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What is Computing?

What is Computing?. Computing. Any goal-oriented activity requiring, benefiting from or creating computers Computer: a device that can be programed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations, typically requires automation What do this include? . Computing. Early Computers

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What is Computing?

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  1. What is Computing?

  2. Computing • Any goal-oriented activity requiring, benefiting from or creating computers • Computer: a device that can be programed to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations, typically requires automation • What do this include?

  3. Computing • Early Computers • Jacquard Loom • Created complex weaving patterns such as brocade • Programs were made on “Chains ofCards” • An early version of punch card programing. • Primarily mechanically based.

  4. Computing • The Difference Engine • Mechanical Calculatordeveloped primarily todeal with polynomialfunctions • Used a series of mechanical columns toperform binary calculations including the carry operation.

  5. Computing • http://youtu.be/GcDshWmhF4A

  6. Computing • Ultra and the Enigma • World War II • Problem – Germans has an unbreakable code generated bya machine • Solution – Gather all the smartest people you can find and lock them in a building together • Result – Bombes! (Yes that is spelled right)

  7. Computing • Turing–Welchman bombe • Electromechanical machinethat could help break Enigma • Developed by Alan Turingand Gordon Welchman • Used a series of logical deductions to crack the Enigma via a semi-brute force attack • Over two hundred in operation by 1945

  8. Computing • Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer • Fully programmable • Turning-complete • Used in atomic bombdesign • Used a set of cords to setthe programs • All the early programmers for the system were women

  9. Computing - 1954 • IBM 704 – mass produced floating point computer for commercial use • FORTRAN – the programming language used with the IBM 704. Considered the first high level language and an alternative to assembly code. • Used core memory and was fully programmable • Able to do 400 calculations a second. • Modern device run about 10,000 million calculation per second

  10. Computing – 1960’s • Spacewar! - First known computer game. Two player • Moore’s Law • Packet switching – lead to network integration • Floppy disk • Interactive Computing – mouse, windows, and word processing • The transistor (Bells Labs) • Printed boards

  11. Computing – 1970’s • Development of RAM (Intel) • Unix • TI-Whatever’s – first portable calculators • First microprocessors • Pong released • Programming language C is released by Bell Labs • Dennis Ritchie • Apple II, Commodore, IBM PC

  12. Computing – 1980’s • Quantum Computing theorized • Symbolic Languages developed • GNU • Windows launched • World Wide Web developed • HTTP, telnet, ftp • Sound cards

  13. Computing – 1990’s • Linux • Wolfenstein 3D / Doom • Netscape 1.0 / AOL • Development of Java • Hotmail • iMac’s

  14. Computing – 2000’s • Pentium, NVIDA, Mr. Bain’s wasted college years • Firefox and Open Source • Laptop (Macbook) • iWhatevers • Steve Jobs • Ruby and Python • Tablets

  15. Computing

  16. Computing • Where do we go from here? • What are the limits? • Good or bad? • Ethics? • Think about it!

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