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Classification . Classification. Grouping of objects or information based on similarities . Taxonomy. Branch of biology concerned with the grouping and naming of organisms. Aristotle’s System. Greek philosopher Developed the first method of classification

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  1. Classification

  2. Classification • Grouping of objects or information based on similarities

  3. Taxonomy • Branch of biology concerned with the grouping and naming of organisms

  4. Aristotle’s System • Greek philosopher • Developed the first method of classification • Classified all living things into two major groups • Plants • Animals

  5. Aristotle’s System • Plants were classified • As Herbs, shrubs, and trees • Depending on their size and structure • Animals were classified according to where they lived- on land, in the air, or in water

  6. Carl Linnaeus • Swedish biologist • Grouping based on physical characteristics • Developed the method that is still used today • Grouped organisms in categories called taxa

  7. Carl Linnaeus • Based his method on close relationships of organisms • Selected characteristics such as physical structure and how reproduction occurred • Invented the two-name naming system used to identify species • Binomial nomenclature

  8. Scientific Name • Each organism has a unique two-part name • First word: genus of organism is always capitalized • Second word: species (a descriptive name) is always lowercase • Written in Latin • Underlined or printed in italics

  9. Binomial Nomenclature • Homo sapiens or Homo sapiens • Homo- genus • sapiens- species • Genus • Noun, capitalized • Species • Descriptive, lowercase

  10. Eight Taxa

  11. Eight Taxa • Did • King • Phillip • Come • Over • For • Great • Soup?

  12. Taxonomic categories • Eight taxonomic categories of classification • In order of largest to the smallest taxon • Taxon domain is the largest group • Species is the smallest, but the most closely related taxon • Plant kingdom divides into divisions instead of phyla

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