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Word Dissection. Introduction. Background. English is a hybrid language Over 75% of our words derived from Latin and Greek By learning to recognize word parts, we can decode thousands of unfamiliar words. Examples. Gastroenterology = gastro enter(o) ology Necessary = ne cess ary
Word Dissection Introduction
Background • English is a hybrid language • Over 75% of our words derived from Latin and Greek • By learning to recognize word parts, we can decode thousands of unfamiliar words
Examples • Gastroenterology = gastro enter(o) ology • Necessary = ne cessary • Microcosm = micro cosm • Maximum = maxim um • Imperceptible = im per ceptible • Translucent = trans lucent • Heterogeneous = hetero gene ous
Flash Cards • Example Words: • Therm/thermo = heat • Re ________ = back (again) • Write the word part on one side of the card and the meaning on the other.
How to Study • Read the word part to yourself and say its meaning out loud. Picture the meaning in your head. • After you have memorized the word parts in the lesson, try to dissect and decode sample words.
Word Dissection Lesson 1
Lesson One • 1. ______ity/ty = being (condition of being) • 2. _____ology = study of (science of) • 3. bio = life • 4. ge/geo = earth • 5. anthrop/anthropo = man (human) • 6. psych/psycho = mind (soul) • 7. soci/socio = companion (social)
8. zo/zoo = animal • 9. mono = one • 10. _____ism = being/belief in • 11. pre_____ = before • Note: pre before en e requires a hyphen as in pre-election • A hyphen is used before a capital letter as in pre-Thanksgiving.