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Why You Should Use A Liquid Screed When Having A New Home Built-converted

If you are having a new home built in Reading, there are many things to take into consideration. No doubt you will have many ideas for exactly what you want, because otherwise why have a new home built from scratch in the first place?<br>

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Why You Should Use A Liquid Screed When Having A New Home Built-converted

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  1. Why You ShouldUse A Liquid Screed When Having ANew HomeBuilt

  2. Now there are two basic types of screed that you can use, either a sand and cement mix, or a liquid screed in Readingwhich uses anhydrous (dry) calcium sulphate in place of the cement as a binder. When water is added to calcium sulphate it becomes gypsum. These liquid screeds have several advantages over and above a sand and cement screed. Theyare also known by a number of different names – calcium sulphate screed, gypsum screed,liquid screed, self-levelling screed, anhydrite screed, andmore.Buttheyarealllaidinliquidformas opposed to sand andcement.

  3. The Speed OfLaying One big advantage of liquid screeds is the speed of laying. On any building contract, time is money, and a sand and cement screed takes a lot of time. It is mixed on site in a cement mixer, barrowed on to the substrate, and then laid by a labourer on hands and knees using a trowel. It may instead be delivered ready mixed, which will ensure a more consistent mixture, but isstill laid the sameway.

  4. Even though it is liquid, it dries out very quickly. At UK Screedswe can pour a screed on Tuesday for you, and it will be dry enough to walk on by Thursday, and sometimes, Wednesday. That means that other contractors who need to work on your home, such as painters and decorators, won’t get heldupwaitingforthescreedtodry. Ifyouareinstallingunderfloorheating,whichmany homes have these days, there are several more benefits in using liquid screed. It can be laid more thinly than sand and cement screed, so you need less material. That means thatthe heating uses less energy to arrive at the ambient temperature. So, youwillsaveonheatingbillsinyournewhome.

  5. Address 5ThorpesField Alvescot England Bampton Oxfordshire OX182QF CONTACTUS Phone Number 0800 1978802 EmailAddress info@ukscreedsltd.co.uk

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