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Some statisticsSome predictionsSome definitionsSome best practicesSome local examplesSome do's and don'ts.
2. Some statistics
Some predictions
Some definitions
Some best practices
Some local examples
Some do’s and don’ts
3. Mobile Phones
All have text messaging capability
3G coming in 2 years
Mobile Phones
All have text messaging capability
3G coming in 2 years
4. Mobile is Global More than 240 MM mobile subscribers in the US, and over 2B worldwide
Currently, one-third of humankind has Mobile Internet access, which is twice as many as the number of Internet-connected PCs
Mobile advertising spending will increase to $14B in 2011, up from $1.5 B
46% of the mobile audience is 35 or older, 54% male
94% of text messages are read
Average response rate for mobile campaigns reach beyond 15%
Source: www.themobilemarketingagency.com
5. Shift in Consumer Behaviour
7. Mobile Marketing Forum October 2007 Press Release In a survey of 50 global brand-name companies, 28% of companies surveyed have already launched live SMS campaigns and 18% live MMS campaigns
Number of brands considering implementing mobile campaigns doubled to 28% since the previous year
71% of brands projecting to spend up to 10% of the budget on mobile marketing within two year’s time
8. “Mobile Marketing Has Potential (to be really annoying)” January 2007 study on the state of the mobile-marketing industry:
79% of online consumers find the idea of ads on their mobile phone annoying
Only 3% says they trust text ads on their mobile phones
“Marketers must tread lightly when it comes to mobile advertising, offering something of value in exchange for the message”
9. What is Mobile Marketing? It’s marketing, but with mobile phones
For now, in North America, it’s text messaging and WAP
Specific applications can be tailored to a brand’s target audience and objectives
Promotion is the key to success
10. Short Message Service (SMS) SMS, often called text messaging, is a means of sending short messages (up to 136 characters in Canada) to and from mobile phones
SMS was originally defined as part of the GSM series of standards in 1985
The only wireless data medium that has the ability to work across networks, countries and handsets
11. Short numeric codes to which text messages can be sent from a mobile phone
There are ‘random’ or ‘vanity’ shortcodes
Vanity shortcodes are requested by the applicant and have a higher lease cost
Shortcodes are leased for a minimum of 3 months and a maximum period of 1 year.
Can re-apply for the shortcode after the one year expiry date What is a Shortcode?
12. Average time line for the initial set-up and integration is 6-8 weeks.
Short Code Application
CWTA/CTIA reviews application with direction from the SCC (Standards Council of Canada)
Approved applications are sent to the carriers with a recommendation to participate in the program. Carriers reserve the right to refuse any program submitted to them.
Program must have participation by two or more competing carriers.
Establish SMPP Connectivity to network operators
A direct or indirect connection needs to be established to the carriers participating in the program.
Shortcode Campaign
13. Interoperability – Specialist companies can solve this
Fast – 2-3 second interaction
Ubiquitous – 2b recipients worldwide, over 250m in North America
Efficient – 95% open rate, 15% response rate for marketing campaigns
Benefits of Text Messaging
14. SPAM – Controlled by Short Code application and conduct
Complexity, cost, time – Due to complex interfaces and Short Code requirements
Text interface may take time for neophytes to adopt Issues with Text Messaging
15. Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) MMS is a standard that allows sending messages that include multimedia objects (images, audio, video, rich text)
Much richer user experience (potentially)
Problems with latency, different content standards across phones and carriers
16. Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) WAP is an open international standard that enables access to the Internet from a mobile phone or PDA
A WAP browser provides all of the basic services of a computer-based web browser but simplified to operate within the restrictions of a mobile phone
A WAP Push is a specially encoded message “pushed” to the mobile handset which includes a link to a WAP address
17. Wireless Value Chain Wireless subscribers – receive and send messages
Wireless carriers – “own” the experience for their subscribers – also gatekeepers
Aggregators – provide access to all wireless networks
Application providers – Provide management application software
Automate opt-in, opt-out as well as other messaging processes.
Enable interoperability
Applications and reporting
Brands – Services and offering to subscribers
18. Mobile Marketing Value Chain
19. Why Mobile Marketing? Instant: Moment of impulse
Short bursts of activity while engaged with entertainment content
2-way: Dialogue initiated by consumer
Cross-media effectiveness
Activates Radio, TV, Print
Adds measurability
Viral: Customers can forward messages to friends
Targets a highly-desired demographic (19-29 year olds) that are difficult to reach with conventional media
20. Three Ways for Marketers to use the medium Text messaging
Advertising with banner ads on a mobile browser
“on deck”
“off deck”
Creating ad-supported applications and content
21. Take advantage of Time and Place
Instantly reward
Deliver “on the go” content
Provide highly targeted and relevant information
…. Let’s look at some examples Mobile Marketing Best Practices
22. Take advantage of time and place Integration of last-minute ticket promotion with Mobile Coke Fridge
Fans enter contest by texting code from the top of their Coke
Draw for World Cup tickets every ninety minutes
23. Instantly reward SMS and Win Campaign for McDonalds Italy
Unique codes on over 6 million cups
Prizes ranged from pre-paid shopping cards to mobile content
Response rate of 25%
24. Deliver “on the go” content Freundin is a German magazine targeted at women
Subscribers download content options
Brand extension to readership base
25. Targeting and Relevancy AirG is the world’s largest mobile community (“chat room in your pocket”)
Boost Mobile provides branded wireless content and phone services to the youth market
Unilever’s Axe targets 18-24 year-old males on Boost Mobile’s social network to extend reach of its campaign
26. “Made in BC” ….Examples and Case Studies
27. Experienced developer of interactive games & applications across platforms
Mobile, On-Line, Participation TV, Big Screen
Trusted Partner to Brands and Content partners
Specialists in Sports & Entertainment
Integrated with all carriers in North America
Connected to over 250MM mobile subscribers
28. Colts PlayAction: Case Study Engage fans with new forms of engaging interactive content
Build permission-based email and mobile database relationships
Create a platform for mobile and on-line sponsorship and transaction-based revenues
29. Proposal Launch integrated mobile and on-line game portal
Colts PlayAction
Promote free game to users
In-venue, on-line and through local radio
Deliver marketing return on objective
Test revenue opportunities
Build interactive database (mobile and on-line)
Test entertainment model through game portal
32. Dine Out Vancouver Best Bite Awards Dine Out Vancouver™ is Vancouver’s showcase food and wine event, with over 150 participating restaurants
Dine Out Vancouver 2008 will see the introduction and addition of the Best Bite Awards recognizing culinary and service excellence
Text voting available “24X7”, beginning with the first night of the event (January 16th, 2008) and running until the day after the last night (February 4th, 2008)
33. Rate the Experience
35. Do’s Focus on what users do:
40% text message
36% play games
13% use WAP
1 % watch videos
Think of Mobile as a Channel not a Strategy
One touchpoint in an integrated campaign
36. Do’s Give consumers something they want
Special Offers
37. Increase Your Mobile Knowledge Exponentia
The Mobile Marketing Association
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