-channel & per-app volume control • Full integration w/Audio Policy • Low latency • IHV & ISV extensibility • MFT and APO

  16. MFT/APO comparison A/V extensibility model MFT replace DMO Local / app-specific Configurable by app Synchronous or Asynchronous Examples A/V Encoder A/V Decoder SRC Specifically designed for audio processing Global system effects Configurable by user (via CPL) or app (if Global Policy allows) Synchronous by design (non-blocking) Examples Speaker correction Room correction MFT APO

  17. Longhorn Video Platform Improvements

  18. Video Platform Improvements in Longhorn • DXVA2.0 is now stand alone • No longer tied to a DShow filter directly connected to an MS Renderer • Decoders etc can implement more advanced video processing and decoding control • DXVA2.0 includes h/w acceleration support • Video Decoding: MPG2, WMV9, H.264 • Video Processing: Filtering, de-interlacing, colorspace conversion, ProcAmp, scaling and inverse telecine • Improved video processing support • Color information and interlaced images passed to HW for single step compositions • Infrastructure for higher quality scaling (more taps) • Mitigation of tearing in video in windowed mode

  19. Video Platform Improvements in Longhorn • Minimizing scaling to improve image sharpness • Often only a single step scale • Better full-screen support for playback • DDC/CI (Display Data Channel Command Interface) support • TV out devices are ‘first class devices’ • Color info plumbed from capture through decode/process/display • Fewer YUV color spaces – hybrid planar formats to reduce conversions • TV ouT: 8 bit and 10 bit YUV precision maintained • Video dynamic range is maintained (including headroom/toeroom) • Formats defined for 10 and 16 bit YUV data

  20. A New Long ISR and DPC Detection Tool Richard G. Russell Development Manager, Client Performance Team Windows Core Operating System DivisionMicrosoft Corporation

  21. Long ISRs and DPCs are Problematic • Overly Long ISRs and DPCs cause many problems • Increased interrupt latency for other devices • Increased DPC latency • Simply “stealing” time from kernel and user mode threads and processes • This a primary causes of Audio and Video quality issues • Audio clicks, pops and drop outs • Video frame drops • Audio/Video synchronization problems • Can cause other problems as well • User responsiveness • General performance degradation

  22. Why? ISRs and DPCs are Unbounded • Interrupt Service Routines (ISRs) are Triggered by hardware • Delayed Procedure Calls (DPCs) are scheduled by ISRs • Timer DPCs are scheduled by many components • ISRs and DPCs always run to completion • The OS never preempts them • ISRs and DPCs take priority over all threads

  23. LH provides ISR and DPC Diagnostics! • Badly behaving drivers will have nowhere to hide! • Also true for components that schedule timer DPCS • LH Will monitor all ISRs and DPCs times! (24/7) • This is done very efficiently • This feature is client only – not for server • Limits may be adjustable • Data is captured and logged to the event log. • Easily visible to IT pros, support people and sophisticated users • Logs are programmatically available • We are exploring ways to surface driver problems to users in helpful and actionable way – no firm plans yet

  24. Data Used to Improve Components • Data will also be sent to Microsoft using the standard error reporting mechanisms: Windows Error Reports (WER) and Service Quality Mechanism (SQM) • Subject to privacy policies, user settings, and group policy • Data shared with Microsoft partners who own the components; as it is today • Problems will be actively triaged and managed

  25. Tools to Help You Now • We have a new tool to help you find long ISR and DPC problems • It is called “RATT” (Richard and Aaron’s Tracing Tool) • It “Rats out” long ISR’s and DPC’s • It runs on LH and XP • It is easy to use • Simple to install • Easy to turn on and off • Reports are easy to read • Provided on the WinHEC CD

  26. RATT Features • Monitors all ISR and DPC activity 24/7 • Logs for 3 minutes, then generates reports, repeats • Uses the same mechanisms used in Longhorn to monitor ISR and DPC times • Yes , this infrastructure is built into the XP kernel(The 24/7 feature is new for Longhorn) • Very light weight: Can run in conjunction with other tests and workloads • Is designed to be widely deployed • Unattended install and operation • Can also be run manually • Can generate reports for all, some or one driver

  27. Future Tools • More features added to RATT over time • Watch Microsoft Downloads site • Is also planned for delivery in the Windows Driver Kit • Longhorn’s Driver Verifier will also support this • DV will cause a break when a long ISR or DPC is detected • Limits are programmable • This is planned for Beta-2

  28. WAVE and the LH Logo Program • Gold Level: Premium experience • Glitch Free High Definition Content Capable • Automated Playback tests using HD content • VC 1, MPEG 4 part 10, MPEG 2 • Up to 30 MB/Sec • 1920x1080i at 60Hz • Superset of Silver Level requirements • Silver Level: It just works • Glitch Free Standard Definition Content Capable • Automated Playback tests using SD content • VC 1, MPEG 4 part 10, MPEG 2 • 720x480 i 30fps • Pass Driver Verifier tool

  29. Call to Action! • Use the new platform components for your multimedia applications • Focus on minimizing ISR and DPC execution times: Use Driver Verifier at development time • Incorporate multimedia playback (audio video) tests in your testing regime • Capture drivers (kernel): Preserve color infoin VIH2 • Video Decoders (user mode): Preserve coloron output

  30. Community Resources • Windows Hardware & Driver Central (WHDC) • www.microsoft.com/whdc/default.mspx • Technical Communities • www.microsoft.com/communities/products/default.mspx • Non-Microsoft Community Sites • www.microsoft.com/communities/related/default.mspx • Microsoft Public Newsgroups • www.microsoft.com/communities/newsgroups • Technical Chats and Webcasts • www.microsoft.com/communities/chats/default.mspx • www.microsoft.com/webcasts • Microsoft Blogs • www.microsoft.com/communities/blogs

  31. Additional Resources • Email: WAVE @ microsoft.com • WinHEC 2005 CD

  32. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.

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