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NATIONAL STRATEGY STUDY Clean Development Mechanism - NSS PERU. María Paz Cigarán National Environmental Council (CONAM) June 12, 2003. Objectives of this Presentation. To highlight the Peruvian National Strategy Study (NSS) for the implementation of the CDM.
NATIONAL STRATEGY STUDY Clean Development Mechanism - NSS PERU María Paz Cigarán National Environmental Council (CONAM) June 12, 2003
Objectives of this Presentation • To highlight the Peruvian National Strategy Study (NSS) for the implementation of the CDM. • To present the preliminary CDM Peruvian Portfolio • Following steps
Thousands of Tons USA Japan Germany Holland Peru REFERENCE YEAR: 1994 How does Peru stand in terms of GHG Emissions?
Latin American Countries Share in GHG Emissions BRASIL PERU MEXICO
Energy Land Use Change and Silviculture Industrial Processes Agriculture Waste The Peruvian GHG Emissions: 1994, 2010 and 2025 Total 1994 = 98.8 Million Tons CO2 equivalent
Activity 1: Review of existing information.Result: Initial Information Activity 2: GHG Mitigation Potential.Res.: Preliminary CDM Projects Portfolio. Activity 3: Global Carbon Market Study Res.: Estimation of opportunities for CDM Activity 4: Assessment of the Legal and Institutional Framework for the CDM. Res.: Specific action plan to participate in the CDM. Activity 5: Financial Aspects of the CDM Implementation Res.: Proposals to overcome barriers to investment in Peruvian CDM Projects. Activity 6: Applied Methodology for the Peruvian CDM Projects Res.: Methodological guides for CDM Projects in selected sectors. Activity 7: CDM Strategy, Policies and Action Plan.Res.: Follow Up Proposals for the period 2002-2012 ACTIVITIES
The Main Actors for the CDM Implementation in Peru CDM National Authority CONAM CDM Investment Promotion PROINVERSION Financing of the pre-investment phase of CDM Projects FONAM Businessmen Financial Sector PROFONANPE FONDEBOSQUE CET Others Formulation, Structuring and Development of CDM Projects Businessmen CET Consulting firms Businessmen (Private sector) Government (public sector) CDM Project Execution Registered DOEs Verification and Certification Approval and National Registration of CDM Projects CONAM Businessmen COFIDE Development Banks Private Banks Investment funds Private Investors CDM Projects Financing CERs Commercialization Businessmen FONAM Consulting firms Multilateral Entities CDM Projects Validation Nationwide Registered DOEs
TIME GOODS AND SERVICES + CER Information Diffusion Capacity Building Technology Transfer and Investment Promotion Peruvian Strategy to Implement the CDM
Scenario Global Average Price per ton of CO2 Exports in Million tons of CO2 per year Pessimistic 2 US$ 1 Conservative 4 US$ 2 Optimistic 6 US$ 3 Dreamed 10 US$ 5 Scenarios for the Peruvian Offer of CERs
Main Sectors for CDM Projects • Energy generation • Energy Efficiency • Transport • Industrial Processes • Aforestation and reforestation
Results of NSS program: • National experts in CDM • Identification of investment potential • A portfolio of projects, 3 on final approval phase • A wider awareness of the opportunities of the CDM • New actors interested in CDM: • Private companies • Consultancy companies • Banks
Important issues to be highlighted of the process: • Procedure in place for national approval (45 days) • Combined work of national professionals (senior and juior) and international experts • Open strategy of involment of other actors • Presentation of final results: buyers and owners of the projects, project developers, private and public institutions, banks. • Involvement of national banks
Further inmediate steps: • Convene with PROINVERSION – in process • A plan designed to promote the CDM actual projects, up date the portfolio, promote the CDM, generate capacities in baselines and the CDM cycle (capitalize and create new) – to begin in august 2003 • Meetings with banks – one already requested and developed with the most important peruvian bank • Priorization of lines of action stablished in the NSS and sthregthening of the National Authority of the CDM
THANKS ! www.conam.gob.pe mpcigaran@conam.gob.pe Phone: 51 – 1 - 225-5370 ext. 241